
Myriad Realms Gatekeeper

Planets died, gods fell. After the Dharma Realm collapsed, humanity lost all its protectors. Now. "Anomaly" and "Catastrophe" began to invade the Human World. As the Dark Age approached, a soul from Blue Star transcended and arrived...

Flaming Fortress · Sci-fi
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276 Chs

Chapter 225 Primordial Extraction!

In the battle, this was a good perk!

I love Swindler's Leap!

Come on, let's see who will fall for it!

Shen Ye rubbed his hands together, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly:

"You guys from before, wait for me!"

His physique flashed, and he ran towards the deeper part of the corridor.

Not long after.

The area ahead suddenly brightened.

It was a square.

Torches burned all around the square.

The man in the gray Battle Armor, along with five classmates, stood on the square, facing a three-meter-tall monstrous corpse and performing a bowing ceremony.

What the hell are these guys up to?


No matter what they're up to, I have to disrupt it!

Shen Ye strode forward, bellowing:

"Why do you all worship below?"

Whispers of the Dark was immediately activated!

The three-meter-tall monstrous corpse slowly turned its head to look at Shen Ye and said:

"They are summoning me, to bestow upon them the key to that door."

"What door? What key?" Shen Ye asked again.