
Chapter 24

Fresh Air filled my lungs as soon as we stepped Outside. Gebriel, Hartwig and I walked down the dirt road. The grid of the valley floor streatched out below is. Rows of fallow grapes hugged each side. We were silent. Shell-shocked.

A scary idea shot through. We were a thousand feet up, totally isolated. Something didn’t sit right, “ why here, Hartwig?”

“How about, it’s remote and no one ever comes up here.”

What I meant,” I said, “is why here? The particular spot. Who knows this place?”

“There’s isolated property all up and down these slopes. The consortiums have eaten up the valley floor. These properties take more than capital. Labors of love. Check around here knows places like these.” The first killings were in the city. Yet he knew exactly where to come. Who owns this plot?”

Hartwig shook his head, “Dunno.”