
mysteries of the absolute Chronicles ( Time ) : blind swordsman

2025... a high school student with black hair and white eyes ( No pupils ) was wearing his uniform with a service dog. They were walking home. and despite the fact that no one could see it, a tinge of lightning bolted throughout the entire city, passing by the blind man. "magic sigil ( Pre-set ) : voltage ( 5× )." mysteriously five voices rain throughout the entire city and a large circle with multiple encrypted messages appeared below the entirety of the city. "What the-! "What is this!?" "The hel- The high school student, being completely blind, only realized that something strange was happening when he heard other sounds ( people talking, dog barking, etc ). [ activate ( 5× ) ] the five mysterious voices rang out again and a large voltage struck down the entire city... and even after that it happened four more times! everyone in the city including the blind high school student were eviscerated. if their bodies weren't scorched then they were either completely erased or had multiple body parts gone ( Even those people were dead ). "Michael, the GateKeepers will be coming..." "Don't worry about that, I've been practicing on some summoning magic." two more voices ranged out mysteriously, however after that no one else talked. if there was anyone else alive, however.... they would see a massive figure made out of blinding light ( 200 m long and 300 in width ) It also had six wings on its back which were also covered by a blinding light however unlike the actual body the wings had multiple golden runic signs, alarm of the massive Halo above it's head, it's figure was actually surprisingly shallow ( like some sort of fake figure ) however despite that in a few seconds it was moving at hypersonic speeds, and at the next one light.... everyone had died... but there was one survivor. - The book cover has been completely taken by Google, if anyone related to the actual creator of this beautiful piece of art ever asks me to change it, I will.

genisis_gaia_boss · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

truly a beginner mystery.

....( Most of this chapter is basically just what happens in the Synthesis So you can basically read that to understand what's going on, The only difference is that this chapter includes more information )....

In a very large city, appearing to be about 10 km long, large buildings were scattered around as people were going to work, school, or really any other place.

In the middle of the city ( not really, actually quite far away from the middle ) You could see a high schooler with completely black hair and white eyes ( No pupils ) which would in most cases let someone know that the teenager was blind, which they were.

They had a service dog right in front of them as they were walking through the city going to their house, It was sort of nearing evening/afternoon So it was quite easy to tell that the teenager had been coming from school.... When suddenly....

"[ Magic sigil ( Pre-Set ) : voltage ( 5× ) ]"

Despite the fact that everyone in the very much large city had heard the voice, some people were definitely questioning where it came from, and others were wondering if they were crazy.

"w-did you hear that too?"

"I think I might have drank too much last night!"

"Uh... What is happening?"

A couple more voices rang out from other citizens until...

"[Activation ( 5× ) ]"

The five seemingly 'mysterious' voices rang out again, and before anyone could react....

A sudden blank screen of yellow appeared before everyone's eyes... And no it wasn't some sort of status window, and neither wasn't anyone's phones, It was....

Absolute voltage!

Everyone from the cats and dogs or the kids and adults, they were all eviscerated within seconds, No matter how tough they're clothes were, No matter how big or strong of a physique they had, they were eviscerated


"That's quite a large harvest of souls, coming to Himamoto will increase the amount of GateKeepers who are going to be a thorn to our sides though..."

"Come on, It won't even matter if we can set up more magic sigils like this and more battlefields and cities, if we amass enough souls... Our magical abilities would go to a whole another level."

"Shut up, if any other magic users hear us then it's completely your fault, but I have been working on my summoning abilities recently."

Three voices sounded throughout a large portion of the city, It seems like whatever was making their voices so loud was still affecting their vocal cords, simply to a lesser level though.

If anyone were to somehow have survived, and if they still have their eyes as well, they would see a massive entity ( it's outscaled the city a little bit ) appearing through a flash of light ( a fusion between golden and emerald ).

It was some sort of bland figure with no distinctive features except for it's two wings which were also very much bland, however like the rest of its body looked like they were crystallized however instead of having no extra touches they had multiple golden runic symbols.

There were also swerving portions of emerald and silver... Water?.... Flowing around it along with a massive Halo above its head which also had multiple runic inscriptions however instead of being golden in color it was emerald ( It seemed like it was made out of crystals ), although even with all of those very much cool and also bland details it still... Just seemed... Lifeless.

As all of the mysterious voices went aboard the giant figure which was laying down on the city ( It was mysteriously flying in the air though ) the giant mysterious figure that left at supersonic speeds, soon crossing even light speeds.

"Last time I checked this is [ spiritual inscription sorcery ] along with [ High-Tier Soulless creation ], although it is similar to summoning it's not really that close..."

"It's the closest I could get to the elderborns....( More stuff )..."

As the mysterious voices talked and talked about the mysterious Giant being, anyone who survived probably would have noticed one word which described the name of the mysterious Giant.

" This thing, What do you call it?"

"I call it the [ Solis Frame Seraphim ], mainly due to the fact that I had to use frames made from many Soulless creations, and it's affinity with the moon and the Sun."

The [ Solis frame Seraphim ] quickly left the city, however miraculously... One person did survive... And one person heard it all.

It was that same blind teenager...

Solis Cronofer...


The blind teenager laid under some rubble, after all of the entirety of the city had been decimated...

But despite all that... He was surprised by one thing...

[ Soul perception ] or that's what he had at least decided to call it.

[ Soul perception ] allowed him to see outside of his body without his eyes, although he was very much still blind, He could technically see...

The question was how he was using such a magnificent ability!

"H-how, Am I dreaming? How does this even work?..."

As the teenager looked around with [ Soul perception ] noticing that he was under some rubble.


It seemed like the Awakening of [ Soul perception ] had caused his body to not recognize any sort of pain, over now that the pseudo adrenaline rush was over, a gushing amount of pain fluxed through his body... He tried wriggling through the multiple pieces of rubble however not only were his legs crushed and broken, It seems like the entirety of everything below his torso had seemingly disappeared...

Despite the fact that he had survived, and even had a new way of seeing, A person could consider him even more disabled if anything.

"Hmmm,[ Soul perception ] and [ Solis Frame Seraphim ] are pretty good names, The humans in this world sure are good at naming...

If so then I'll call this ability [ absolute reversal radiation ]!" Another mysterious voice appeared right before Solis, seemingly intrigued, around with calling their mysterious ability [ absolute reversal radiation ]."

'What... The heck is ha-'

Solis, immediately after the ability was activated, pass out as multiple platinum and golden rings surrounded his body and the surroundings ( whether it be space or the land itself ).

"I must say that thing most of utilized a lot of energy to activate that very powerful magic sigil, they could have easily done it themselves thou...." As the mysterious voice continued to talk, Solis himself passed out.