
Mysterious Survivors(Taehyung's Pov)

⚠︎☠『Taehyung highschool student who has been trying to survive alone. One day, in a risky attempt to get food from an abandoned store, he is attacked by a zombie. He nearly dies but is rescued by a mysterious gang of boys, who take him back to the highschool where they've been hiding.』☠⚠︎ ⚠︎This whole story will be on Taehyung's Pov☠ ♥︎Daily Update So Please Stay Tuned♥︎

Temptress_bella · Horror
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7 Chs

This is my end?

Bogum cowered and stepped back.

I was so shocked I didn't know what to say.

Me : What?

? no.10 : I asked if you're sure you're not infected. Hey, who the hell brought him here?

Bogum : J-Jenny! Why are you being so mean to him?! He's my friend!

Jenny : Friend? Who cares if he's everyone's best friend? What if he turns into a zombie all of a sudden and kills us all? Don't you remember how we just barely were able to get here? So every time we are out, we are going to bring a friend back here?

Namjoon : Jenny! We should help others when we can.

Jungkook : *nod*...Yeah, we need survivors.

Jenny : Oh, is that right? Then, let's say that's the case.

Jenny turned her head and glared at me.

Jenny : So when do you plan to leave?

Me : Oh?

Jenny : Well, you've been saved, Is there anything else you need from us?


She continued to cut me off.

Jenny : We're running out of food. And everytime we go outside, we risk our lives to find more. We're not exactly in a place to help others. Am I wrong?

? no.7 : Isn't she right? We can't just bring people here and drain our resources. I think we should send him out.

Me : ...

Their hostility toward me made me nervous.

How naïve of me to think I had met nice people.

Bogum : Are you insane? Don't you know what it's like out there?

? no.8 : I don't think it's such a terrible idea to let him stay.

It didn't seem like they'd ever come to an agreement.

Namjoon thought for a second, before tapping me on the shoulder.

Then he drew everyone's attention.

Namjoon : You seem to have something to say, right?

Me : Uh, yeah.

Namjoon : Haha, I thought as much. Well, I think everyone's ready to listen.

Me : Thanks.

Jenny : Oh my God. You've got to be kidding me! Do you like him or something? Why are you taking his side?

? no.6 : That's enough, Jenny. I want to hear what he has to say, too.

The other boy, who hadn't said a word, interrupted Jenny, and looked at me.

What should I do now?

Right. I have to explain first.

Me : Once you are infected the symptoms arise within an hour.

Jungkook : *nod*...He isn't infected.

Jenny : How do you know it can't take longer? I can't take that risk.

? no.6 : Jenny, let's just hear him out.

Me : I know you guys don't want me here, but I promise I can make myself useful.

Jenny scoffed and frowned, while the others looked intrigued.

Me : Before I met you guys I found some food.

That's right!

That should be more than helpful.

I remembered what Jenny had said about the food and that I had brought some food from the grocery store.

? no.7 : Spit it out.

Me : I'm not going to hold you guys back, I promise. I'm really thankful you guys helped me out there. I'll make sure not to put you in danger like that. Also...

Still feeling nervous, I took a deep breath and looked around.

Jimin : ...

My eyes met with Jimin's, whose warm smile gave me the courage to continue.

Me : I've got enough food for us.

I opened my bag and showed them the buns.

Me : I can run pretty fast, too. I can really take care of myself. Trust me and I'll help you search for more food too, so could I stay here with you guys?

Did I convince them? I felt parched after speaking so nervously.

I noticed Jenny's lips spread in a smile.

Did she change her mind? Maybe she won't tell me to...

Jenny : You expect me to believe that?

I sighed as I realized we were back at square one.

How could I convince her when she wouldn't even listen to me?

Do I really have to go back out there?

Going back to being all alone out there, sleeping in empty buildings?

It would be tough all by myself.

Jhope : Man...you guys aren't gonna let me sleep, are you? What's up with all this noise?

It was Jhope. He swung the door open and stomped into the room.

Jhope : You are so full of it!

Me : ...

Jenny : See? Jhope thinks so too.

Jhope : I was talking about you, Jenny.

Jenny : What?

Jhope : Don't you remember when you first came here? You were begging us to please believe in you that you were not infected. Don't you remember?

Jenny : ...!

Jhope grinned and sat on the corner of one of the classroom tables.

? no.7 : Why are you bringing that up now? That's in the past, and doesn't relate to what Jenny's worried about right now. Also, I agree with Jenny. How can we trust him?

Bogum : ...

? no.6 : Of course we can't be sure of anything right now. But guys, think about it for a moment. Like it or not, we are all in this together. We have to trust each other. If we make anyone leave now, we might face even greater danger later.

Jimin : I agree. It wouldn't hurt to just wait and see? To find out who he really is. I think he's no harm to us. We'll find out for sure if we spend more time together.

Jimin finished with a smile.

? no.8 : Totally...

Jenny : Are you saying we should all risk our lives for this random boy?

Jungkook : Yes. Because we are all human, we care.

? no.6 : That's right. We are nothing like those mindless zombies out there.

Jungkook slowly looked at me as he finished talking to the group.

He wasn't smiling, but something about him was definitely reassuring.

Yoongi : What's up with all the drama in here?

Yoongi walked in through the open door.

I was sure he would prefer if I left.

? no.7 : We were just discussing whether to send the new boy back out.

Yoongi : Why?

? no.7 : Well, you never know if he's infected. Plus, we don't have enough food. We know nothing about him, he might betray us later.

Yoongi : What's the big deal? We're all going to die soon anyway.

Jenny : You're not even remotely worried?!

Yoongi : Just mind your own life. Who cares who stays here or not?

Jenny : Argh...

He seemed a bit annoyed, but I was surprised at his response.

That was completely unexpected, I thought he didn't want me here.

Namjoon clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

Namjoon : Looks like we have a few different opinions. How about we vote on this?

Me : ....!


I wondered if I had any chance to make it. How many of them would vote for me staying?

My hands started to shake. There was no guarantee I wouldn't be voted out.

I lowered my head at the thought of what would happen a few seconds later.

Yoongi : Man, is this really necessary?

Jhope : Not a bad idea!

Jenny : Voting? Sounds fair. I know everyone's totally with me on this. You guys just don't want to say it out loud.

Jimin : What? I don't think this is a voting matter. We can think of alternatives. Like, we can let him stay in a different room the first night or something.

Namjoon : You know what they say. Majority rules.

Me : ...

It was that gentle voice I had heard before.

But somehow it sounded so cold now.

My eyes met with Namjoon's. I felt the warmth in his eyes looking at me.

Could he have been telling me all was going to be well...?

Namjoon : We should get ready for the voting then. Jungkook, you want to give me a hand, bro?

Jungkook : *nod*

Namjoon : Make up your minds 'til we get back. So you don't regret your choices.

Namjoon took a look around the classroom and went out to the hallway together with Jungkook.

Jenny : Is there even any need to think about it?

Jenny gave me a cold eye as she spoke.

I turned my head around to see what the other guys were doing.

? no.8 : ...

Jhope : ...

? no.6 : ...

I could hear my heart pounding. What was going to happen to me---?


Hey guy it's my new story. I hope you all liked the story. Please tell me in the comments should i continue or not and also about your opinion for this story and support my stories by votes and comments so that i can continue and write more stories.

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Also daily update so stay tuned✓

I love you ❤︎