
Mysterion's Weakness

As the boys grow older, their franchise becomes more and more popular. So popular to the point where they actually have saving the town as their permanent job. The boys with really powers and nothing getting in their way have lived up to 27 years now, some married while others have children. Freedom Pals and Coon and Friends both changed their franchise names the older they got and also changed up their outfits for a more age appropriate outlook. Everyone was living the life they wanted.. well most of them. Mysterion grows a strong weakness instead. As a single father of a three year old girl of the name Emma, he hires a nanny to watch over her as he's out fighting crime. He grows a big bond with the nanny as she's a motherly figure in Emma's eyes. Exactly what she needs. Mysterion finds out what fear truly is when the villain who as been kidnapping several children of Nother Park, actually knows how to kill Mysterion once and for all.

JessTheMess2018 · TV
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34 Chs

Chapter 25

Before the heroes had time to speak up, they heard the enemy give an order. "I have called the Big League headquarters in North Park, hopefully they followed my first instruction to watch this news channel. The clock is ticking and I have a lot of toxic chemicals just waiting to pour out in their systems."

This caused several of the heroes to quickly push away from chairs and look at one another. "What the fuck is going on?! How the fuck do they know who we are and our families?!" Toolshed yelled out loud while looking around for anyone to speak up.

Seeing how no one knew what to think or even say that's when the person giving orders on the TV announced. "If you are listening to this why don't you have your special girl give us a call since she hacked are burner phones locations. Don't think it's that easy this is not the location that these poor innocent people are in. No in fact we're going to play a little game with these so-called Heroes of South Park."

"Fuck this asshole! I'm getting the fuck out of here and finding my wife!" Toolshed screamed out loud.

Before he could make a run for it Human Kite grabs him by the arm to stop him. Which was for the best for the next part.

"This game consists of the South Park Heroes that you all known and loved. Wonder Tweek, the wonderful and shockingly powerful hero that has stolen several hearts from girls all around the world with his cold kisses. Someone as cold as ice apparently has a weak spot for his partner otherwise known as Super Craig."

As this was said the camera focused on an unconscious hero that was chained up against the concrete wall. The atmosphere was heavy as everyone's hair stood up on their arms knowing that Tweek was losing his control over his ability. Mosquito quickly rushed to the blonde trying to comfort him and reassure him that they would find Craig.

"Next we have Tupperware, as you all might not have known this hero doesn't just magically appear to save the day and disappear within a second. Apparently this has happened about 9 years back when he was a much younger hero. Impregnating a woman and having a rough marriage, it doesn't surprise anyone that this teleporting hero hasn't done any good for this town. Now this is what is to come for all the pain he has put us through over the past couple of years."

The camera shot to his 8-year-old son that was strapped to a wooden chair with rope restraining his wrists and ankles. He was gagged with a handkerchief in his mouth as he was fully conscious. This image caused Tupperware to shake and nearly have anxiety attack as he couldn't seem to think straight.

"Next we have Toolshed, who would have known a guy that only knows how to carry tools would pick up such a beaut." The camera shot at a woman in a short tight black dress showing off her features and blood seeping out from her shoulder. She was fully couscous while softly crying. Next to her it showed a man with a gas mask near her with a gun. "Apparently Toolshed knows how to pick his women considering she killed one of our men. We might be sure to kill one of the heroes' family members to make up for our loss. I'm starting to think that this little redhead could be our first sacrifice."

This caused Toolshed to literally lose his mind as he stared down the man holding a gun to her head. He couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't think clearly. In fact nobody knew what to think. Not until the person spoke up again. "But before we get too crazy we have more to this little game we have in mind. Lastly we have the man if the hour, Mysterion. Known as the biggest mystery man South Park could ever offer. Claims to be the angel that the people of South Park asked for. Not in this fairy tale book he is not. In fact he is the reason why this is all happening right now. That's right everyone you heard it here, I know Mysterion inside and out. This so-called hero that cheats death everyday of his life has a three-year-old daughter and apparently a girlfriend that he has been hiding."

The moment that Emma and Y/N we're shown to the camera. He stared and utter disbelief seeing the two restrained and fully conscious.

"These innocent people are about to die here today because of this so called hero. That is unless these four heroes are willing to sacrifice themselves and their powers for the lives of the innocent. If you are watching this Heroes why don't you have your hacker reach out to us. You have 2 hours to call us back on FaceTime and sacrifice yourselves for these lives. Think of it as a game and this is how it's going to go. First, Wonder Tweek is known for needing his coffee to recharge his ability therefore we want him to cut off his whole tongue."

Everyone's eyes widen as they narrowed to the blonde who is shaking even more.

"Secondly we have Tupperware, all we ask is for him to go blind therefore unable to teleport anywhere he desires. What do we mean by that exactly, we want his eyes."

Tupperware remain quiet while balling his fists as if he was thinking of himself.

"Thirdly we have Toolshed, one that is awfully handsy with this tools, also a right-handed man. We asked for his right hand."

Toolshed grit his teeth so hard they were cracking.

"And lastly we have Mysterion, the man of the hour. The one known for dying and coming back to life. This being the case we simply want his heart."

Mysterion couldn't look away from the screen as it was now capturing all hostages on the screen. "You have 2 hours to call back. If these people are truly worth giving away your powers and a big part of your body, I guess for every sacrifice from each one of you Heroes, I will give a small portion of the address to their location. However if you don't do all the tasks then the whole address will not be given. These people's lives are in your hands. I would hurry the clock is ticking."

That's the moment that the TV shut off and everyone looked at Call Girl. "Find them and call them right now." Toolshed growled.

"But Stan.."

"CALL THEM!" He barked with rage flaming off his body.

"Stan, we can't go through with this, if we give them what we want you all are going lose everything or even die." Kite said.

"If they kill Jess I would be losing my entire world. I will die for her, I don't care what happens to me as long as she lives!" He yelled out.

"There has to be some other way to go through with this without having to cut off parts of your body just for their fucked up game." Coon said.

"It's clear that they want to see us suffer but who's to say if they give us the address then this isn't just another setup for us to get ambushed and eventually killed?" Kite said.

This caused everyone to remain quiet as if trying to think of a plan. And just like that with the snap of a finger Mysterion spoke up. "I know who can help us."