
Mystic Bonds:Taming of Elemental Beasts

hgIn the realm of Eldoria, where mastery of elemental powers reigns supreme and non-wielders are ostracized as bearers of misfortune, two orphans, Gabriel and Jade, navigate a society that values strength and lineage above all else. Gabriel, born without an elemental affinity, and Jade, a dual-element wielder concealing her powers, face the harsh realities of a world where one's elemental prowess determines their worth. Driven by a desire to defy societal expectations and carve out their destinies, Gabriel sets his sights on becoming a Tamer—a revered and powerful profession that commands respect and admiration. In Eldoria, Tamers are revered as the strongest and most noble individuals, embodying the pinnacle of elemental mastery and prowess. As Gabriel embarks on his journey to become a Tamer, he faces challenges and obstacles that test his resolve and inner strength. Jade, grappling with the dangers of being a dual-element wielder without the protection of a prestigious family, navigates a delicate balance between concealing her abilities and embracing her true potential. Together, Gabriel and Jade traverse the complex and treacherous landscape of Eldoria, where alliances are forged, secrets are unveiled, and the true nature of power and strength is put to the ultimate test. In a world where conformity and tradition clash with individuality and resilience, Gabriel and Jade embark on a quest to redefine their fates and shape the future of Eldoria.

jhypee · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Shadows of Mistreatment

In the mystical realm of Eldoria, where whispers of elemental powers danced on the wind and ancient forests hummed with magic, two siblings, Gabriel and Jade, navigated the shadows of their fate.

Gabriel, a soul plagued by the weight of being a non-awakener, bore the brunt of disdain and cruelty from those who wielded elemental powers. In the dimly lit corridors of their home, his uncle's voice cut through the silence like a blade, each word laden with scorn and disappointment.

"You worthless boy! What use are you with no elemental abilities? You disgrace our family with your empty hands and dormant spirit," Uncle's words lashed out, striking Gabriel's core with a force that left him reeling.

Surrounded by mocking gazes and whispered taunts, Gabriel stood with shoulders hunched, his spirit battered but not broken. The sense of alienation and isolation gnawed at his soul, a constant reminder of his perceived inadequacy in a world where power held sway.

Amidst the cruel words and harsh judgments, Jade, his sister, watched with a mix of sorrow and silent resolve. She knew the dangers that lurked in revealing her own extraordinary powers, hidden beneath the guise of an aqua spoutcaller. Her eyes met Gabriel's, conveying unspoken reassurance and solidarity, a bond unbreakable in the face of adversity.

As the echoes of mistreatment faded into the shadows, a new presence emerged – Cousin Cedric, a brazen flame wielder, and Yumi, a petulant flame wielder known for her sharp tongue and sharper temper.

Cedric's smirk twisted with arrogance as he sneered at Gabriel, "Look at you, Gabriel. A non-awakener in a family of elemental wielders. What a disgrace. You're lucky to even stand amongst us."

Yumi, with a haughty toss of her fiery locks, added fuel to the fire, "A non-awakener is no match for us, Gabriel. You're nothing but a burden, dragging us down with your weakness."

Their words pierced through the shadows, igniting a spark of defiance within Gabriel's soul. Despite the flames of mistreatment and mockery, a quiet resolve simmered beneath the surface, fueling his determination to rise above the shadows and forge his own path in a world where power and prejudice intertwined in a delicate dance of elemental forces.

Gabriel bore the burden of his existence with silent strength amidst the shadows of mistreatment.

His body, a canvas of burnt marks, told the tale of endless suffering and cruel torment inflicted upon him by his own family. Reduced to a mere shadow, Gabriel toiled as a slave in his own home, where not even a penny found its way into his worn hands.

Jade, his eyes brimming with compassion and the light of healing magic, yearned to mend the scars that marred her brother's flesh. But every time she reached out with gentle intent, Gabriel's eyes, filled with pride and unspoken determination, held her back.

"No, Jade," Gabriel's voice, tinged with quiet resolve, echoed through the dimly lit room. "I bear these marks as a reminder of my strength, of the trials I've faced and the battles I've fought. They are mine to carry, mine to endure."

His refusal to accept Jade's healing touch spoke volumes of his inner turmoil and unwavering spirit, a testament to the resilience that lay hidden beneath the layers of mistreatment and pain he endured without complaint.

As Jade watched her brother tend to his own wounds, a silent promise of solidarity and unspoken bond wove through the air, binding them together in a shared journey of struggle and hope. In the shadows of mistreatment and adversity, a flicker of light emerged – a light born of resilience, solidarity, and a brother's unwavering resolve to rise above the darkness that threatened to engulf him.

Each morning dawned with the weight of his uncle's demands, the chores stacking upon his weary shoulders like burdens too heavy to bear. From sunrise to sunset, Gabriel toiled without rest, his hands calloused and his spirit tested by the unrelenting cruelty of those who should have offered him solace.

But amidst the unforgiving routine, a flicker of defiance burned within Gabriel's soul. With every task completed, every moment of hardship endured, he sought refuge in a secret corner of the world he called his own – a hidden sanctuary where the elements hummed a melody of forgotten promises.

In that sacred space, sheltered from prying eyes and scornful whispers, Gabriel meditated in silence, his heart a symphony of hope and determination. He believed that one day, the elements would heed his call, that dormant powers lay slumbering within his being, waiting to be awakened and wielded.

The soft rustle of leaves and the gentle caress of the wind became his companions, whispering promises of redemption and transformation. In the stillness of those stolen moments, Gabriel envisioned a future where he would rise above the chains of his past, where his hands would be raised not in servitude, but in command of the elemental forces that coursed through the veins of Eldoria.

With each breath drawn in that secluded sanctuary, Gabriel's resolve grew stronger, his dreams of wielding an element to rewrite his fate burning bright within his soul. In the dance of shadows and light, a silent vow echoed through the sacred space – a vow of redemption, of change, and of a future where the flames of his spirit would illuminate the path to a destiny yet unwritten.


In the stillness of the night, as the shadows danced to a silent tune and whispers of magic lingered in the air, Gabriel found solace in the sanctuary of his room, lost in the depths of meditation. But the tranquility fractured like fragile glass as the door swung open with a violent force, heralding the arrival of chaos and discord.

Uncle, consumed by the fire of drink and rage, barged into the room with a storm of disappointment and fury swirling in his eyes. His words, sharp and laced with venom, pierced the veil of silence. "Useless boy! A burden you are, worthless and empty as the wind."

Gabriel, his heart a battlefield of hurt and defiance, bore the brunt of his uncle's verbal assault, the words striking like a relentless storm upon his fragile spirit. Each syllable was a lash, each accusation a weight that threatened to crush his resolve.

At the fringes of the turmoil, cousin Cedric's smirk morphed into a sneer of derision, a flame wielder reveling in the agony of one perceived as lesser. And Yumi, a tempest of fire and cruelty, watched with cold indifference, a silent witness to the unfolding scene.

In the face of her uncle's wrath, Jade emerged as a pillar of strength and unwavering loyalty. With courage in her eyes and determination in her stance, she positioned herself between Gabriel and the storm, a shield of love against the torrent of cruelty.

"Stop this, Uncle!" Jade's voice, a blend of fear and determination, carried a plea for reason and compassion. "Brother is your family, he deserves your kindness, not your wrath."

As the tension mounted and the tempest threatened to consume them all, Gabriel rose from his meditation, a storm of emotions swirling within him. His fists clenched, ready to confront his uncle's tyranny with defiance, but before he could take a step forward, Yumi's fire erupted, a barrier that halted his advance and sealed the suffocating embrace of shadows and confrontation that threatened to consume them all.

The flames of conflict and defiance simmered in the room, a volatile energy pulsing beneath the surface as Gabriel, Jade, and their uncle stood locked in a silent battle of wills. The echoes of confrontation lingered in the air, a testament to the brewing storm of defiance and determination that hung heavy in the room.

Uncle's eyes, smoldering with a mix of wrath and desperation, narrowed as his gaze shifted from Gabriel to Jade, his voice a sharp blade cutting through the charged atmosphere. "Enough! If you cannot heed my words and prove your worth, then prepare yourselves for a fate far worse than you can imagine. The slave markets will welcome the likes of you, where your value will be reduced to mere coin and labor."

Jade's heart clenched at the chilling threat, the specter of the slave markets casting a long shadow over their already precarious existence. The thought of being torn from her brother, her only remaining family, and thrust into a world of darkness and exploitation sent a surge of fear coursing through her veins.

Gabriel, his fists trembling with restrained fury, met their uncle's gaze with a mixture of defiance and determination. The threat of separation and servitude stirred a fire within him, a relentless resolve to defy the fate that loomed before them like a specter of despair.

"We are not your possessions to be traded and discarded," Gabriel's voice, a quiet but resolute whisper, cut through the tension that suffocated the room. "Our worth is beyond the shackles of tyranny and oppression. We will stand united against the darkness you would cast upon us, bound by a bond stronger than any chains you could forge."

Jade, her eyes shining with a mix of fear and unwavering loyalty, stood by her brother's side, a silent vow of solidarity in the face of impending threat. Together, they braced themselves for the storm on the horizon, their hearts beating in unison to the defiant rhythm of freedom and resilience against the looming shadows of threat and adversity.