
Angry Dave

Dave was so angry,  he knew he should be careful while driving, but he really didn't care. He was going to drive,  whichever way he chooses.

Even if he has to break all the rules, he would. He actually, did break all the rules, at some point, he even thought he was going to die, but he still made it.

He finally got home in one piece.

Amanda was still at home,  in their room, she was expecting Sonia,  when she heard the the harsh entrance, she knew it couldn't be Sonia.

she looked at the door,  unaware of what to do,  she was afraid she had left the door open, and recently there had been rumour of robbery incidents in the neighborhood, as she felt the footstep coming close to their room,  she was about to stand up from her sitting position when her room door flung open.

"You bitch! You have been claiming you don't know what happened or how you got pregnant,  but two month ago you were at Crystal bar with some guy. How dare you Amanda?  How dare you do that to me, how dare you cheat on me with some random guy? He was telling, and she was dumb founded.

"Amanda was trying hard to remember who she was with at Crystal bar, and why she had kept his identity from her husband, then it dawned on her, she was with Goodluck.

Goodluck was her ex boyfriend, the one she truly loved, she was so In love with him that she didn't even mind getting disvirgined by him, at an early age,  but Goodluck been a perfect gentle man, said No, and was  willing to wait till their wedding night which never happened, because, her brother wouldn't believe that he was a changed person.

' I was with Goodluck'

She said simply and looked away, she didn't want to meet his eye because she knows what his reaction would be.

You were with who?

He asked again,  coming closer to her. She tries to talk, but before she could even explain, that they ran into each other at the store, Dave had slapped her. She was shocked, he had never slapped her before, she held on to her cheek, and looked up at h, still holding her cheek.

Dave made a move towards her again, but refrained from it, and then, walked out before he does something else.

That was the first time he raised his hands on her, she didn't want to cry, infact she felt she deserved the slap, she deserved more, she should never have denied her husband from having sex with her. All those nights he would beg practically on bended knees, yet she wouldn't blink or think twice, she always walks away from him,  she started to loose interest in him and their relationship because of the baby,  but she could never expect to experience the kind of happiness and relieve she felt when she met Good luck at the store. That day, she was truly happy and it was evident on her, even as she came home, but that was all, there was no intimacy between them, they just caught up on old times and apologized for what was ommitted.

Thinking about it now, she remembered she visited Good luck again at his apartment before Dave got back from his trip, and they spent almost the whole day with each other talking and gisting, she even had a nap at his place before retiring home.

Could he?   

She dismissed the thought. Goodluck wasn't that type of person, he would never hurt her or take advantage of her, but she had wronged him in the past, and maybe that was his way of getting even with her, she thought, but yet again, she dismissed the thought and tried to remember him in a good way.

Good luck was her brother's friend, he was really cute, infact he was the cutest back then in the area, though he was pretty young about the same age with her brother and was through with secondary school trying to gain admission into the university, while Amanda was still in secondary school, she was always very happy whenever her brother's friend visited, she liked him so much that she wished she could be his girlfriend, she had never seen anyone who could be smitten by girls like him, he had good body build and was very confident, he wasn't ignorant to the way girls giggle whenever he passes and he sure took advange of it very well, he never spent a dime  on any girl,  as a matter of fact, the girls would always give him one thing or the other, just to get his attention.

Amanda would have also been willing to give Goodluck anything he demanded from her, even herself, but, she was not noticed by him.

He was always busy with his brother Maxwell, whenever he visits, and Amanda would always wish, he would just look at her.one of the days, he visited, Amanda tried to impress him, by showing off her straight legs, but he didn't act like he noticed anything.

She had told her friend Joy back then, about Goodluck, and how she wish, he could be more to her, but knowing that it was not possible, she decided to enjoy her time, admiring him from afar, hoping he would just look at her for once.

Once he visited, and he brother was not home, Amanda had wanted him to come inside the house, but he had declined, telling her that, he needed to go back and meet with Maxwell, since he was not at home, then he would definitely be at the field.

That was the only time, he looked at her, and their yes, had met, but any other time, she would always be a shadow, that stays in the dark. And would remain there, because, he seem to have eyes, for mature minds, and girls, that have things to offer.

She didn't have anything, and she doesn't even see herself, as someone, who is even beautiful, or half  as beautiful, as the girls, he told with.

He was way above her league.

Or so she thought.

 The truth was that, what is unknown to Amanda and her brother, is that, Good luck visited the house more, because he liked the little shy Amanda. And he also knows, she likes him.

But he could not think about it. His friend, would skin him alive, for even looking at his little sister.