
[Vol. 2] Chapter 51

We came downstairs in the roadhouse and Arashi went to give the owner the rest of the money for renting it. He said before going, "Go to the carriage and wait for me. I will be right back."

I nodded as I headed toward the carriage. It was getting dark as the sun had set already. As I came outside I saw the previous soldiers around the vicinity. Did the first prince come to visit the festival as well?

I looked around and saw Prince Hideyoshi was a bit far across the inn. His men and he had surrounded a few people who pointed toward the inn. The prince's eyes moved toward the inn and he spotted almost immediately as I gave him a smile but he didn't return the same smile. Instead his eyes were roundish and soon they turned into an angry glare.

I was a bit taken aback. Should I ignore him because I was a commoner's wife and shouldn't give a smile to our Kosaki Prince? Sometimes I didn't follow the rules at all.