
Just Like Old Times

(Elektra's POV)

Throughout the whole walk to where we were going, Meilin would stop asking me questions. It made me smile. She was always the talkative type. I missed that the most about her.

We finally arrived at a room and from afar, I can see Li Mu talking to some children. I took a shakey breath as tears began to form in my eyes. I stopped everyone from walking any further and turned to them. "If you don't mind, I would like to be able to talk to him by myself." I said. They all nodded and I looked at Neo and he gave me a reassuring nod with a smile on his face. I returned the nod and turned back around.

Taking another shakey breath, I walked towards Li Mu. He had just sent the kids away and I was standing right behind him. I slowly lifted my hand and was about to tap his shoulder, when my wrist was grabbed. I looked to see Li Mu holding it as he turned to face me. He face went into shock as he slowly withdrew his hand from my wrist. "Yu Jie? Yu Jie is that really you?" he asked in his really thick Chinese accent. Looks like he's been learning his english over the years.

I nodded as a tear escaped from my eye. He wiped it away and held my hands. "You have grown so big over the years. Look at you. Wow you have grown up to be a very beautiful woman. What are you doing here? How have you been?" he compliments then he began to ask questions. "Yes I know and actually I would like to discuss with you exactly why we are here." I answered and he gave me a confused look. "We?" he asks and I nodded and slightly pointed to the team behind me.

He looked over my shoulder and then looked back at me and nodded. He then escorted me to his little office, leaving everyone behind. We both sat down facing each other and I began to talk. "Okay so when I left China, I was taken care of by some people and then I was approached by a school named Mystic Academy. They take in people, like me, who are mythical creatures or have mythical powers. We take classes, live in dorms, we train, and we go on missions. That's why me and those people are here. Those people are apart of my team and we are here for a mission."

"What kind of mission?" Li Mu asks now acting very curious about the situation. "It's an assassination on the people of the Red Lotus Gang. I'm sure you have heard of them." I replied and nodded. "Of course I have heard of those people and what they do. Finally someone has had the decency of taking them down and I'm proud that it's you Elektra. You have grown up to be a very strong woman." he said and I chuckled softly. I gave him a smile and then he asks with a little laugh "so what do you need from your Chinese family."

I laughed at that and replied "My team and I just need a place to stay. So when I found out we were coming to Hubei, I knew just the people to help us out. Plus I wanted to see you. It has been so long and I wanted to see my family." He smiled and said "Well of course you can stay here. I wouldn't have it any other way and plus I'm glad that you are here because someone has been really missing you." I gave him a confused look. I was going to ask who, but he just stood up and says "Now let's go meet this team of yours."

I just shook my head in amusement and stood up. But then I realized something and stopped Li Mu from walking out the door. "Uh I have to tell you something. One of the people in the team is the Neo I talked about all the time. I finally found him when I got to Mystic Academy. I know how you are so I need you to stay calm." He scoffed and just shook his head as he walked out. 'Oh Boy'

I followed Li Mu back to where we left the others only to find them just talking. We walked up to them and I started to introduce them to one another. "Neo, Alexa, Damon, this is the Abbott of this temple Li Mu. Li Mu this is Neo Colt, Alexa Gore, and Damon Waters." I said and they greeted each other properly. "Welcome to Wudang Temple. Elektra has informed me of your situation and you are welcome to stay here. Meilin, Jun, can you please prepare rooms for them while I take them to meet someone that has dearly missed Elektra since she left?"

Jun and Meilin smiled and nodded then left the room. I was going to question him on who missed me so much, but he just began to walk away. I sighed and grabbed my bag from Neo and followed. We followed Li Mu quietly until Neo stepped next to me and started to whisper to me. "So are you happy to be back here?" he asked. I nodded and replied "It's been so long, but it feels like I never left. I missed being here. They treated me like family and took me in during a rough time of my life. I'm grateful to have them."

He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a kiss on the side of my head as we kept walking. "Question why do they keep calling you Yu Jie?" he then asked. I chuckled a little. "According to them, it's a name for a grown but young woman who is protective, confident, and knowledgeable." He nodded with a very intrigued and said "Seems very correct to me." I shook my head in amusement.

After a couple of more minutes of walking, we arrived at a certain room. Alexa and Damon walked behind Li Mu and we were behind them. Although that didn't last because as soon as we walked in, Damon was running towards us scared and jumped into Neo's arms, nearly knocking us both down.

"Woah! Dude what the heck? Get off me." Neo said as he dropped Damon. "Why are you running?" I ask and then suddenly I hear a semi loud chuff of a tiger. 'No way' I thought. My face goes into shock as tears starts to form. I know you might want to say 'Girl stop crying!', but right now I can't. I turned to the sound of another chuff only to see a small blue tiger. My blue tiger. (Yes they exist! Look it up. If you don't believe it and think it's just fake then just imagine it.)

Slowly I approached the tiger sitting on a bed like she is a queen, ignoring all the warnings of the team. The tiger chuffed at me again and I slowly reached out to pet her head. "Hey Zuri. It's me Elektra. You remember me right?" I said softly and Zuri made eye contact with me. I began to stroke her and she leaned into my touch. I smiled and hugged her tightly.

"She's missed you dearly. She looks happy to have you back." Li Mu says laughing lightly. I released Zuri and she got up from the bed and jumped off and started to rub herself against my legs. "She's grown so big. I can't believe it." I replied to him. I turned to look at my team only to see them with shocked faces. I giggled and picked up Zuri from the ground and walked over to them.

Damon quickly moved behind Neo as I got closer. "Guys I would like you to meet Zuri. I found her two years ago clinging on to her very wounded mother and dead father. She was just a baby back then and her mother died shortly after I found them. I brought her here and took care of her until I left. I guess Li Mu took care of her while I was gone. I promise you she is very friendly so you don't have to be scared, especially you Damon."

Neo was the first to walk to me and began to pet Zuri. Followed by Alexa then sometime later Damon finally joined in. Zuri absolutely loved him the most. Our moment was soon interrupted by Jun and Meilin. They walked into the room and spoke quietly with Li Mu. Then Li Mu clapped his hands gaining our attention.

"Your rooms are ready if you would like to get settled in before dinner. Meilin and Jun will show you your rooms while I go and make sure we have extra table settings for you." Li Mu said and then walked out. "Okay follow us guys." Jun said and agreed an followed with Zuri tailing behind us.

Once we got settled into our rooms, we all took a bath and got dressed just in time for the gong being rung. It's time for dinner. I went and grabbed the team and we walked to the dining area. Some people were already seated when we walked in. They greeted us with a bow of their head and we greeted them back. We all sat on the ground criss crossed while Zuri sat next to me.

After a little bit, we were served our dinner of duck, dumplings, seafood and noodles. 'Mmm yummy' I said to myself. We ate with the proper etiquette and spoke amongst each other. It felt like a whole family dinner and I was so happy.