
Mysterious Ranker

Story of the weakest hunter that wants to get stronger in order to save his family and the whole world

Dawn_Tokito7 · Action
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7 Chs

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My strength vanished as the news of my father's passing sunk in. I stared at my sister unable to comfort her.

Haku: Why are you crying? It's not like you knew who my father was

Akira: It's me, Jin. Don't you remember? I'm your brother.

Haku: Brother? I don't have a brother.

I was shocked to find out that the real me had vanished from existence.

I walked out the door with tears flooding my eyes. I went to go see my apartment but my room had been taken by someone else.

I went to Akira's house and his parents greeted me but I didn't know what to say to them. Even though I was in their son's body, I wasn't their son anymore. And I couldn't tell them that i wasn't their son either. I went to my room and found a letter entitled to Jin Tokito. Meaning it was from someone who knew me….

"How are you enjoying your new life, Jin?

With this new body, your past self has been forgotten by everyone you once knew. Detach yourself, or it will be your demise. With this new life reach out and take what you want with your own hands. I'll be expecting you in the near future. "

The Black Dragon…. It just had to be. There wouldn't be anyone else who would speak like that.

After reading, A quest notification popped up.


Portals cleared: 1/5

Letters Collected: 1/100

Letters? Are these letters clue's about what he is talking about? I might as well find them then.


Name: Dagger Execution

Mana Needed: 100

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Description: Deals 500% Of your Strength Stats. Resets cooldown when used as a finisher.

Name: Haste

Mana Needed: 150

Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Description: Gives 30% Speed boost and 20% Dodge.

Since I'm Level 10, I believe I can pick one of the 4 classes now.

Assassin: Focuses on Stealth and Damage

Knight: Focuses on Damage and Durability

Mage: Focuses on Damage and Intelligence

Ranger: Focuses on Speed and Damage

Since I have this dagger, I might as well pick the Assassin Class. I opened my menu and choose a class.

I was teleported into a dark place and saw 5 Portals in front of me.

'Ranger's Trial'

'Assassin's Trial'

'Knight's Trial'

'Mage's Trial'

and finally...

'Archdemon's Trial'

I was shocked to see a new class, it wasn't in the menu so curiosity got the better of me. I tried reading the Archdemon Class's Description and it said:

'Exclusive to one person only, Able to use any type of Weapons and Has buffed Strength, Intelligence, Durability, Vitality, and Speed.'

So this meant that this class is exclusive to me?!!!. I entered the portal without any hesitation.

As I enter the portal. I was teleported to a dungeon.


Kill 500 Demons. 0/500

•ROUND 1/5•

Kill 100 Demons. 0/100.

Demons began randomly appearing around me. I equipped my Cloak, Boots, and Dagger and started Killing every single one of them. I got punched and kicked by the demons but I kept on drinking potions to survive as I massacred hundreds of demons.


Kill 500 Demons. 499/500

•ROUND 5/5•

Kill The Demon-King. 0/1

Before I knew what had happened the massive Demon-King stood in front of me

I saw my Status and I found some debuffs and I got Slowness, Anti-Healing, Damage Decrease, And Durability Decrease... However.


All the debuffs got removed and my status got buffed. I healed myself and immediately Rushed the boss and slashed it.


I sneaked up behind him and stabbed his nape.

|Demon-King| HP: 5000/15,000

I stabbed it again and again on its nape and kicked it and jumped.



I stabbed him in the head finishing him with my Execution.


REWARDS: Archdemon(Class), Blood Dagger(Weapon), Shadow Cloak(Armor), And Assassin's Gauntlet(Gloves)

EXP GAINED: 15,000




Name: Invisibility

Mana Needed: 300

Cooldown: 50 seconds

Description: Turns the user Invisible for 10 seconds, Granting 50% Speed boost and 2 Seconds Invincibility.

Name: Dagger Throw

Mana Needed: N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Description: The user throws his dagger to an enemy and has to retrieve the dagger in order to use this skill again.

Name: Item Retrieval

Mana Needed: 50

Cooldown: N/A

Description: Retrieves an item by teleporting it into the user's Hands or Inventory.


Strength: 20

Speed: 20

Durability: 0

Vitality: 0

Intelligence: 10

Available Stat Points: 40


Name: N/A

Alias: Reaper

Class: Archdemon

Money: 100,000

Level: 18

HP: 5/3,000(1,500 With no buffs)

Mana: 1,000/5,000

Rank: E.

I had finally completed the portal. And after leaving, I placed 20 stat points into my strength and speed and placed the rest into intelligence.

I checked my inventory for the new items and I got:

||Blood Dagger||

Item Type: Dagger

Level Requirements: 15

Rarity: Rare

Unique Passive: Inflict Critical strike after not getting hit for 5 seconds

Unique Passive: Each attack Steals enemies HP

||Shadow Cloak||

Item Type: Armor

Level Requirements: 15

Rarity: Rare

Unique Skill: Turns invisible for 5 seconds

Unique Passive: Stealth. Be less detected

||Assassin's Gauntlet||

Item Type: Gloves

Level Requirements: 15

Rarity: Rare

Unique Passive: Gives Strength Buff when equipped


Portals cleared: 2/5

Letters collected: 1/100

I had managed to get the exclusive class as well.


Class Rarity: Mythical

Class Type: N/A

User: Akira Suzuki

Unique Skill: Regeneration. Steals HP from everyone around you and fills your MP

Unique Passive: Increased Overall Stats

After a quick self-celebration, I went over to the Hunters Association and sold some of the useless items that I had. I had also acquired a new title: "The One Who Awakened". I chose to hide this title for others since I wanted to preserve my anonymity.

After a few moments, I was overwhelmed with Alert Notifications..

'Alert! A Red portal has appeared! Please head to the Hunter's Association. I immediately went back to the association and tried to contact Ciel.

Ciel: Hi Reaper, The red Portal appeared 30 miles away from here you should go there

Akira: On it!

I moved as quickly as I could, and that's where I saw it... The huge Red Portal.

Huge thanks to my team who work on Mysterious Ranker:

Maou Shimazu



Ambres Nox

and Chels

Dawn_Tokito7creators' thoughts