
Mystic Genesis Sect

In the ancient realm of mysteries, a singular figure defied convention – Noxus Ivar, a masterful runic tactician and visionary founder of the Mystic Genesis Sect. Unveiling the forgotten symbols' secrets, he intricately wove power into runes, unlocking uncharted realms beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators. Noxus Ivar's strength, however, stemmed not from an extraordinary ascent but from a relentless journey of growth. Noxus Ivaar reveled in the sublime art of combat, deriving joy from the clash of steel and the dance of mystical arts. The Mystic Genesis Sect, his brainchild, beckoned those captivated by the unorthodox path of strength, seamlessly blending wisdom with ruthless precision. Mirroring the ebb and flow of his enigmatic runes, each victorious encounter etched a new symbol into the ever-evolving tapestry of his legendary exploits. As the mystic currents pulsed through Ivar, the world bore witness to an indomitable force—his brilliance residing in the meticulous craftsmanship of a cunning mind and an insatiable thirst for battle. The saga of the Mystic Genesis Sect unfolded, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of a realm shaped by runes and the unwavering spirit of its master.

isodon · Eastern
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16 Chs

Chapter 8: a conversation.

"What do you want for a drink?" Zhang Lin said as he set down a simple desk in the middle of the room. The room was a bit empty and minimalist, making him look like someone who didn't care much about appearances.

"Wine would be nice, thank you," Lingtian didn't care and just wanted to ask some questions and leave, but he couldn't be that disrespectful, so he just answered casually.

"Can I ask where Brother Lingtian came from?" Zhang Lin started the conversation by asking.

"I was the son of a weapon shop owner in Borderstone City. After some adventures and with a bit of luck, I established my foundation. Nothing special," Lingtian responded with a calm face. He spoke the truth but hid what should be hidden. This stuff could be found with a simple background check anyway.

"You are being humble. If any independent cultivator could become a foundation establishment expert simply by adventuring a little, then this world would be filled with them," Zhang Lin said with some hidden meaning, trying to pay attention to Lingtian's reaction.

"Well, I guess I'm a bit talented then," a smile appeared on Lingtian's face. He knew that Zhang Lin was testing the waters, just throwing a stone and waiting for the ripples.

This was a common tactic to see if someone was hiding something, as any reaction would indicate abnormality, which would result in suspicion. Once the suspicion is raised, there is no denying it.

Zhang Lin was looking for something in particular; he was just curious about how such a young man without a background could cultivate to such a level. And, of course, if he found something valuable, he didn't mind playing dirty.

Lingtian was aware of this but didn't care. If small tricks like this could affect him, he would be an embarrassment for a Mystic Soul Physique holder.

"Talented, indeed talented, haha." Seeing nothing wrong with Lingtian's reaction or response, Zhang Lin gave a light laugh.

"Anyway, do you have any plans for the future? If not, can I suggest joining the Royal Guards? We sure could use a foundation establishment realm expert like you, and don't worry, the benefits will be worth it, I can guarantee it." After some small chats and unfruitful probing, Zhang Lin finally asked what he really wanted. He was one of the members of the Zhang Royal Family and naturally wanted to recruit experts.

Lingtian just told him he was only 30 years old, and in his opinion, though that doesn't mean he was some heavenly genius, he was still a talent that could be cultivated. There is even the possibility of him reaching the perfection of the foundation establishment realm.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Mister Zhang Lin, but I need to focus on my formation training so I can become a one-star Formation Master. So I will be quite busy for the foreseeable future," Lingtian declined without a second thought. He never intended to join any power in the first place.

"Such a shame, but I hope Brother Lingtian could become a Formation Master soon, as the Zhang Royal Family would be happy to have you as a guest elder."

"Of course, when I become a Formation Master, the royal family would be at the top of considerations," Lingtian didn't reject him directly this time, as rejecting his offers again and again could be seen as quite disrespectful. So he just gave a vaguer promise.

"I'm happy to hear that." Sure enough, Zhang Lin's disposition became slightly warmer after hearing that.

"By the way, can I ask Sir Zhang Lin if there is a way to get some essence crystals? I'm ashamed to say that I'm quite low on them at the moment."

"Oh, there are some ways. But, as I understand about your situation, there are three ways that come to mind. First is joining the hunting teams, second is doing some missions posted by other experts in the city, you need some connections for that, though, or third, you can try to get a contract with some stores. You will provide them with your protection and get some fees in return. I'm sure that many stores would be happy to get protection from a foundation establishment expert," Zhang Lin responded after some thought.

Then he proceeded to explain further. The hunting teams were events where some experts come together and go hunt some beasts for their demon cores, or materials for alchemy or forging. Every month, anyone who wants to join could do so by being present in the Hunters Inn, a famous inn where hunters gathered.

The second option was missions posted by experts. Some independent cultivators often needed help with different things, so they post missions and give a reward in return. But this option needed some connection, as to accept one of these missions, you needed to be recommended and vouched for by someone the expert posting the mission trusts.

The last option was the easiest option but with much less payoff. It was essentially to be a hired guard, but because the shop owners generally were Essence Gathering Realm cultivators, they called it protection to sound more pleasant. You get paid every month, and you are expected to take action if anything happens. Very simple.

"Thank you so much for the hospitality, Sir Zhang Lin. I can't impose on you any further, so I will be heading back. I will be sure to pay you a visit sometime in the future if fate allows it," Lingtian finally stood up and expressed his wish to leave with cupped hands and a slight bow.

"It will be my pleasure." Zhang Lin responded with a nod and a smile.

"You can come in now." then he waited until Lingtian was out of the building before calling out.

From the entrance of the room, Zhang Chen walked in with some papers in his hand. It was the information he could find on Lingtian.

"It's basically the same as he said. I don't think he is a threat, but just to be on the safe side, keep an eye on his movements for the time being. If nothing strange happens in the next year, then just treat him as any other foundation establishment expert in the city." After reading the papers, Zhang Lin gave some commands.

"Yes, Captain," and Zhang Chen simply replied.