
Five tribulation quasi-immortal

"Your Highness, how should we do it?"

The others asked.

didn't we discover a new underground Palace near the northern region? if we disclose this information to the people of the evil great cosmos, they will definitely investigate it. Then, they will secretly disclose this information to the people of the Yang realm. When Lu Ming receives the news, he will definitely go and hunt the people of the evil great cosmos.

Yellow sky explained.

The northern region was the area where the seven to nine tribulation quasi-Immortals were active.

The area where the 7th tribulation to 9th tribulation quasi-Immortals were active was actually very special. The middle was large and the two sides were flat and long.

It was on the East and West sides, and the area was very narrow.

If they charged into the northernmost region from the central region and continued North, they would soon pass through the entire back region and enter the battlefield of true immortals.