
Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

A Reverend Insanity fan fiction ----------------------------------------------- First, he travels through the world of novels, then gets pulled into the realm of the main god. The familiar plot is actually misleading and full of pitfalls. Emerging from the world of Gu, Zhou Ming travels through various realms, relying on his knowledge of Gu to forge a path as the greatest Gu master across all worlds. ----------------------------------------------------------------- You can still read it even if you have not read reverend insanity. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Everyday-> 1 chapter per day, more if I am not busy ------------------------------------------- Note- English and Chinese are not my first languages, so please forgive any minor grammatical errors that you may come across. Advance chapters at:- https://www.patreon.com/Novel782

Translator_Lich · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 3: The Killer Comes as Expected

Put down the gun, Zhou Ming sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, breathing slowly and steadily, his consciousness sank into the aperture.

In the bronze-colored spiritual sea, four gu insects swam or played, displaying spirituality.

One of them was translucent, like a small crystal sword, carved from crystal, and was the second-level Sword Qi Gu. It could release sword qi and was one of the strongest single-target damage Gu insects among second-level Gu.

The other was beetle-shaped, with a blue shell and a pair of large pincers. Its two black eyes, the size of rice grains, were like pearls. This was the second-level Water Armor Gu, which could form a thin layer of water armor to cover the body of the Gu master and resist damage.

These two second-level Gu were the inheritance that Zhou Ming received from his parents in this life.

The Gu world is divided into five regions: Southern Border, Western Desert, Northern Plains, Eastern Sea, and Central Continent., each of which is vast and several times larger than the earth.

The family that Zhou Ming crossed over to was located in the Northern Plains.

The geographical environment in the Northern Plains was harsh, and survival was difficult. In order to compete for resources, major tribes and families often erupted into conflicts and fights, and it was almost commonplace for Gu masters to die in battles in their families.

Zhou Ming's parents in this life died in a family battle when he was seven years old. Both of them were second-level Gu masters, and they died gloriously for their families, so Zhou Ming was not mistreated by the family when he was growing up.

After he became a Gu master, he inherited these two Gu insects and has been cultivating them until today.

As the saying goes, humans are the spirit of all things, and Gu insects are the essence of heaven and earth. Gu insects are not dead, but living creatures.

Wild Gu insects have their own will, know how to seek benefits and avoid harm, and find their own food and habitats.

After being refined, the independent will of Gu insects is eliminated and replaced by the will of the Gu master, so that they can use their own primeval essence to drive the Gu insects to unleash their power. However, they still need to be fed, otherwise they will weaken and eventually starve to death.

The higher the level of the Gu insect, the higher the cost of feeding it. Zhou Ming has spent a lot of resources on these two Gu insects, to the point where he was once so lacking in spirit stones that it was difficult for him to even practice.

He had thought about selling these two Gu worms before, but after hesitating for a long time, he still couldn't bear to give them up. In the end, he gritted his teeth and kept them.

Later, after graduating from the academy and officially joining the team, he could complete family missions to earn merits and spirit stones. He had even more reason not to sell these two Gu worms.

The other two Gu worms in his body were the Water Jade Gu, which looked like a jade stone and was used to assist in cultivation. It could help Zhou Ming to speed up his breakthrough to the peak of the first stage and had two chances of use.

The other one looked like a clump of dusty grass and was the first-stage healing Gu worm, the Grassroots Gu. It floated and swayed in the aperture, shaking its roots.

Zhou Ming has a total of six Gu worms on his body. In addition to these four in his aperture, there are two more. One is the Leaf Blade Gu, which is attached to the back of his right hand, and the other is the Grass Shoe Gu, which is attached to his feet.

Zhou Ming activates the Grass Shoe Gu, and a pair of grass shoes silently appear on his bare feet. At this time, Zhou Ming's running speed and jumping ability will be greatly improved.

However, maintaining the Grass Shoe Gu also requires constant consumption of Primeval essence.

Zhou Ming only maintained it for a short while before stopping the Grass Shoe Gu's activation, and the grass shoes on his feet immediately disappeared.

Staring at the slightly lowered Primeval essence sea level in his aperture, Zhou Ming immersed himself in deep meditation. After a while, he could feel the primeval essence sea level rise a little.

"Success! The Gu worms can be activated, and primeval essence can also recover on its own."

Zhou Ming opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

To replenish the consumed primeval essence, a Gu Master either relies on natural recovery or absorbs the natural primeval energy from primeval stones.

In this world, Zhou Ming doesn't even have half a primeval Stone. If he can't recover primeval essence naturally, then the Gu worms on his body will be useless.

Fortunately, that didn't happen. Zhou Ming's primeval essence recovery is the same as in the Gu world.

With his aptitude, he can recover five percent of Primeval essence per hour. If he exhausts all of his fifty percent primeval essence, it will take him a full ten hours to recover naturally.

Although slow, it's better than nothing.

Glancing at the clock in the room, Zhou Ming put on his shoes, strapped his gun to his waist, and opened the door.

It had been more than twenty minutes since the agreed meeting time with them in Yu Man's room, and there were only a few minutes left. Zhou Ming decided to head over now.


The elevator door slowly opened, and a blond man in a suit with his hair tied in a ponytail walked out.

Zhou Ming closed the door and looked up to see the man in the suit walking towards him.

The two men paused briefly when they met eyes.

The man in the suit remained silent, while Zhou Ming nodded and smiled, considering it a courtesy greeting.

After that, both looked away and went their separate ways. Zhou Ming headed towards room 708 where Yu Man was located.

The two passed by each other.

A cold sweat dripped from Zhou Ming's forehead.

He felt an incredibly dangerous aura from this man.

It was a kind of powerful intuition for danger that had saved Zhou Ming from many crises before.

An assassin!

How did he show up so quickly?

Didn't Yu Man say they would be safe within twelve hours?

Although he had many questions, Zhou Ming trusted his intuition.

People from Northern Plains had faced all kinds of danger and battles since childhood. Those who reacted slowly to danger had already died.

In that instant, Zhou Ming reacted like a stressed-out cat, twisting his waist, turning around, drawing his gun, and firing!

As he turned around, he saw the man in the suit do the same, drawing his gun and shooting.

The man in the suit did not expect Zhou Ming to suddenly attack. He reacted abruptly when Zhou Ming turned around and immediately turned around to fight back.

Although the man in the suit's reaction speed was already fast, it was still one step slower than Zhou Ming.

Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots sounded one after the other in a very short time.

Zhou Ming was confident in his own shot. At such a close distance, he would definitely hit the other party.

Of course, the other party's bullet would also hit him, but he was not worried.

The Water Armor Gu had already been activated and was enough to block this shot.

However, suddenly, Zhou Ming's pupils contracted.

The two bullets did not hit their targets as he had expected. Instead, they collided accurately in mid-air.

What's going on?!

Zhou Ming was amazed and bewildered, but the situation did not allow him time to think.

After firing the first bullet, the man in the suit immediately pulled the trigger to fire the second shot.

Obviously, the man in the suit had a strong purpose. The first shot blocked Zhou Ming's bullet, and the second shot was meant to kill Zhou Ming, with two bullets, no more, no less.

He was a very precise and confident assassin.

Zhou Ming did not have the same amazing marksmanship as the man in the suit, and of course, he could not avoid the bullet that had been fired.

But suddenly, the man in the suit's pupils also contracted sharply.

The bullet hit Zhou Ming accurately but remained on his body surface, without penetrating it.

It was the Water Armor Gu!

Without even looking at the bullet, Zhou Ming raised his gun and fired the second shot at the man in the suit.

The man in the suit immediately fought back, wanting to use a bullet to block the bullet, just like before. However, at the moment he pulled the trigger, his eyes widened in shock.

After the bullet fired by Zhou Ming, a white sword aura followed closely behind it.

"Sword Qi Gu!"

The bullet collided with the sword aura, creating a spark.


The sword aura sliced through the neck of the man in the suit, and blood spattered on the wall behind him.

The man in the suit had used his bullets to block the incoming bullets, but he had no way to block the sword aura.

His head fell onto the soft carpet and rolled twice before his body, now headless, swayed and fell backward, hitting the wall and leaving a thick, vivid trail of blood on it. Zhou Ming's body also shook as he struggled to stand firm, not falling down.

The Water Armor Gu and Sword Qi Gu were both Rank 2 Gu worms, and after being activated twice, they had almost drained Zhou Ming's Primeval essence.

Although the battle may seem long when described, in reality, it only lasted for a few seconds with a total of five shots fired between the two sides.

However, when fighting for one's life, a few seconds are enough to determine one's fate.

"Brother Yang!" Zhou Ming called out weakly, "Help."

The door to room 703 suddenly opened and Yang Zhisheng leapt out, gun in hand, quickly scanning the room.

He had reacted immediately upon hearing the gunshot, holding his gun against the door frame.

However, since he didn't know what was happening outside the door, he didn't make any reckless moves.

Only after hearing Zhou Ming's shout did he rush out immediately.

Upon seeing the scene, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned, but he quickly rushed forward at an even faster pace.

"Did you kill the person? Are you injured? How did you kill him?" He spoke quickly and moved even faster, reaching Zhou Ming in just a few sentences.

"I'm fine," Zhou Ming said somewhat absentmindedly.

Besides the fact that he was exhausted, countless pieces of information were flooding into his mind.

[ Special reward for beginners: Every time you kill a killer, you will get a part of the killer's combat experience, only for this mission. ]

The killer killed by Zhou Ming was not ordinary in strength, and his combat experience was very rich. Even if it was only a part, it was not something Zhou Ming could digest in a moment.

"Come on, let's go to my room first!" Yang Zhisheng saw that Zhou Ming was not in the right state and quickly pulled him away.

At the same time, he spoke directly to the air in front of him: "If there is any situation, come to me."

Are you contacting Yu Man?

Zhou Ming thought silently in his heart. It seems that Yang Zhisheng and Yu Man have a special way of communicating.

Entering the room, Yang Zhisheng pushed Zhou Ming onto a chair and said, "Take a rest and recover your state first."

"Okay," Zhou Ming nodded.

Neither of them spoke again, and the room suddenly became quiet.