

The Black Pearl steadily went closer and closer to the Berserk Sea, Arthur's compass never pointing anywhere else.

As the crew got closer to the mass of dark-gray clouds, they could see the weird divide that existed between the Berserk and Sonia sea.

It was like a straight line had been drawn on the sky, separating the two. At the Sonia Sea, a blinding sun shone brightly in the blue sky, while at the Berserk Sea the dark clouds churned, lightning streaked across them, and the sea below was never calm.

When the Black Pearl was at the border between the two seas, Arthur yelled.

"Reef the sails! All of you, inside the cabin," Arthur commanded.

The ship's sails were lowered, and the crew went inside Arthur's cabin. The captain instead, used the method Harion had told them and opened his Spiritual Eyes.

Arthur gave his best to ignore everything that he shouldn't see and focused on the mirage-like portal that existed in the air in front of the Black Pearl.

That was their entrance to the Spirit World.

The ship continued on its way and finally arrived at the portal. Immediately, the Pearl rocked left and right, and the more they entered the other world, the more things became bizarre.

Arthur still had his Spirit Vision on, and so could see more about his and the crew's new situation.

The Spirit World at the Berserk Sea didn't have rain, but it did have the storm.

The winds had picked up, the gales screamed around the Pearl's. The waves punched the hull, the Pearl rocked left and right. Above, clouds roiled and swirled lightning snakes danced, and the thunder sounded.

Arthur took a glance at the sea below and jumped in fright when the sea looked back. A pair of huge yellow eyes passed beneath the sea, sparing a glance at the human above, before going on its way.

"I don't know if this is better or not," Alex murmured after he took in how many spirits and monsters he could in the distance.

His compass didn't start spinning or change direction, it still pointed to the same place as before. Arthur went and told the crew to be ready, all of them went back to the deck and observed with some amazement and some fear the Spirit World.

"Don't get in a daze! This place is dangerous, ready your weapons, be prepared for an attack," Alex told them. "Sabrina, I'm counting on you to operate the cannons."

"Count on me, Arthur," Sabrina replied.

It didn't take long before something attacked the Pearl. A group of dark, tall beings, flew in their direction. They had a humanoid shape and were covered in dark hooded clothes that seemed to be made of mist.

"Wraiths," Amanda murmured, recognizing the creatures. They were spirits of the deceased that couldn't move due to sorcery, the interference of something or someone whose powers related to death.

The creatures didn't hesitate. There were seven of them and six on the crew.

Two attacked Arthur, while the rest each chose prey. Arthur didn't have an offensive Beyonder ability, but he did have the knowledge, and one thing that had to be noted was that Wraiths were still spirits, just power corrupted ones.

That meant iron hurt and could kill them just like an ordinary ghost. He dodge their claws and slashed at every opportunity with his sword.

Arthur, and the rest of the crew, had their revolvers but shooting the Wraiths while they flew around, with the strong wind around them and the Pearl swaying left and right wasn't a good idea.

Not, unless I make them stop, Arthur thought. He had a really dumb idea, but it would work, and then he could go and help his crew.

Arthur stopped moving and dropped his sword while keeping his revolver on his left hand, and the spirits seeing that scene pounced on him.

The one in the right arrived first, but here Arthur saw the benefits of his Sequence, Melee Scholar. Before the Wraith could even lift an arm, Arthur's right hand was already on the creature's neck - he was glad his gamble paid and the spirits were solid.

He shoved the Wraith on his hand against the other one that had just arrived, and while both sports were falling, shot two times through their heads.

The Wraiths let out a blood-curdling scream that made everyone on the deck stop for a moment and take a glance at Arthur.

On the other hand, Arthur just took a breath, picked up his sword, and turned around to help his crew.

With Arthur's help, the rest were easier to deal with, and in no time, they had a deck clean of spirits.

"Captain, this sucks," Frank exclaimed.

"I know, get used to it..."

"Hey Arthur, the Wraiths left dust behind, is it important?" Lara asked, looking at a pile of black dust that was slowly being swept away by the wind.

"It's spirit dust, it might be the ingredient of some potion or ritual," Alex answered, and Lara immediately went to the cabin to take some flask to preserve the material.

With that little episode over, the crew didn't let that guard down. No, now they were even more vigilant.

And the Pearl continued its journey.

Next chapter