

Waking up to a place he doesn't know, Imyut remembers nothing except his name. With no memories and a foreign land where he's now lost, Imyut departs on a journey to uncover the secrets buried with his memory and the purpose of his existence. This is the story of the arrogation of mankind and it's catastrophic result.

vibe_torri · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"What was your name again?" The guy in front of me asked,scratching his head as if confused.

"Imyut, sir." I answered. "What kind of name is that?" He asked, totally bewildered now.

"So, you say you don't remember anything except your name?"

"Yes sir." I answered trying to look as earnest as possible. It was true that I didn't

remember anything but I knew that people won't believe me this easily.

Outside the room I could see a lot of people huddled around the door.

They were trying to stand on their toes and were pushing each other

slightly with the purpose of getting a glimpse of me.

"He actually has brown skin!" I heard someone say outside in the rush. I tried to ignore that

and concentrate on the person in front of me.

"Could it be that you are from a country far away that we don't know about?" he asked me, but

the way he spoke seemed more like he was asking himself.

"I seriously don't know sir." I said, now myself doubting my credibility. He stared at me for

some time as if the answers were written on my face. He clicked his

tongue and finally said, "Alright,that's it for today. I might

interrogate you later." He extended his hand, "Welcome to Dorberg. I am Noah."

I shook his hand similar to what I saw him do with one of his friends before he interrogated me.

Maybe I did it right because he didn't show any reaction. I stood up

and went for the door where all the people suddenly separated and made

way for me. Everyone seemed a little tall for me but I wasn't abnormally

short in comparison to them. As I stepped outside the sheer number of

people had me amazed. Everyone was bustling in the streets, buying stuff

from the bazaar.

Looking at all these people so busy with their lives brought uncertainty to me. What do I do

now? Who am I, why am I so different from these people? They were all

tall, fair and had hair colours I found to be intuitively weird. Why do

they have golden hairs, I mused. I took a step forward in the street and

immediately bumped into a kid. He looked at me with disgust and snarled

"got no money in your pockets" and suddenly disappeared in the crowd.

That made me realize, I indeed didn't have any money. I went to a stall

selling fruits. People were exchanging silver and bronze coins. I was

hungry. How do I earn money? Where would I sleep? How do we even survive

here? Also, I needed someone knowledgeable who can tell from my

appearance about the land of my birth. It was fairly obvious that

Dorberg, this place was really far from my home.

"Hey, you tourist."

Someone called out to me. I looked back at a guard eying me

suspiciously. "Where are you from". I found him staring at the red

coloured tattoo on my face. "Uhh..." I fumbled for words, what do I say?

Before I could say anything the guard turned away and shouted at

someone "Hey you, stop! Aren't you the pickpocket?", he then gave chase

to a boy. The boy looked like the kid who had tried to pickpocket me. I

was left alone. Breathing a sigh of relief I started walking aimlessly. I

need to get a job. I decided. Maybe I should ask that guard about any

available jobs. If he asks me any questions like before I will just make

up some place. I saw him running into an alley. Okay then, firming my

resolve I ran after him.

The alley had really little sunlight and was really smelly and narrow. I saw the guard facing

someone sideways. Oh good I can catch up to him now. I was a little

amazed by the endurance my body had. I wasn't much out of breath. I was

quite near him now, he didn't turn to face me.

"Hey, uh mister." I called out to him. He turned to face me, his eyed became wide. Huh? what

happened and then I saw it as if in slow motion. His head came off the

body, almost floating and rolled to my feet. I saw his wide eyes staring

at me. I heard a distant thud and clang sound as his body and his

armour hit the ground. I shouted out loud, waves of nausea came to me.

What the hell! This ain't real. I looked towards my left where the guard

was previously watching. The pickpocket kid was hiding behind a man

with a sword in his hand streaked with blood.

"Oh no. A witness huh? Well, everyday has something different in store for you. Isn't that

true?" The man said to me and smiled. "Though this day has something a

little too different for you."