
Myra and the Arcardian lord

Meet Myra, a gutsy human girl who's had enough of her dreadful relatives. She's determined to break free from her family's grip and make it on her own. But little does she know, her quest for independence is about to take a wild turn when she catches the eye of none other than the Demon Lord of Arcardia. Yep, you heard it right. Myra's got the attention of one of the most powerful beings of the realm, and things are about to get intersting. As sparks fly between them, Myra finds herself drawn into the world filled with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and, of course, demons. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Myra's in for a rollercoster ride of danger, passion, and secrets as she navigates her way through this supernatural romance. Will she and the Demon Lord defy the odds and find Love, or will their differences tear them apart? Join Myra and the Arcardian Lord on their epic journey through a world of magic meets mayhem, and love knows no bounds. Get ready for the fantasy romance like no other!

RuMaya · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Warburton mansion - part 2

Myra, just couldn't digest what she was seeing at the moment. The man who stood in front of her was the Arcardian Lord, but at the same time he was the demon stranger whom she had met at the abandoned road back in her native village a few days ago.

He was the same man who had killed three men right in front of her eyes. She shuddered at the thought.

"So you recognized me, huh?" asked he demon lord in a low timbre voice. Walking towards her, he took a seat on a chair opposite to her.

Myra couldn't get any words out of her mouth and found herself nodding her head.

The word gorgeous didn't even come close to describing him. He was like the reincarnation of the devil himself with messy black hair, and orangish eyes. His nose was straight, his lips firm and his jaw was chiselled and strong. Her heart beat increased just by looking at him.

"What are you doing here in Terracota? Weren't you living in Fidora?" asked the Lord, leaning back on the chair. He sits comfortably in a figure-four leg lock position.

Myra gulped at the sight. He looked so strong and domineering. Taking a deep breath, she answered. "I came here in search of a work opportunity".

Lord Theodore, raised one of his eye brows. "All alone?"

Myra presses her lips in a thin line. "Yes"

"What about your family?" Theodore interrogated her further.

Even though he was the Lord, it was none of his business to bother about other people's life. He never cared about anyone either, but this girl was different. There was something about her that made him curious.

The young lady, sitting before him seemed to be a human, but when he had done some background check on her, he had found out that she was a Pseudoborn and that her mother was none other than Grace Hackathorn.

Theodore personally hadn't met Grace, but had seen her portrait when he had visited the Hackathorn household five years ago. He had heard tittle-tattles among people, that Mr. Hackathorn's only daughter had eloped with a human servent.

Even though Theodore knew everything about her, he just wanted to hear her version of the story from her mouth.

Myra inhaled, She didn't want to tell him everything about her. Even though he was the Lord and that he had saved her life, he was still a stranger to her.

"umm.. my parents passed away when I was seven and I was living with my paternal uncle until last week" answered Myra vaguely, not giving away much details.

The Lord just hummed and was silent for a while.

"Were you headed to the Swanson's to find an employment?".

"Yes" replied Myra and hastily added, "Thank you for the hospitality My Lord, but I-I will be leaving early in the morning, tomorrow".

Theodore placed his leg down and leaned forward, "Why?"

Myra, frowned 'What does he mean, why?'

"Do you have a place to stay?" asked the Lord

She shook her head. If only those thugs had not attacked her, she would have had a job by now and would have at least tried to settle down.

Theodore raised his brows, thinking how stupid this girl is. She didn't seem to mind about all those predators out there waiting to hunt on a lone woman. If she were to step out and try to live by herself, then one or the other day, she will be kidnapped and will eventually end up being sold to the slave organization.

"You are staying here then" declared Theodore with finality getting up from his seat.

"but--" Myra was about to start complaining.

"Don't you like staying at my house?" asked Theodore pouring himself one more glass of alcohol. "with me?"

"I-I like it, but--"

"Then it's settled then, you are staying" cut in the lord, not giving her an opportunity to complete her sentence.

"My Lord, I--" started Myra and Theodore placed the glass back on the table, leaving the drink untouched and took three long strides to stand before her.

He leaned forward, imprisoning her in between his strong arms. Myra leaned back on her chair, feeling nervous. She had never been in this close proximity with a man before, especially not with a good looking demon.

"Do you want to be attacked by muggers again?" asked Theodore, staring right into her eyes. There was something in those orangish golden eyes of his that attracted Amyra. Mesmerized she slowly shook her head without breaking the eye contact.

"Do you have enough money to survive alone?".

Again Myra shook her head. Theodore smiled arrogantly.

"Will you stay then?" He asked and Myra nodded her head without realizing. It felt like he was hypnotizing her.

He shifted closer to her, moving his head next to her face. Myra felt his warm breath on her cheeks. When she turned to slowly look at his face, her heart did a wee somersault. Swallowing hard, Amyra's throat felt dry.

"Good girl" Theodore said in a low voice, his warm breath fanning her cheeks.

Myra couldn't think, all she could currently do was to concentrate on her breathing. She became acutely aware of the Lord's strong, male presence next to her. The temperature in the room suddenly seemed to get hotter.

Lowering her eyes, she blushed. Theodore noted those pink cheeks and smirked. Moving back, he stood up straight and clapped his hand twice.

The butler appeared, out of nowhere and bowed at the Lord.

"Alvin, Myra will be staying with us from now on", declared the Lord.

"Yes, my Lord"

Myra sighed, there goes all her dreams of staying independently without having to rely on anyone into the gutter.

"Make all the arrangements for her stay here" She heard Lord Theodore say.

Theodore, gazed at Myra for a mere second before turning to face the butler, "and escort the lady back to her chamber".

Myra stood up and curtsied at the Lord and he held her hands and kissed the back of her palm lightly before saying, "Have a good night!"

After wishing the Lord back, Myra obediently followed the butler, to her bed chamber.



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