
talking in telephone chapter2

Afterwards, Cheizca returned to the table where her mother had prepared breakfast.

"Oh, this looks like my favorite! I can't wait to taste my mother's cooking again and have lots to eat," Cheizca said to herself.

While she was eating, the doorbell rang.

"Oh no, someone's disturbing us again," Cheizca said with a chuckle.

She went to open the door and saw that it was Emma Watson, her friend who she usually goes out with.

"Oh, it's just you, Emma. Where did you come from?" Cheizca asked.

"Where else? I came from home. Let's go out. You don't seem to have anything to do," Emma replied.

"Hay nako, that's what I've been telling her. Come on, let's eat first. My mom cooked adobo with coconut milk. Let's eat," Cheizca's said.

"Sure, I'll join you. I don't mind waiting," Emma said.

Cheizca and Emma enjoyed their meal together. They talked about their plans for the day and Cheizca shared how she had just received a call for a job interview.

"That's great news, Cheizca! What job is it for?" Emma asked.

"I applied for a position in a marketing company. I hope I get the job," Cheizca replied.

"I'm sure you will! You're good with people, and you know how to sell things," Emma said with a smile.

Cheizca's mother joined their conversation and encouraged her to pursue her dreams.

"Don't worry too much, Cheizca. I know you'll do great. Just be yourself and give it your best shot," her mother said.

After breakfast, Cheizca and Emma went out for a walk in the park to enjoy the sunny weather. They talked about their future plans and dreams. Cheizca was grateful to have Emma as a friend who was always there to support her.

As they walked, Cheizca felt more confident and excited about her upcoming job interview. She knew that whatever the outcome, she had people who believed in her and would always have her back.