
Chapter 1 The Banquet at the Old Castle

Tonight, a blood-red moon hung high on the treetop, emitting a demonic light. It was rare to see such a perfect blood-red moon. For Blood Clan, it was an exciting night.

In the old castle of the Edinson family, there was a banquet of Blood Clan, a feast to celebrate a rite of passage of Count Winn's daughter. As an ancient family of the Blood Clan, the family had always enjoyed a very high position. As the ruler of the family, Count Winn had a large number of guests for his daughter's bar mitzvah.

At the banquet, the fragrance of blood pervaded the air, which was an irresistible temptation for all Blood Clan. The desire for blood in Blood Clan's body was burning and boiling. On such an exciting night, all of them loosened their shackles and wantonly tasted the sweet blood, some of them who brought their own blood servants even tasted it directly.

At this blood drinking party, there was one person who didn't seem to fit in. This person was the daughter of Count Winn, the main character of today's banquet, Akasha. She had a delicate face like a porcelain doll, and her light blue pupils seemed to have put the ocean into her eyes. Her light golden long hair hung down behind her, and she was wearing a white princess dress with lace edges and white gloves. In the chaotic banquet hall, she was as clean as a white angel who had accidentally entered the dungeon. With one hand supporting her head and the other on the table, Akasha sat idly in the center of the banquet hall, watching the chaos in the hall. She didn't join others, from her eyes can even see the undisguised disgust.

Not far from Akasha, a young man in a black tuxedo with red hair and pupils was surrounded by people. It seemed that he was the protagonist of this banquet. This young man was Akasha's little brother, Shane. Compared to Akasha, Shane looked like a demon from the hell.

In a sense, Akasha was not the real Blood Clan, she is a vegetarian vampire.

Akasha hated the smell of blood and hated to eat it. On the table in front of her, there were cups and bottles filled with blood, which had not been touched. From Akasha's disgusted eyes, it could be seen that she was not going to eat it.

"Who would have thought that the daughter of a count in the Blood Clan family doesn't eat blood? My poor sister, I'm really sad that you can't enjoy the wonderful blood." Shane tasted the sweet blood and left the crowd with a happy smile on his face. He looked at the artery on Akashas neck and licked his sharp teeth. He didn't know what his unique sister's blood would taste like.

Noticing Shane's evil gaze, Akasha stood up and leaned against the back of the chair. She raised her hand to tuck her long hair behind her back to cover the neck. With an icy cold gaze, she glared at Shane and said, "Don't look at me like that."

Shane wasn't intimidated by Akasha's threatening eyes, but sat down next to Akasha, frivolously approached her, and ruffled Akasha's long hair, smelling the sweet fragrance of Akasha's blood, demonically whispering "I would love to see the painful expression on your cold face after being sucked blood, I believe there would be a day like that."

Shaking off Shane's hand, Akasha turned her head to avoid his touch. She stood up and sneered, "I hope you can live well before that."

Shane stood up and approached her. "Father threw a bar mitzvah for you, a vampire who doesn't feed on blood. I've prepared a big gift for you today. I hope you won't let me down."

Looking at Shane's malicious eyes and the "surprise" he had prepared for her before, Akasha knew that this gift was definitely not a good thing. Akasha wanted to leave, so she didn't want to talk to Shane anymore.

Then Count Winn's voice came in, "Shane, show some respect to your sister." Count Winn came over from behind Shane and stopped between them. He pointed to the cup of Akasha's untouched blood on the table and instructed the attendant at his side, "Take this down and bring a glass of juice instead." Then he looked at her and said, "Sit down."

Akasha coldly refused his kind offer "I don't think so, father, I'll leave now." Akasha insisted on leaving.

Noticing that Akasha had made up her mind to leave, Count Winn knew that he couldn't keep Akasha. Thinking of the whispers he had heard about Akasha, he also felt that this was not a good place to talk. "Come with me. I have something to give you."

Looking at the receding figures of Count Winn and Akasha, Shane clenched his fists unwillingly and followed them out, with sparks in his eyes. When Akasha was there, his father never saw him. Obviously, he was the best in the family, while Akasha was just a loser who couldn't even eat blood.

Shane left the banquet hall with Count Winn and went upstairs. Noticing that Shane was coming, Count Winn stopped and said, "Shane, go back to the banquet hall to entertain the guests. I have something to talk to your sister alone."

Looking at the cold expression on the face of Count Winn, which was the same as that of Akasha, Shane's jealousy was burning more fiercely in his heart, and his suppressed emotions were ignited. He pointed at Akasha and shouted angrily, "Sister? A loser like her deserves it? She is just the product of father's mistake. Since her mother was dead, she should also die." As soon as he finished speaking, Shane felt difficult to breathe and a hand grabbed his neck.

The gentle mask of Count Winn was broken into pieces, revealing a bloodthirsty side, and the deadly pressure was like the god of death from hell. "Shane, don't let me hear these words again, or I can't help strangling you."

"I was wrong. I dare not." Shane stammered with a livid face.

Finally, Count Winn let go of his hand and coldly scolded, "Get out of here!" Count Winn raised his hand and threw Shane out like throwing a ball. Shawn was ruthlessly thrown into the wall and fell to the ground, he wretchedly spit blood after the robbery gasping for air. His previous arrogance was completely gone.

Shane watched Akasha enter the room with Count Winn. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. It occurred to him that his father, Count Winn, was famous for being cruel in the war between humans and the Blood Clan. At that moment, he completely believed that his father had really wanted to kill him.

Looking at the blood on his hands, Shane clenched his fists. One day, he would defeat his father.

As soon as he entered the room, the anger of Count Winn had subsided. With a gentle expression on his face, he was concerned about Akasha. "I didn't control myself just now and scared you. I just can't stand someone talking about your mother." Speaking of this, the count showed a look of reminiscence.

Akasha calmly stated her emotions. "Shane's words also pissed me off." However, she sneered in her heart. How ironic that her father, the Count of Blood Clan, had begun to miss her human mother, who had killed her with his own hands.

Count Winn took out a bracelet from the drawer and handed it to Akasha. "This is your mother's bracelet. It belongs to you now."

Akasha took the bracelet. It was so cold that Akasha looked it up and down.

It was a snake-shaped bracelet with many complicated patterns engraved on it. The snake's head and tail met, and its whole body was silver-white. There was a blood-red gem in its mouth. Perhaps it had lasted for a long time, the bracelet looked quiet and dim.

Looking at the bracelet affectionately, Count Winn said to Akasha, "put it on and go to find what you want. It will protect you from now on."

As she rotated the bracelet, she had a wonderful feeling. "I'll protect it," she replied

After returning to her room, she sat at the table in front of the window and observed the bracelet that Count Winn had just given her. The moonlight shone on the bracelet, which seemed to be a reflection of the moonlight and was much brighter than before.

Fresh roses were placed on the table, and she took out a rose. Biting the rose petals one by one, she wondered what the last sentence of Count Winn meant and why she suddenly gave the bracelet to her on this day.

Akasha had never thought that Count Winn would remember her bar mitzvah and hold a banquet for her. Count Winn hadn't fulfilled a father's obligation all the time, and Akasha seldom saw him.

What did she want? She ate the petals and felt the liquid of the petals flowing at the tip of her tongue. This is her favorite flavor but is considered a symbol of shame by vampires. What she had always wanted was to break the vampire's nature and become a human.

Akasha was immersed in her thoughts. Suddenly, a voice interrupted her thoughts. "Miss Akasha, please bite my neck and taste my blood."

Following the voice, she saw a trembling figure standing in front of the bed not far away from her. She looked like a woman in thin clothes. She seemed to be afraid that her eyes would be closed, but she stretched out her head and tried to show her neck as much as possible.

Looking at the figure appearing out of nowhere, she asked warily, "Why are you in my room?"

The woman closed her eyes and replied, "I'm a gift from Shane young master."

Remembering the gift Shane had mentioned at the party and thinking of Shane's malicious eyes, and the sickening smell of blood, she said in disgust, "I don't need it. Get out of my room."

The woman trembled more violently. She knelt and lowered her head. "Miss Akasha, please bite me. Even a bite. If I fail to complete the task assigned by young master, I will be tortured to death."

Standing in front of her, Akasha squatted down and picked up her head with roses. The girl's pale face was full of fear, and tears of fear fell from her eyes pitifully. The human girl looked at Akasha with pleading tears in her eyes.

Throwing the roses away, she stood up and said coldly, "Go and beg your master."

Hearing Akasha's words, the human girl stopped crying and murmured, "Miss Akasha, you are so cruel." Then she suddenly stood up, grabbed one of Akasha's arms, and pounced on Akasha's. She bit Akasha's neck. Akasha only had time to cover her neck with the other hand. The woman's teeth hit the bracelet, but a sharp tooth still pierced into Akasha's skin. Blood seeped out of Akashas hand and flowed to the bracelet. The bracelet emitted a strong light and bounced the woman away.

Akasha felt as if her consciousness had been pulled out of her body and passed out.

The woman of Blood Clan, who was bounced away by the light emitted by the bracelet, also fainted. When she opened her eyes, there was no figure of Akasha. There was only a rose thrown on the ground on the floor of the room.