
Find Him

The most beautiful thing in the world can't be touched or felt.

Hearing this you may be thinking LOVE!!

Well if you think love then your just outrageous stupid or a necrophiliac maniac seeking attention.

That sounded harsh and wrong in so many ways.

Well Let's begin with me, I am a person that values friendship over love, when watching movies I always say "Less fucking more fighting"[Thats some advice for Eastern Fantasy writers on this site], I hate Main Character.

I have Gynophobia, I know what your thinking."Jeez, who invited the mayor of virgin town."

A fear of woman thats strange well ill tell you why later. I absolute love motorbikes, any sorts from scooters to Harleys, just the sound of the bikes gives me an erection well not really but near that.[PS: I just joined a biker gang, that's fun]

I am also argute and sometimes I dwaal. I am just a normal person like you.

If you have noticed, I didn't t reveal any personal details about me, that's because I am not the MAIN CHARACTER just a side character. I feel pressured so I'll just reveal my name, its Auden remember it, that if you make it to the end.

You may be wondering then who is the MC????

Well, I don't know, find out yourself noobs!! Ok I'll give you hint [SNOW]

See if you can find him.




Dig Deep, Find Him.

Dark is not always black

Depresseddemoncreators' thoughts