
Myst : The Immortality Flower

Run! Run! Go far away my child! Don't let them catch you! Running while breathing heavily with her brother, Isis is running out of energy. Who are those people? Why are they after my family? What have we done to deserve this? Sprinting with her all might, without looking back she stumbles down the road and fell into a ditch. While trying to get up she saw a bridge and started running towards it and found a ship. she boarded the ship but those assassins are still following her. when she just had thought that she has lost them another tragedy had happened. Her brother went missing... What will Isis do now? How will she find him? Will she be able to take revenge? Or will she become forgotten? what will happen to her now? Please continue to read to find what happened next... If you like the story do share it with your friends and support me.

Nisha_ali_1003 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

What is happening....?

"Who are you?", Isis asked hesitantly.

The boy stood up and answered nonchalantly,

"We can introduce ourselves later after you are better, why don't you rest for now"

And was about to depart...

"No, I need to know who you are and why I am here."

Isis was assertive.

That boy answered, "Just so you know I didn't bring you here, it's you who came here voluntarily".

"What? Don't joke with me, how can I come here when I don't even know where this place is, I was just....

Suddenly she recollects her memories of the ship.

(that's right, I was on the ship....and was tracking Eugene....that symbol emitted light and then I found myself here...)

"....but how did I end up here?"

"Seems like you recalled something". "Well I don't know how you came inside my manor with the tight security but I found you lying in the center of my garden".

Isis took a deep sigh and sat on the bed

(Maybe there was a mana circle which got activated due to my mana power and I ended up here.)

"Can you guide me to the place where you found me?" Isis requested the boy.

The boy sat on the chair again, bent down a little while crossing his finger, he said,

"I don't think you are in the condition to ask me favors. Moreover I don't know anything about you".

he looked serious.

(he is right, if I had found someone unknown I would also find it hard to put my trust in them.)

"I understand but it's urgent for me... please help me".

It was hard for Isis to ask a complete stranger for help but she didn't have another choice.

She had less time to waste as she was in a hurry to find her brother.

"Seeing her honest eyes, he leaned back a little, folded his arm and said, " name".

"Excuse me?"

"Are you dumb ? I am asking your name"

"I am not dumb but i don't see a reason why I should tell you my name".

"Well, you are really dumb; how do you expect me to help you when I don't know who you are".

Isis thought ( Will it be alright for me to tell my name; I don't know if he is a friend or foe.)

"My name is 'Isis' what about you?"

With dissatisfied eyes he answered " Ethan "; as if he knew that she isn't telling her family name on purpose.

"place", he asked.

" can't you use a proper sentence for asking me, why are you speaking like that?"

" I don't talk much, just answer", he replied.

"well..I am..uhh...umm...(oh no! what should i say, i can't tell him I am from Ayasa.)

...growl..rumble.. it was a loud sound which could be heard from outside the room.

"It seems I was being inconsiderate to a person who just woke up after two days. come downstairs for lunch, we can continue our conversation there"

(sigh..that gave me some time,'nice timing stomach'.)


Two tall ladies with modest clothing entered the room bowing their heads down, waiting for order.

(they are well built and they look like knights... I can't believe they are maids)

"Get her ready in an hour and bring her downstairs for lunch, make sure she looks decent."

Ethan left the room after giving instructions to them

"Decent! what does he mean by decent; I am perfectly fine...or maybe not" as she glanced over her body, and wasn't able to recognize herself because she was covered in mud her clothes were tattered and her hair was greasy and she had wounds all over her body especially her feet which were injured while she was on the run.

(Maybe I should clean myself first )

The ladies standing there were smiling.

(oh! where are my manners)

"Hello! My name is Isis, it's a pleasure to meet you ladies, please take care of me for the while being".

The lady with a scar on her head flustered and replied," greetings to lady Isis, I am Amy and she is my younger sister Mary ",as she turned towards her sister.

"we are here to provide assistance to you lady, shall we prepare the bath?"

"yes, sure"

The water was warm, with rose petals in it, which made her feel relaxed and the water washed all the dirt on her..

The maids were surprised that just taking a bath could make someone look pretty; her brown straight hair with a golden hue appeared as if they were shining, and her skin was smooth and soft as feathers. she looked completely different after wearing the dress that was prepared for her.

"Miss, we have been here for ten years but i haven't seen someone as pretty as you.

"Why are suddenly praising me, my hair and eye colour is very common and I am still just eight years old. You can't call someone like me pretty, I am sure there are tons of girls who are more beautiful".

Mary said,"Lady you are underestimating yourself though it's true that the colour of your hair and eyes is common but they a purity in them that just make you shine in a crowd".

"And your skin it's so smooth and soft that it feels like I am touching furballs".

"You are flattering too much".

"let's go your master must be waiting"

The ladies were guiding her with respect. As she walked in the manor she realised that Ethan is not someone of low status, his manor was beautifully decorated with marble floors, antics, imported furnitures and what not . She walked down the stairs, and saw a lush green garden through the window.

Now she was contemplating as to what will she say, because it doesn't look like ethan will be fooled by her lies.

Moreover she need allies to find her brother and to find what happened to her parents, she had many questions and was thinking how to tell him all this.

She was lost in thoughts.

(will he help me or even believe me)

As she reached the dining hall she saw a familiar face sitting with Ethan.

As if they were waiting for her.

Plop.. her legs gave out and she fell down on the floor and was bewildered;

with her eyes wide open in a stuttering voice she said, ho...how..are you here?