
Chapter 97: Harvest


In the morning, Chaoyang climbed out of bed and yawned deeply.

The temple was secluded, but the living environment left much to be desired. Each additional day spent on the wooden bed was a test for his back.

When he pushed open the door, planning to wash up downstairs, he was surprised to see Jenny and Judy already waiting at the stair entrance, as if they had been expecting him to emerge.

"What's wrong with you two? There wasn't a problem with the injection, was there?"

Upon seeing Chaoyang, Jenny's weary expression suddenly brightened, "You're finally awake, the sisters have all been waiting for you!"

"Waiting for me?"

"Don't ask now, just go to the hall and see for yourself!" Judy was a bit bolder, she went around to Chaoyang's back and pushed him toward the stairs.

Arriving at the temple hall, the crowd of onlookers seemed even larger than last night, not just the nuns, but also the construction workers who were curious enough to gather around.