
Mystery to Moon

New School, Huge Secret and a plan. Almost 18 and ready to start a new life once again. This time, her own life. No more running, no more looking over her shoulder and no more secrets. Just the true Alexis. Freedom is so close she can almost reach it. Until she opens a new door into a new world, in the form of blue eyes. Alpha Leigh ’Wolf’ Adams is not who Alexis expected her mate to be. With her secret and new life at risk, can she resist the new hot, cocky Alpha? She never wanted a mate that would inevitably reject her. Her secret scaring them off or worse, putting her life in danger as it had before. But will the Blood Moon Pack’s new young Alpha be the same as every other that has seen the worst side of Alexis? Or will he put a twist in her plans, and the sheets?

Tilly_Maree · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


After asking for directions to the Science room 3 times and getting no acknowledgement except a glare from a pretty brunette girl, I arrived to class 5 minutes late.

'Struggled finding your way?' The teacher asked. He was younger than I expected and quite handsome

'Yes sir, I apologise for my tardiness'

A couple of the students giggled but most weren't paying any attention.

'That's quite alright miss Alexis'

'It's Lexi sir'

'Mr Adams is fine. You can take a seat at the back table.'

With a small nod I turned around to fins my seat. I could feel his eyes on me before I saw him.

I made my way to the back of the class and sat down at the bask desk, once again next to the beautiful unnamed man.

5 minutes in and he was getting on my nerves.

'Are you just going to sit there and stare at me through the whole class? There's not that much to look at' I snapped quietly to not draw attention.

He corner of his lip curled up in a mocking smile but no response came.

His knee brushed mine under the table and I swear I could feel electricity buzzing between us. I hid the slight unwanted excitement that jolted through me and was surprised to see shock flash in his eyes before I pulled my knee away.

He slowly slid his leg closer to mine again causing more tingling in my leg, as well as other places. I Didn't understand the feelings plaguing my body and I didn't want them. I pulled away again.

'Will you stop touching me' I said louder than intended

'I hope your not being a nuisance back there Mr Adams' announced the teacher.

My eyes jumped wide as the other students turned around to find me flush faced next to a smirking stranger that didn't seem to notice anyone else.

Mr Adams.. Is he related to the teacher? I'd keep that in the back of my mind for later.

Everyone turned back to their own conversations and I did my best to ignore stranger Adams for the rest of the class.

Class finally came to an end I couldn't get away fast enough. Until teacher Adams called out to me.

'Yes sir?'

'I just wanted to see how you went with the class today and make sure my nephew didn't give you too much grief' the last word including a glare at said nephew.

'On no not at all. And as for the class, it was fine. I have already learnt about inorganic chemistry so this assignment wont be a difficult task.'

'I'm glad to hear. In that case I am happy to draw up a more refined assignment for you if you would like a bit more of a challenge'

'That would be great, thank you Mr Adams'

I knew he had been listening and was aware of his slow steps behind me as I walked to my locker.

'Mr Adams, teachers Nephew. Is there a first name to go with that or should I stick with that?' I asked before he could get a word in. At this point he was two steps behind me.

'Don't call me that' his irritation was clear as he took one long stride landing only inches away talking through clenched teeth.

'What? Mr Adams or teachers nephew?' I could tell I was pulling at a nerve. And I was. Enjoying it. The way his jaw moved as it clenched tight, his scent filling my nose from the close proximity, the glint in his eyes.

He took one last step causing his chest to collide with mine, leaning me back against my locker. My breath caught. The feeling of electricity causing through my body steming from our touching chests.

The corners of his lips curled up and his eyes sparkled.

'What would you like to call me Alex?' His scent was clouding my brain, his hot breath tickling my neck as he spoke.

'It's Lexi' it took all of my will power to get out those two words and keep my knees from buckling beneath me.

'Hmm we will see about that.' He smirked and he turned away from me.

'You can call me Wolf' were his last words as he walked away.

I stood stuck to the spot in front of my locker. My eyes wide and heart racing. Please tell me Wolf is his actual name, or at least a silly nickname! He cant know my secret. He cant!

To make things worse, I now had to go to english were I again had to sit next to "Wolf Adams"

Letting out a large breath, I made my way to class.

For the first time I was the first one at the table. I prepared my books for the lesson and started reading.

I know the second he walked into the room. I don't know if it was his scent or the electric feeling that hit me first. I had no idea why a human was making my body react but his way. Why a human scent would affect me so much.

I kept my eyes on by book as he took his seat to my left.

'Alex' he said as a way of greeting. I could hear the smirk in his voice. Like he was waiting to see what I would call him.

I gave him no acknowledgement in hopes he would get bored and leave me alone. Unfortunately things didn't go that way.

20 minutes into class, he didn't get bored, but that only made him worse. First his knee brushed mine. Then it moved along my thigh, pushing my skirt up. I tried ignoring what he was doing. That is until he dropped his pen on the floor.

I pushed my skirt down, moving my leg away from him as he bent to pick up the pen. It only seemed to draw his attention. It started at my ankle, a small brush of his finger causing me to jump slightly. Moving away my leg didn't stop him, part of me didn't want him to stop.

His finger slowly traveled higher. Snaking up the back of my thigh, softly tickling the back of my knee, grazing the line between my knee and thigh, sending a shiver up my spine. When he didn't smirk I knew he hadn't noticed. I could feel the flush creeping into my face. I drew in a breath attempting to calm my heart rate. I slapped his hand away when it slid to the inside of my mid thigh. He smirked then. A grin that showed he knew he was getting too me.

Right as his hand reconnected with my thigh, this time meeting the hem of my skirt that had ridden up, the bell rang out for the end of class. I grabbed my books and left the room as quick as I could without drawing attention.

At me locker, breathing would not calm my heart rate or my nerves. I had drank so much water I now felt nauseous. What is happening to me?

I closed my locker ready to head outside for lunch when I met blue eyes and a cocky grin only inches from my face. I felt the shift in the air as his hand reached for my waist. Before it could hit its mark I grabbed his wrist. In one swift movement, he was the one backed up against the locker with his wrist in my hand against his chest.

Leaning in close to his ear, I swear he was smelling me, as I whispered in his ear.

'You don't know me and I don't want to know you. Put your hands on me again and I will break your fingers'

With a small kiss to his cheek, I pulled back to find surprise and something else shining in his eyes. Something almost excited, challenging.

Turning on my toes, I walked away without a glance in his direction.

Dinner was the usual. Silent eating except the occasion question from Mum.

'How was your day?'

'Are there any werewolves at my school?'


'Come on Mum, you knew we moved this close to a pack, are there any at my school?'

'I don't know. But I highly doubt it. They have there own school on pack lands. Why do you ask?'

'There's a... person, at school. There's something different about them.' I say contemplating what she said.

'Something different... like a mate?'

'What! No! They almost seem like they think they know me.'

'Maybe they just want to get to know you. If you do meet any wolves invite their family over for dinner. It would be nice to get to know the locals.'

'Does the pack come close to our lands?'

My father looked up from his book then.

'No I wouldn't think so. Why do you ask?'

'I thought I saw... never mind'

'Hunny, what is it?'

'I thought I saw a pair of eyes on my run the other night.'

My parents glanced at each other.

'Where was this?'

'Across the stream, to the north near the crumbled rock building'

'That stream is the border of our property, still 20m miles from their lands. I don't imaging there would be someone just prowling around. Could you smell anything?'

'No. I was up wind.

'And her senses haven't fully developed yet remember dear' my mother added.

' I will keep an eye out. Next time you run stay closer to the house. Just in case. There's no problem in us living here but we don't want them to think we are pushing in on their lands. Maybe we should head over there on the weekend and introduce ourselves'

'Are you crazy? What if they take one whiff and know exactly what I am? What happens then, what will they do to me?'

'Calm down Lex! We wouldn't let them hurt you and your secret is not revealing in your scent. It is polite to make ourselves known and will bring less suspicion.'

'Okay Dad. Just give me a heads up so I can make sure my hair is fixed. I don't want to draw more attention than we already will'

I headed to my room and picked up my favourite book, only to put it down 5 minutes later when i realised I would not be able to focus on it. Instead I leant my head on the cold glass of the window and watched the trees sway until sleep finally over took me.