
Mystic Genesis Sect

In the ancient realm of mysteries, a singular figure defied convention – Noxus Ivar, a masterful runic tactician and visionary founder of the Mystic Genesis Sect. Unveiling the forgotten symbols' secrets, he intricately wove power into runes, unlocking uncharted realms beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators. Noxus Ivar's strength, however, stemmed not from an extraordinary ascent but from a relentless journey of growth. Noxus Ivaar reveled in the sublime art of combat, deriving joy from the clash of steel and the dance of mystical arts. The Mystic Genesis Sect, his brainchild, beckoned those captivated by the unorthodox path of strength, seamlessly blending wisdom with ruthless precision. Mirroring the ebb and flow of his enigmatic runes, each victorious encounter etched a new symbol into the ever-evolving tapestry of his legendary exploits. As the mystic currents pulsed through Ivar, the world bore witness to an indomitable force—his brilliance residing in the meticulous craftsmanship of a cunning mind and an insatiable thirst for battle. The saga of the Mystic Genesis Sect unfolded, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of a realm shaped by runes and the unwavering spirit of its master.

isodon · Eastern
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: lack of knowledge.

Lingtian found an inn named Star Night Inn and spent the night there, paying ten gold coins. This particular inn was catered specifically to cultivators, boasting rooms equipped with essence-gathering formations.

As the dawn barely touched the city's skyline, Lingtian prepared for a day of exploration in Zhang Royal City. Stepping out of the inn, he immediately sensed the vibrant energy permeating the air, a stark contrast to the quieter border city he had come from.

His first destination was the bustling main street, where vendors were in the process of setting up their stalls, eager to display their wares to the discerning cultivators. Lingtian casually strolled through the vibrant marketplace, his keen eyes assessing the various items on offer – from spiritual herbs to enchanted artifacts.

Despite his extensive cultivation experience, Lingtian found himself unfamiliar with the majority of these items. He often paused, listening to the conversations of those around him to glean insights into the names and uses of the herbs and artifacts.

Lingtian didn't have any immediate plans to make purchases; rather, he sought to explore whether anything could aid him in his foundation establishment. Aware that foundation establishment pills were rare treasures, even in this city, he refrained from asking about them directly.

Navigating through the bustling crowd, Lingtian noticed the presence of several cultivation pavilions lining the street. Each pavilion specialized in different aspects of cultivation, offering insights, techniques, and sometimes even tutoring sessions for aspiring cultivators. Intrigued, Lingtian decided to stop by a few, aiming to expand his knowledge.

The more he saw and experienced, the more uncomfortable Lingtian became. Suddenly, he became aware of a significant flaw in his thinking—he lacked common knowledge that even weaker cultivators in this city possessed. For instance, he found out that the techniques for foundation establishment weren't secret at all, and many places offered a plethora of texts on the subject for a certain price. This realization highlighted the extent of his ignorance.

With this revelation, Lingtian decided that his next course of action should be focused on collecting knowledge and nothing more. Before formulating any concrete plans, he resolved to gather as much information as possible about the path he intended to tread.

With that in mind, one pavilion caught his attention with a banner that read "Spiritual Insight Pavilion." Stepping inside, Lingtian found himself surrounded by scrolls and ancient tomes. The attendants recognized his ninth-stage cultivation and greeted him respectfully. Lingtian spent some time perusing the collection, acquiring scrolls that piqued his interest.

He purchased scrolls covering common cultivation pills, the various forces in the city, the history of different places within the Zhang Royal City's territory, and, most importantly, insights from experts about establishing a foundation.

All this came at a cost of 30 low-grade spirit stones, nearly half of what he had. The foundation establishment insight scroll alone cost him 20 low-grade stones, but Lingtian didn't mind, considering it one of the primary reasons for his visit to the city.

Next, he visited the city square, where cultivators engaged in sparring matches, showcasing a diverse array of martial styles. Despite his composed demeanor, Lingtian couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the prospect of testing his own skills. However, he decided to withhold his participation for another day.

In the evening, Lingtian found a tranquil tea house where cultivators gathered to share insights and discuss their experiences. Seated in a quiet corner, he overheard snippets of conversations about forbidden realms, ancient relics, and formidable opponents.

Returning to the inn as the day concluded, Lingtian reflected on the wealth of knowledge and experiences gained. Closing his eyes, he envisioned the opportunities that lay ahead in the vast and fascinating Zhang Royal City.

Recognizing that his priority in the next few days should be visiting the library, Lingtian aimed to read as many books and texts as possible. The main library in the city was the royal library established by the Zhang royal family. While this library boasted a vast collection of knowledge, the entrance fee posed a challenge—allowing entry for one low essence crystal but only for eight hours, after which one had to leave or pay again.

Over the next few days, Lingtian visited the library four times, immersing himself in extensive reading. His knowledge expanded significantly, providing a clearer path for living and cultivating in such an environment.

As the days passed and the initial thrill of novelty started to wear off, Lingtian began cultivating more seriously. His plan was to perfect the Great Essence Cycle technique as quickly as possible. However, he didn't entirely forsake the library, only reducing his visits to once a week.

Lingtian didn't forget to study the scrolls he bought either, recognizing that the insights contained in them differed from those found in the library. And just like that, six months had passed since he arrived in the city.

Inside a small house at the outskirts of the city, Lingtian's deep frown and trace of confusion were evident. He had purchased this house three months ago, finding that staying in an inn was too expensive and unsustainable. The remote location made it a more affordable choice, costing him only five hundred gold coins.

His frown was caused by the scroll in his hand—a purchase from the Spiritual Insight Pavilion. This particular scroll detailed the stories of those blessed with a strong soul since birth and how to utilize such a talent. However, the problem arose when what was written in the scroll didn't align with his abilities, creating a stark difference and leaving Lingtian perplexed.