
Mysteries of The Past

Safrina, a selfless high schooler was forced to band together with Adams, her high school crush, to save humanity. Why? Oracle, the hidden alien, prophesied both Adams and her would save humanity 100 years from now. One would think it would be easy, right? The Earth would be the same as the three had left it but... the group's thoughts were terribly wrong. After waking up from their long nap, they find themselves in a world where Humans live inside a giant snowglobe but... without the snow. The rain? Acid... and there seem to be strange creatures that lurk within the fog, whispering about the past... Can this ragtag group save humanity? Or will Earth be destroyed?

Rin_Rose7 · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Strange Morning

…Civilization seemed to not know the outside world, being too afraid to venture out-fear had trapped them inside the dome as well as nativity…

Safrina had been doing her own thing when the door clicked, and a stranger appeared from behind the door. It was clear that he was new to the school since she had never seen him around before until now, of course. However, they seemed familiar for some reason and it was something she couldn't put a finger on. Soon enough he finally introduced himself to the class as to who he was and that he was new to the school. That would explain why he was late, but the lack of care shown in his eyes shows a different sign to her and she couldn't help but frown at this. She understood that school was a pain in the ass, but it still shouldn't be something one should lack in caring about. Eventually, the teacher got back into the groove of teaching the class math and a few minutes later the bell rang signaling that class was over.


Soon lunch rolled around and it seems today that the cafeteria was serving whole sorts of things. Food that didn't even look like food, it was all..just weird looking. The fries, could they even be called fries? Well, anyways, the fries looked dry and did not look like they had been cooked properly and could be said about the other foods that were presented that day. Might as well just...pack my lunch, Safrina thought to herself while she scrunched up her nose in disgust and just took whatever she found more...appetizing although when she did get to her table, she would not eat it and just set it down on the table while resting her head in her hands and sighing slightly out of boredom. Soon, one of her friends decided to take a seat at the same table as Safrina, who she greeted with a smile on her lips before her gaze drifted towards the window...well, it wasn't exactly the window she was staring at but the new kid.

"So, whatcha looking at?" Safrina's friend's words pierced through her drifting mind and she blinked a bit before shaking her head and smiling over at her.

"Ah..so...that new kid over there…" Safrina began trying to explain what she had been doing but her friend began to laugh almost in a tone of amusement. Pausing, Safrina looked at her quizzically not understanding why her friend decided to just...start laughing at her and what she had just said, "What's so funny?" she questioned her friend.

"What? Are you already starting to crush on him?" Her friend began to tease her which caused the female to roll her eyes and shake her head at her friend's crazy assumption

"It's nothing like that, he's just...really strange I guess" Safrina finally tried to explain to her friend, while a soft flush started to bloom across her face and, of course, she noticed the smirk that slowly formed on her friend's lips and she rolled her eyes a bit.

Then, her friend made the most...well, a startling choice of words in her opinion. "Go talk to him" simple, yet complicated words which earned quite a stare from Safrina herself.

"No" Simple as that, a simple no from Safrina—why would she want to talk to someone she had not met? Or even better, someone she found oddly familiar? That wasn't going to work out, not well, at least. This simple refusal, however, earned an eye roll, and Safrina's friend getting out of her seat and grabbing a hold of her arm and tugging a reluctant Safrina out of her seat. Of course, Safrina could not truly put her feet down when it came to her friend and their stubborn actions of doing things spontaneously or it came to bothering Safrina and her own...introverted social ways.

"I'll tell you now, this is a bad idea" expressed Safrina towards her friend while she decided it was perhaps best if she didn't drag her feet on the ground and start walking, while of course a pouty look was displayed easily on Safrina's face.


The food here at this school was the same as other schools, and so Adams just decided to chill in a corner table of the cafeteria while he kicked up his foot on the lunch table that he sat by himself, getting many many stares from others which he just shrugged and paid no mind to. He didn't care about the looks that were directed towards them, or if they thought he was weird. That was their beliefs and decision and Adams wasn't going to let it bother or affect him. He was a loner after all and didn't give a damn to what others thought of him. So, he crossed his arms over his chest, his thin lips pressed together while he sat there with half-lidded eyes minding his business. Yet...that sadly did not last. Two girls approached him and he found himself glancing at them, thinking that maybe they were passing by, but to his disappointment, they sat across from him which made him sigh at them.

At first, he pretended like they weren't there, trying not to acknowledge the two girls' presence, hoping that they would eventually take the hint and leave. That never happened. Sitting up and pulling his feet off of the table he glared directly towards the two of them, "Do you mind?" he questioned them with a tone of annoyance.

One of them, a blonde girl with blue eyes and wore glasses blinked innocently at him while a smile began to grow upon her lips "No, no I don't" she piped towards Adams.

At that comment, he rolled his eyes at them and sighed a bit at them, "What do you two want?" Adams questioned them smoothly. Might as well talk to them until lunchtime was over and he could escape from the two people who decided social interaction with him was a good idea. His icy glare pierced through the two of them, the brunette seemingly looking uncomfortable and not wanting to be there while the blonde one seemed to keep smiling at him as if they had won their little war at this table— getting him to talk to them.

Finally, the blonde spoke once more, "We wanted to know what your name is, and uh...Oh! I'm Emily and this is Safrina, she was uhm...bit curious about you" the female cheerfully explained to him. Oh...they were trying to befriend him?

Leaning forward a bit he smirked, "Name's Adams, new here and there's nothin' you should be curious about doll, I'm a nobody," he explained to them the whole 'doll' remark had been meant for Safrina considering her friend had stated she had been...curious about him, which was never a good thing for both of them. He didn't want friends, he'll eventually move away so there was no point in making any.

The blonde, who had claimed her name to be Emily opened her mouth to say something but the bell signaling that it was time to change classes rang and he swiftly got up. "See ya later, and oh! Hope to talk to you both again," he said sarcastically before disappearing into the gathering swarm of students pushing their way through the cafeteria doors to get to their next classes.