
Myst : The Immortality Flower

Run! Run! Go far away my child! Don't let them catch you! Running while breathing heavily with her brother, Isis is running out of energy. Who are those people? Why are they after my family? What have we done to deserve this? Sprinting with her all might, without looking back she stumbles down the road and fell into a ditch. While trying to get up she saw a bridge and started running towards it and found a ship. she boarded the ship but those assassins are still following her. when she just had thought that she has lost them another tragedy had happened. Her brother went missing... What will Isis do now? How will she find him? Will she be able to take revenge? Or will she become forgotten? what will happen to her now? Please continue to read to find what happened next... If you like the story do share it with your friends and support me.

Nisha_ali_1003 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Haa..haa..haa..gasp..( breathing heavily)

Holding the baby in the arm cautiously yet firmly, Isis is running so fast that she thought her legs are going to explode, she pumped her legs, gaining momentum with each push. she quickened her pace until steps became leaps.

In the dusky night she is running through the woods with all might, the dark tree trunks looked like men holding weapons, the only light giving her hope was the moonlight , the reflection from her pendant and stars visible through the patches of leaves and skyscrapers like trees.

Amidst which one can hear the wolves howling and growling.

Her feet were bleeding but she's got no time to care.

Catch her! Don't let them get away! We must capture them dead or alive!

or else 'he' will not spare us..catch them!

'Mom told me to go straight, after crossing the ditch, I will find a boat, which i can recognise and to make sure we hide there until she and father come to fetch us .'( This was the only thing she was thinking)

The shouting made Isis look behind, there was nothing but barely visible trail.

As soon as she turns...

unable to keep the balance she trips...Ahhhhhh!

She was falling down but protecting and keeping the baby from getting hurt. splash! she fell into a ditch.

drip... drip... due to the water she didn't get hurt. After getting out of the water she sat down on the grass and checked the baby.

haa...haa.. removing the red coloured cloth wrapped around him from his face she said,

'Thank god he is safe..'( hugging him affectionately)

I think there are a few hours left until the sleeping spell wears off, let's get out of here, she thought.

She looked to the right and saw the metal bridge shining under the dark night, she ran towards it,tears rolling down but one could see a smile on her exhausted face.

At some distance after crossing the bridge she saw the ship with a crest of butterfly on it preparing to leave the harbour. It was bustling with people, some were getting on while others were getting off the ship, she could see the ticket checker who was monitoring everyone carefully.

she didn't have much time she needed to get on board as soon as possible. she pondered for a few seconds and looked around.. there was a small pebble near her.

she raised her arm and pointed at the pebble and glared at it intensely... the pebble flew and started moving towards the checker at a fast speed, it hit him on the head.

The ticket checker screamed..ahhhh.. 'who the hell has a death wish', he screamed and gazed at the direction the pebble came from but there was no one.

With him busy finding the offender she got her chance to get mixed in the crowd and got on board safely.

The ship was filled with wealthy looking people but she has no interest in them.

she found herself a cozy corner where wine barrels were kept, she felt like a wild beast who found a hole to hide itself from the hunter.

Near the cabin a man waved a green flag signalling to leave the harbour. a loud roar of the ship getting started could be heard from a few miles away.

with a deep sigh of relief, as the ship was leaving, she looked at the land for the last time. (Her heart throbbed as it became heavily filled with different emotions). she instinctively knew that she is not going to come back to this place soon again...

she sat down and checked the baby..'it's almost time he wakes up..',she mumbled.

They both were soaked in water...

she observed her surroundings and placed her right hand a bit above the baby's head and moved it slowly throughout his body till the legs while chanting something..the water on the baby vaporised and left the baby with a warm sensation.

she put the baby down on the wooden floor of the ship and closed her eyes, chanting a spell, she made herself dry...

she lifted the baby as if lifting a delicate glass piece which could break with the slightest impact.

She leaned on one of the barrels with the baby on her lap. She was thinking... if only today I hadn't wished to see the miracle garden... I should have listened, when mom said we could go there another day.. I shouldn't have behaved childishly...if only I was a little stronger... I could have saved my parents...(sobbing... sobbing...) she clenched her fist tightly with her head down, the tears were falling on the cloth wrapped around the baby...it took her some time to calm down.

Her expression changed as if enlightenment had hit her, she made a decision for which she was ready to pay any price!

"If we make it out of here safely , I swear to find those b*****d who made my family like this.

I won't let a single person involved to get away"

she suddenly realised that Eugene might cry due to hunger after all he is just a two year old kid.

'I should go and search for some food before he wakes up',she thought.

She covered and hid him behind the barrels. I should cast a defence spell before leaving him alone on such a large ship.

Oh! and 'that' spell also, it will keep him safe for a while.

She went to search for food after casting a silence spell and other multiple spells on herself to avoid being caught.

An hour later ...

She came back smiling with an apple and a glass bottle filled with water.

The bottle dropped and the glass shattered to pieces, the apple slipped her hand like wanting to go far from her...

her legs gave up and she fell on the ground...plop..

In a shocked and confused tone she mumbled, whe..where.. did he go...?

The only thing left behind was the red cloth and Eugene was missing....