
Mysteries of the Half-Vampire's Life

Jessica who has lived with her single mother being a human and is bored with her life, sneaking for some adventure in her life suddenly on her 20th birthday her mom says to her that she is a human but also a vampire, but a kind of special and dangerous vampire. How will Jessica react to her being a vampire? Will she be all have or she will be freaked out? What life will she have being a half-vampire who has lived in the human world for 20 years?

_rosie_petal_ · Fantasy
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17 Chs


The next day,

In the morning,

Everyone was at the dining table having breakfast. The three girls were shocked to see the vampires eat human food, as they have only seen before yesterday only vampires in movies or some drama series and they have never seen them eating human food.

The vampires were looking at the girls confused, as to why they had this reaction but yet continued to eat. The girls were eating as well as looking at vampires shocked until Jessica's phone rang.

She looked at the person who called and gulped her food, choking on it. Soya who was sitting beside her patted her back and gave her water. After a few seconds, Jessica calmed down as well as the phone.

"Who was it?" Arni asked.

"Liam," Jessica said nervously. The other two choked.

"Who is this Liam?" Max asked.

"My boyfriend," Jessica said nervously making Max and George chock this time on the word 'boyfriend'

"You have a boyfriend?!" Max asked. Jessica nodded.

George opened his mouth to say something but again Jessica's phone rang, she looked at the others worried. Lia nodded her head saying her to pick up the phone and Jessica did.

"Hello," Jessica said.

"Hello babe, I am really sorry-"

"It's okay Liam and can I talk to you later? I am kind of busy right now"

"Yeah, okay bye" hearing that Jessica canceled the call.

"Does your mom know about him? Why he didn't come to your birthday party yesterday?" George asked. Protective big brother was mode activated.

"Yes, mom knows about it and he didn't come because he was out of the city since somebody in his family die. So, he had to leave" Jessica said and stuffed her mouth with food.

"You three eat then we will train okay," Lia said and gave a death glare to Goerge who was about to say something.

"Um... why are I and Soya getting trained?" Arni asked curiously.

All the vampires looked at each other and then looked at the girls.

"Just in case something happens, you guys should also know how to find a vampire," Lia said. The girls nodded.

"But you two will be trained differently from Jess" Lia added.

"We would know that even you wouldn't say," Arni said making her lips in a line.

"Then let's go," George said.

The vampires teleported themselves and the girls somewhere deep in the forest which they don't know what.

"Um... Why are we in the middle of a forest?" Jessica asked.

"We are going to train here. So anyone of you in any sports?" George asked.

"Badminton," Soya said.

"Short put," Arni said.

"Football," Jessica said.

"One has good flexibility, one has muscle strength and one has tackling skills, good" Leo said.

"So, what are we going to do?" Soya asked.

"At first all three of you will have the same type of training except Jess will get a little intense, understood?" George got nods in return from the three girls.

George made the girls run. To see their stamina he asked them to run as long as they can in a circle which was about three hundred long with trees around them. The girls started running around and the others were counting their rounds while seeing their speed and stamina.

First, Soya came and stood in front of them huffing then came Arni, and at last, came Jessica. The three of them sat down on the ground with their legs spread and panting to which Jessica was first to stop.

"Soya did ten rounds, Arni did fourteen rounds and Jessica did twenty rounds", Max said.

"My stamina is the maximum among the three of us after all I am a footballer," Jessica said while giving a blank look.

"Take rest for five minutes then we will see the next" George said After five minutes.

The girls were sitting and waiting for the next part of the training. The next part of training still contained them running but the difference was that some things will be thrown at them and they have to dodge them. The things won't hurt them if it hits them but it would be best if they dodge them. After that, the girls were given balls and they had to throw them on a statue's head, every shot has to be a headshot.

By the time the training was over, it was evening,

They went back home since the girls were tired and hungry, well everyone except Leo went hunting for blood. They were in the dining room and the girls were eating like hungry wolves who hasn't eaten anything for days shocking everyone.

"Slow down, the food is not going anywhere," Lia said sipping juice.

"fggfsfdgdfsgdff" Arni said.

"Um... we don't speak gibberish," Sam said.

Soya gulped her food down her throat and said "She said that we are hungry and eating this way because you made us train so much" she went back to food.

"You understand gibberish?" Max asked with an innocent face.

"Telepathy bro," Jessica said and started munching her food.

The three were eating and eating and eating, not giving a damm about the stares they were getting from the vampires. Leo came he was also shocked seeing them like this but he just kept his mouth shut and sat down.

The three boys were admiring their mates eating and thinking 'cute' no matter how much of weird they were looking right now. with hearty eyes, they were looking at them to which George and Lia reacted with disgusted and 'wtf' look but did the boys care? No, because they were busy looking at their mates and internally cooing at them.

After the girls were done eating,

The girls leaned back on the table and rubbed their tummies which looked a little fat because they just ate and were too lazy to get up.

"Come on get up and go back to your rooms," George said.

"We want to but we are feeling very lazy," Jessica said.

"We can carry you guys?" Sam suggested.

The girls stood up and said "We are independent women" and went to their room.