
Myriad Spear: Combat Continent

A man who becomes a boy once more, a boy destined for greatness but would he walk the same path and make the same choices as his predecessor was destined? or would he walk a different path? A spear that embodies everything, flowers adorn him with petals some to the end of time but others wither against its turbulent waters. A bloody carnage for the ages. The twilight of an era, in his image, spawns of the unholy trinity usher and receive the baton and herald the era. Winter is coming as it chases his shadow. Death brings its army with his hands. Soul shatter in the storms present in his gaze. Once spear to end it all, one spear to begin it all. 10 00 years after one legend, another comes to fruition but is this a good or bad thing for the people of the combat continent?

HollOw13 · Others
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33 Chs

Death of the Unnamed Woman

As the flaming meteors and deadly chillness assaulted the woman, Sei Meio and the two he was sharing his senses with felt her every reaction, even with such a large gap in their abilities, she was still human thus she had human body functions and human basic weaknesses minus the obvious soulforce protection.

As he sensed her dreadful soulforce fluctuations and the sheer power behind it, his face turned grim. He was hoisted by his two teammates soulforce but that was still a ways off their opponents.

Ah, teammate. What a dreadful word for someone like him, who was in terrible school project and test groups, and he who likes to everything himself, even with the two helping him keep his little life he still wasn't exactly thrilled.

'It's no time for my thoughts to wander, even an ant can cause a disturbance, I must help out no matter how small, I can't just stand here and leave it all to them, I don't like having my fate out of my control.'

He observed the dimension of his spiritual detection taking in every detail and calculating how they could help his cause, those details included himself.

' Hm, why isn't she affected by ling luochen's ultimate ice. It's sourced from my own so I doubt the silver dragon king or water dragon king could do better if they were martial souls, the snow lady is most certainly on their level as she is a unique existence said to be born from ice. Even if she didn't she should be.....'

Yes, she should be affected by his by his martial soul itself as it was clear she was using ice type attacks even if not now, he had released it in front of her before!

'Something is definitely wrong.' He held his chin as he went over every bit of detail since he crossed paths with them.

Meanwhile, Ling Luochen was revelling in her newfound powers as queen of ice, No goddess of ice. Sadly, she knew she had more pressing matters and was focused on exerting as much pressure on her opponent. As members of the same team, she and Xiaotao had cooperated on several times on end.

They knew the extent of each others, abilities. They co-ordinated with each other well. They were both attacking at points interchangeably but it wasn't enough if they were going to have a battle of endurance with a soul douluo capable of soul fusion.

Ling Luochen summoned a storm of ice, using her fifth soul skill, it had the depth and chill of the coldest attribute in existence, she controlled it superbly and variated just enough buy creating the exact gap needed for Ma Xiaotao to send in her meteors. A feat that wouldn't be possible if not for Spiritual Detection Sharing.

They continued to match each others tactics using several ones from Shrek Academy, with it being THE Shrek, of course they had courses in defeating and handling superior opponents who were of a higher caliber.

However, the difference between six and seven rings was huge almost as most as between eight and nine rings. The Martial Soul True Body of this little gap was the true pest. An ordinary soul douluo would have caved to their tactics already as they were foolproof and precise to an almost perfect level thanks to Sei Meio's support. But she showed no signs of being defeated.

She'd gathered power and force several times to make an explosive attack to break through but they always saw it coming and retreated or dodged sending a few annoyances in her path as they did so. So she couldn't take advantage of her higher soulforce density.

Suddenly they heard a message from Sei Meio, Ma Xiaotao recalled her sixth soul skill and used her first three making her way over to them. As the sonorous cries of a phoenix cooing echoed each carrying a pillar of flame, even in her soul transformation state the woman couldn't keep it at bay.

It was a problem of explosiveness, flames were a lot more explosive and damage inducing than ice, she had to protect herself with soulforce as if she didn't possess an ice martial soul because of the harassment from behind. She didn't run although she was fully capable of doing so. She had too much pride in herself.

She believed it only to be a matter of time.

'Just you two little vixens wait, as soon as your soulforce runs....wait what's this!!!'

Her vision suddenly blurred as heated icy mist surrounded her vision, she immediately exerted force to blow away the ice mist but could mist formed from ultimate ice be easy to disperse? Of course not. On the other side of the mist, Sei Meio was holding both their hands.

He mixed his ice with Ling luochen's and then stopped, in that interval the two girls clashed with their martial souls forming icy hot mist, then he mixed his ice with hers once more to form another layer of pure ultimate ice mist, after several layers had been formed they commenced their plan.

Ma Xiaotao held onto him with Luochen as they used her sixth soul skill and inched closer and closer to her, meteors of flame guided by his spiritual detection attacked the woman, Sei Meio broke off from them and snuck up on her.

"Damnit, where the hell are these coming from, can't you help!" She directed that last phrase to the existence in her medallion.

«Girl how much energy do you think I have, I'm not even fully on this plane, I've done all I could. It's up to you now. Zezezeze. Being played with by brats, how amusing.»

She gritted her teeth but couldn't retort, she directed her anger In. smashing an upcoming meteor with her martial soul true body.

"?" She felt nothing, No resistance like she was hitting air. She tested once more and it was the same. Her confidence surging she prompted to ignore the next one. Which caused her no small amount of pain. She cursed loudly as she cooled the flames.

This repeated itself for quite a while, until she suddenly felt her vision blur and her head ache. In that same moment amplifying her headache was a loud sonorous phoenix cry, black flames assaulted her senses, she had seen the same scene a couple times just before and each time it was just ice disguised as flame, in her absent-mindedness she ignored it not wanting to spend much time on it and instead agonized over her headache.

This all happened in merely a few seconds, in an instant, the black flames invaded her body and burned her skin and insides. An ear piercing screech escaped her mouth as she cried out fiercely. But the black flames were too ferocious and got stronger over time.

How had this happened?!!!! She found herself thinking this as the heat consumed her in a black blaze.

It all started with the psychological warfare of the real and fake illusions, mixed with even more one second of wonder illusions of black flames, ice dragons etc. These illusions were changed to real and fake at key moments assaulting her psyche and Sei Meio who was taking great risks by being within six metres of her, used his soul shock skill at full power in the last moment. Causing her to be caught off guard and fuzzy for a few seconds.

Within those seconds Ma Xiaotao used the full power of her Evil Fire flames and burned her with all the spirit power she could. Having saved a bit, with Sei Meio mimicking the meteors, Ling luochen was the key distraction and real illusion in this plot, exhausting her soulforce. Now things were drawing to a close.

Sei Meio was exhausted but revenge ignited his soul, he instantly appeared in front of the woman.

"In your next life, find a heart you repulsive b*tch! Oh my~! What an odd place for this to be, did you borrow it." He smirked as he dug into her charred chest to grab a heart, still pulsing.

"Wait wait, don't leave yet, I've always wanted to try this, see you on the other side, oh my~ bad pun, ah who cares I'm tired." Sei Meio grabbed her head and spun it around, twisting her neck. Now her face was above her charred spinal cord.

'Who says forgiveness gives greater pleasure, I beg to differ. That was .... I don't even know how to describe it, it was.....conclusive at the very least and felt great.'

He lazily stepped on her head crushing it, he'd watched too many movies to leave an intact corpse. If she could come back from this, well. There's nothing he could do for uh...

' Hm. Didn't catch her name. Should I dub her adversary one, No too badass. Let's leave it at that , it wasn't a name worth remembering either. Huhu look at me getting to say things like that without being sued, ah freedom.'

He opened her charred collar but he couldn't see the cause of the vague outline he had glimpsed through her clothes, his instincts were deeply in unease whenever he thought of that thing but he didn't see it.

' Was i mistaken i suppose so.' If it was Sei Meio in his prime state, he would that he was doing a cliche and find that it truly was there and he should assume so. Though him being conspicuous of the fact wouldn't change the fact that the medallion was gone.

As He looked at the two girls, he wanted to cuddle them in his arms and fly home like a hero. He walked over confidently to Ma Xiaotao, "Yea" His voice was squeezed from the pressure of his weariness.

He was wearing quite a few layers of clothes as he was tortured half naked and he accidentally took out five sets , in the heat of the moment with his life on the line, he hadn't the time. He had left the extras on his back, he was now viewing a nosebleed inducing sight.

This wasn't an anime fight where the male characters might get their tops blow on off but just always had that little region down there protected by divine powers causing only that regions cloth to survive. The females didn't get preference either where all the little bits always had cloth divine protection.

The battle was so intense that all but him was naked with a few strands of cloth left and those weren't at the relevant regions. He had suffered as well from the mere aftershocks and shock waves. But he already dressed. The two girls however were almost as in 97% naked. They weren't too young either.

Sadly, his eyelids were getting heavier by the microsecond.

His wounds were severe and extensive.

"You can handle this now" With that he blacked out, in the intentional pervert situation and fell directly on her bouncy busom.

Ma Xiaotao sighed, she was tired. She was stressed, she wanted to be like the two who were now unconscious and sleeping. But she had the responsibility to take care of them and herself. She couldn't stay here anymore. She recovered enough soulforce to travel and made her way with two burdens.

She didn't even notice she was naked until she got up, the breeze flew by, she blushed in embarrassment at the two unconscious people, she took Sei Meio's clothes and dressed herself and Ling luochen. Her storage device was destroyed in the battle. As for Ling Luochen's she didn't see it. She had fought harder than she ever had and released the full power of her Evil Flame Phoenix. If it wasn't for Sei Meio's existence she wouldn't dare go that hard. She actually burned her extremely strong tailor made outfit and high grade storage tool!

She didn't see the exhausted little creature rush out from somewhere and curl up on Sei Meio's neck while cuddling something. Nor did she recognize Sei Meio's device as she wasn't looking for it, she didn't know that he had one. It was now on his finger but it looked nothing like a storage device as he had 'personalized' it a bit.


Sei Meio was now in his sea of consciousness alone. The fusion process was particularly taxing on all parties involved including him, and Electrolux. Skydream and Ice Emperor were both in a light sleep. Snow Empress had yet to awaken. Electrolux was also asleep.

If he was the previous huo yuhao then they would have woken up due to his inner turmoil, stress, pain and inadequacy. However, his mind , his sea of consciousness had experienced pain of horrifying magnitude twice before, so the third was far easier to deal with.

His mind had never broken, what he was , was exhausted. He had almost gotten himself killed but like all those times in the past life, they were just that, it was just that, something in the past, all he had right now was what he could do in the present and what the future held.

Sei Meio knew what his future entailed and how to get there, it wasn't suffocating or exhausting, as he knew his purpose from the very beginning in this life, he knew what he wanted, he knew who and what he wanted to become, all that was left was to get to it. And start acting like the person he wanted to be.

The person who lived through situations like this, and had become, unshakable. Sei Meio found himself staring at the tiny pond where his spiritual energy once was, it only had an extremely minuscule amount at this moment but it would recover and so would he.

"Where there's a will there's a way"

He chuckled to himself, he remembered that from his youth but he didn't remember if it was from a cartoon, it was only later in life, he started delving into motivational matters, to influence himself as well as others, mainly his employees.

He'd done it so many times they were second nature to him, and he had experienced them so he knew they weren't empty words. He slowly lulled himself to sleep with those quotes, like A lullaby.

"You will fail and something in life but you also learn from those failures."

"Failure is the nature of success."

"There is no smaller or greater mastery than the mastery of ones...self."

"If you think you can or think you can't....you're right."

"Self discipline is....." Sei Meio felt his awareness slip away as a warm feeling embraced his body.

In the corner of his spiritual sea he hadn't noticed that an inconspicuous grey ball was seemingly watching him.

Okay guys, as I think I've warned you before but still I'll do it again WARNING WARNING WARNING: he's going to stay at two ringed level for quiteee a while, several tens of chapters, so be prepared for the upcoming SLOW overall speed, he won't be powering through 9 rings in a 100 chapters, not even close. Since I quite like some of the girls perhaps they might even have their own ARCS, so be prepared to either let the chapters build up or drop the novel, I don't mind, keep in mind1000=>chaps

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