
CHAPTER 19.3 - 20.1

I snapped the phone closed, gazed at it, and snarled, "Shit! ”

It rang again in my hand.

I instantly turned it open and placed it to my ear.

"It's not pleasant to hang up on -"

Falcone cut me off with "Babe."

“Falcone? ”

I was taken aback. I assumed he was cut off.

"Please explain why you're calling Isabelle."

I sat stunned, then realized he knew everything about me, even monitoring my phone conversations


"You've never met her."


"If you don't know someone, you don't talk to them."


"You converse to her, and someone is listening in on her conversation; they hear you, find you, or make conclusions."

Okay, another reason Falcone might be irritating, and that was when he was correct.

"I got a wild hair when I saw her name on my contact list," I acknowledged.

"No, you saw her name on your contact list, and that reminded you that you were worried about your sister, so you called her," Falcone explained.