
1: Unknown Number

Amelia sat on the edge of her bed, the faint glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm ambiance in her small, cozy room. She couldn't help but reflect on the recent milestone she had achieved.

"It's been weeks since I finished my college degree," she murmured, a touch of nostalgia tinging her voice.

A smile danced across her lips as she continued,

'I dunno why, but I kinda miss the stress a little. Hahaha, weird for me to say that. From all the hardships we went through in college, it was actually worth it in the end, I might say.'

She leaned back, her thoughts meandering through the memories of late-night study sessions and the camaraderie forged during challenging times. The transition from the familiar rhythm of college life to the uncertainty of the future felt both exhilarating and daunting. In that moment, Amelia made a conscious decision.

"I'll take a break before entering the big world and apply as a 'professional tambay' for now. Hahaha," she chuckled.

As her mind wandered through the possibilities of her temporary reprieve, Amelia's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the familiar chime of her phone. She jolt back to reality from her midnight deep thoughts.

"Who would this nightowler be?" she mused, eyebrows furrowing in curiosity.

'It's been a while since I received midnight messages. Back in college, it was considered normal not to sleep, lol.'

With a mix of intrigue and caution, Amelia picked up her phone, the glow from the screen illuminating her face. The sender's name was not listed from her contacts. It was an unregistered person who had reached out to her in the late hours of the night. A surge of curiosity and a hint of skepticism washed over her.

"What could this be?" Amelia wondered aloud.

She paused for a moment, deliberating her next move. Should she open the message? Was it a harmless prank or something more sinister? A tinge of hesitation crept into her thoughts, wary of potential scams or unwanted intrusions.

With a deep breath, she picked up her phone, her fingers dancing across the screen. Her heart raced as she opened the message from the sender.

(12:00 AM)

[: Hello?]

(12:30 AM)

[: If anyone is receiving this, I need major help!? ]

(Seen by Amelia)

[: Omg!?]

[: Finally, help!]

[: I need HELP!]

Amelia read the text in which she did not know what to respond at the sudden importance of the message.

[Amelis: Yes, hello?], she replied

[: YesYes!]

[: Sorry, Hi!]

The person apologize as it felt embarrassed from it's sudden outburst.

[Amelia: Are you ok?, ma'am... sir?]

[: Omg Yes, im so sorry for acting rude, it's been], as the stranger replied, as it being cut of for no reason.

[Amelia: I read you needed help?]

[: Yes!, I dunno why but my message stop when I]

[: When I have longer words to say, im so sorry]

[Amelia: Uhm, are you ok at the moment?]

[Amelia: Can you tell me about your situation or what happened?]

[: Yes!, I was just taking a stroll near a river]

[: Sorry, but it looks like im limited at my words]

[: to say]

[Amelia: It's ok, what happened to you after your stroll?]

[: I], as the others response stopped.

[Amelia: Yes and?]

Amelia have been staring at her phone as the message suddenly stopped there.

[Amelia: Hello?], as she once more and maybe for the last.