
Who will be the AUDIENCE???

Alexa: You don't worry, I will think of it..

Trian: fine , then.

On the tournament day,Trian is shocked seeing Alexa with her cousins. Julia,Victoria and Crystal.

Julia: Hi Trian, How are you? Meeting you after long time..

Alexa: Do you know Julia!.. All the responsibilities and arrangements of the tournament are taken by Trian.

Trian: You all here!!

Alexa: Yaa, if they don't come, then who will be the audience.

Trian: Ok,,I have work, let me go, tournament is gokng to start within an hour.

Trian: ok, be careful and best of luck!!

Alexa: Come friends, I will give you seats to sit and please cheer for me, wish that I should win, I don't want to face the punishment.

Crystal: What is the punishment??

Victoria: Why is there a need of punishments , who wins is good, who doesn't __ give them a conselation prize..

Alexa: but we'll enjoy while facing the punishments.The fun that is in doing punishment is not in the game!!..

Julia: Yaa, right...but..I guess,,,,

" Common Everyone, there comes the participants, race will start in just 15 minutes.Take your seats and choose your participant."Announcement was made....

Alexa: Common guys, I am going..

Julia, Victoria: All the best👍👍👍

Crystal: all the best,,but where should we sit???

Trian( to workers): Common, race is going to start, where is the red ribbon,??

Alexa: Trian, come here please...

Trian: Yaa, you're still here , go race is going to start....

Alexa: ok...I am going,you give them the seats please..

Trian: sure, come Victoria, Crystal.

Julia: and me?? Trian should I not come..

Trian: oh ..sorry ..come please..

Julia saw Trian with a smile and said may I help you??

Trian: No..no,, enjoy the tournament, everything is done!!!..