
Myriad Islands

"Is this world made of small Islands or are there bigger ones?" Elias Gobarau wants nothing but a normal life with his wife. Unfortunately, unforeseen forces have other plans for him as he was swallowed by space and found himself in a world of Oceans filled with Islands. ***** Myriad Island is a world where Intelligence, Strength, Fate, Luck and even Destiny means nothing. The only thing that can keep a sentient being sane was clinging to an ever-abstract concept known as Hope. Follow Elias's journey as he faces dangers of all kinds with the hope of understanding his purpose and possible union with his wife. ***** "Sigh, I left the life of chaos I was born in, how do hell did I end up somewhere worse? Or....is this Hell I was sent to, for all the horrible things I was tasked to do?" ***** [Note: No Island Is Useless, Only Useless Dweller That Can't Figure Out It Usefulness!]

The_Celestial_King · Fantasy
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247 Chs

Drift To Oblivion

Without enough Points, Elias can't use the shop to have the gorilla body part, so he begins to learn how to peel the hide and get the bones. 

Though it was not edible to him, he still dried some jerky. The reason for that was he didn't know what would happen in the future. Maybe he will be forced to eat it.

The two inhabitants of the island didn't interact much but Elias knew trouble would attend him and he prepared himself. 

As he has already made an underground cave that can barely hide him. He entered it with a bundle of Abinci grass and water in a bottle made up of leather. 

Before that, he buried his two chests and he wrapped the white chest with a leather rope and bound it with a rock. All the while making sure he didn't touch it.

Then he burrows shamelessly into his cave and hides. Without a care in the world, he will stay there until the Ram leaves for the day. And if it does not leave, he will come out the next day, very fast and finish the daily mission before running back to the burrow.

All the while wishing that no trouble comes.

Around noon, Elias, who was underground, felt the island tremble. A few seconds later, he smelt a soothing scent wafting through the air chute he made. It rejuvenated his body and his joints that were sore due to being in one place for hours were alleviated.

He smiled with contentment, knowing he made a good decision. 

That Ram is a calamity bringer. It somehow attracts beasts to attack and then turns them into manure, for it to raise special trees.

He was praising himself for good thinking, another tremor came to pass. Before darkness came, the island was ravaged by numerous battles.

Any rock that was at Elias's size was reduced to smaller pieces. That is not what scared Elias shitless. It was his mind that was being hacked as if it was going to break down.

Later, when he checked his status, his proud Mental Fortitude of Excellence was now reading Damaged. And at that time, he was feeling fine as the headache was no more.

The Island being the carrier of the battlefield for the mighty beasts was harmed and now it was his Mental Fortitude keeping it together.

Deep in the night, after he made sure there was no more fight, he tried to crawl out but he failed. He was injured too. The aftereffect of the battlefield has rattled his bones, due to all the tremors that passed through him.

Thanks to the newly evolved body, Elias knew he only had to eat, drink and rest to recover. For that, he decided to sleep.

At the onset of what he could refer to as down, Elias woke up from his uncomfortable slumber. He stood with difficulty as he removed all the leather armour he loaded on himself and left only pants, given room for his jiggling Sumo burly body.

Quick Healing traits have done its job!

He stretches and glares at the Ram, that seems to be asleep in goat form. 

Not disturbing it, he looked around, hoping he would be graced with the remnants of whatever the Ram raised this time, sadly, he found nothing. 

Not even roots. Thankfully he had already stored the other root perfectly.

"What the fuck….!" Elias cursed out loud.

When the light was up and he could see well, he was able to recognize the precarious situation his island was in. Cracks and fissures were run from one side of the island to another.

After Elias checked competently, he discovered the fissures stem from the edges of the island, almost splitting it. And when walking, he can feel the island trembling as if one part is going to break off.

He looked at the location where he hid, the fight there hadn't been high. And that was why he has not been implicated much.

The Ram has purposely avoided Elias's location

That gives Elias quarterly peace of mind. But the remaining half and quarter also infuriated him. He has this urge to go and warn the Ran, but he... wasn't that stupid.

He sighed, the only way to fix the Island is to merge it with another island. 

Elias quickly completed his daily mission while hoping to obtain a suitable island to merge. No luck!

Usually, his routine was planned out, as he trained, worked with leather then sharpened the rock edge to make weapons, but today he decided otherwise.

He must find a suitable island for merging.

And that is how Elias kept moving from one location to another, looking for islands. Till night came, there was no luck.

Even within the night, Elias didn't sleep but moved around, and at around midnight, the island trembled as the fissure increased in size.

The pond water rose and fell and the undying crocodile peaked its head out of the pond. Elias froze as he stared at it. But the crocodile's eyes were on the goat that was glaring at it.

The poor crocodile silently went back into the water and became silent. But Elias has taken a sense of something. The crocodile must have eaten the Ram's fruit.

The next morning, he checked around and concluded that the fruit tree raised by the Ram was a tuber crop. That was the reason there were no roots left.

"Did the crocodile get a chance to eat one?" Elias wondered as the way the goat glared at the crocodile was the same way it glared at him when he took its fruits.

True to his assumption, in daylight he found the Ram shedding its hair, and at the same time revealing another exquisite coat underneath. It was silky and beautiful and when he checked the water he saw the crocodile's old skin too.

And... as of now, the crocodile was no longer under the rock.

Elias almost went into paranoia due to dread but he steeled his mind as he stared at the Ram's hair. Under the glaring eyes of the ram, he packed them!

Using a sticky liquid he got from killing a certain insect, Elias started making new clothes using the softest leather he has in his underground wardrobe.

Before the Ram left, he finished his pants, boots, and shirt. Decorated with the Ram's hair.

By using that, he hopes to deter the crocodile from eating him before he learned how to kill it. As he had known that anything that that Corrosive Liquid can't kill, he was no match for it.

Elias' hunch ended up correct as the moment the Ram galloped off in the foggy water, the crocodile protruded its head out, before coming out altogether.

Elias standing at the edge of the island, took a deep breath as he saw it. It has become bigger than the last time he saw it. But, it was now pale and as if filled with water inside. Suddenly, the crocodile's body broke down and grey liquid spilt out of it. Like a crashed pawpaw.

Elias sighed and relaxed, thinking it was dead, then he sat down… and at that moment, his mind went blank, his consciousness drifted away…

...to oblivion!

He has sat on the White Chest, thinking it was the Chain Chest!