

what happens when something Normal becomes supernatural, when something meant to be ordinary becomes extra ordinary, when a fake tail becomes...... not my work, I just put it here so I can read it any time, feel free to try it note: this work is a serious r18, but if you want to, you can read it

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"Holy shit! That was bad ass," I whispered after my eyes recovered from the bright flash.

I looked around at the ground for a little bit and could find no trace of the circle or any other magic that Ali had used, and I realized how useful that little spell she had cast would probably be. As cool as her magic had been, however, I turned and made my way as quickly as I could towards our cabin, because now I was starting to feel the ache in my core that only Kelli could fix. We had both looked forward to this night for quite some time and now it was just about time.

I slowed down as I approached yet another lighted area in the woods and I realized that the light was coming from the clearing that we had built the cabin in. I started to move as silently as I could, and I felt Kelli through the cords that I could now sense before I saw her. I was stunned at the sheer power I could see coming through the connection that we shared with each other, and I realized that even our parents did not have a connection this strong. This shocked me a little bit, because our parents had had decades of time to develop their loving relationships, and Kelli and I had only a short time as lovers under our belts. I speculated that perhaps our long sisterly relationship over the years contributed to our strengthened connection, but I realized that it could just as easily have been the magic that was binding us ever tighter together. It didn't matter, though, because I knew without a doubt that we loved each other more than life itself.

I crept forward slowly and silently, just like a cat on the hunt, careful of where I was placing each step. I moved quietly to a vantage point that allowed me to see the clearing and our cabin unobstructed and what I saw took my breath away. A small fire was crackling warmly in the center of the clearing, and off to the side I saw the old and worn structure we called our cabin. It had what appeared to be a thick poufy bed, covered in white sheets with rose petals strewn liberally over its surface, and small logs on end and some flat rocks held a countless number of candles that spread a warm glow over every surface. And then my eyes fell on Kelli, sitting there on a small stool with her legs crossed seductively.

I will say it again and again, and I will always be right when I do, that she was absolutely gorgeous. She was in a deep red corset that lifted and squeezed her medium sized breasts until they looked like they were going to pop out from the strain. She wore a matching lace thong panty, and both pieces were trimmed with silver and white. Her alabaster skin shone in the light of the candles and the fire, and she was humming something softly while using her long graceful fingers to comb through her thick red curls. I don't think she knew I was there at that moment and so I just let my eyes drink in the sight of my love, my life, glowing with more than just the light of the flames surrounding her. Thinking of that moment, still brings a smile to my face and a burning heat to my loins, even today.

After a few minutes of staring I decided that I would let her know I was there, but I suddenly got an idea in my head and I smiled wickedly. I took a moment to focus again on the bond that I could see between Kelli and I and I realized that without any manipulation what so ever, I could send her the feeling of my love and my lust for her at that moment. I reached out carefully to the cord and opened up what I was feeling and let it pulse strongly over the connection. The effect was instantaneous and it caused Kelli to gasp, and she jerked like she had been hit by lightning. One of her hands shot up to cover her heart, and the other fell just as quickly to her barely covered pussy, and I got so very hot knowing that I inspired that kind of intensity of feeling in her.

I came out of the shadows at that point and slowly made my way into the clearing, and as I did Kelli stood and gasped, again covering her mouth with both hands, as she took in my scarcely covered body. I could see her eyes rove over every inch of my tanned skin, pausing for extra seconds on my breasts and navel. Seeing me wearing her Valentine's gift put a smirk on her face and she nodded approvingly.

"I see you ran into Ali then," she said, and I giggled at her sly comment.

"Oh yeah, I ran into her alright. She seemed to have something of mine that I was not aware that I actually had."

It was Kelli's turn to giggle and she crooked her finger to call me over to her, and I went without any further hesitation, both of us eager to be in the other's arms. I dropped my bag as I neared her lithe form and embraced her in a heated and passionate kiss, our tongues violently dueling for mastery over the other. The feel of her hands as she ran them up my back, and the silky smoothness as I moved my hands through her hair, and the ever increasing scent of our combined arousal was intoxicating. We kissed, and fondled, and gasped, and giggled as we continued to explore each other's body yet again, and even though this was not new territory for either of us, it was new enough that we were like little children cut loose in a toy store. After a few minutes I gently pulled away, reluctantly of course, and gave Kelli a sly smile as I bent over and pulled a box out of my bag and handed it to her.

"Thank you so much for my lovely gift," I said as I handed her the box while fingering the new piercing in my belly. "This one, though, is for you."

Kelli smiled, and then eagerly tore off the festive wrapping and tossed it in the fire so we wouldn't have to carry it out, and then her eyes widened as she opened the box and saw what was inside. I took a seat on her stool at that moment and sat straight, with my breasts thrust outward for her benefit, and I smiled as her eyes twinkled when she removed the anklet from the cushion.

"It's lovely, and it's just like yours," she said as she gestured to my ankle.

"Not exactly like mine," I replied. "My charms remind me of you, and I hope these remind you of me."

"Oh, there isn't much that doesn't remind me of you anymore," she whispered as she moved in close behind me.

I then felt her hand gently caress my shoulders and the back of my neck, and it sent delicious shivers down my spine. I then felt her hot breath on my neck as she kissed me softly, slowly moving up my jaw line and moving in behind my ear, planting these gentle kisses every so often. Then she paused at my ear and her whisper caused me to start dripping with desire.

"Now, I think that someone needs to help me put this gift on."

And with that she gave my earlobe a playful little lick and raised her leg over my shoulder and placed the bottom part of her calf between my breasts while handing me her anklet over my other shoulder. There are some things that are just mind blowingly sexy, and the way Kelli had her leg resting on my shoulder waiting for me to place the jewelry that she had just handed back to me about short circuited my brain. Lucky for her I was able to keep a small measure of control.

I moaned softly as I rested my head against her thigh and I slowly ran my hand from her toes to her knee, making her shiver in anticipation. I planted gentle kisses up the inside of her calf, punctuating each one with a soft lick of my tongue, and when I made it to the inside of her thigh I used my sharpened teeth to bite down just enough to let her know I was there. I heard her gasp in surprise, and the feel that I was sensing over the bond let me know that she had just experienced a mini-orgasm, which made me grin at the effect that I had on her. I was eager, however, to move things along so I opened the screw lock clasp on the anklet and closed it around her, sealing the lock with a final kiss. It might have been just a trick of the eye and the firelight, but I could have sworn that the clasp and the anklet itself had flashed with light for just a very brief moment.

Kelli removed her leg from over my shoulder and I took the opportunity to stand up and turn around and gaze at her for another long moment, letting my eyes drink in her fiery hair and her long slender form. Then I tip-toed up and kissed her with all of the passion of a longtime lover and partner, putting all of my feelings into this one kiss, pulsing my love along the bond so that she could never mistake that what I felt for her was anything other than absolute devotion. The feeling was so intense that it caused us both to moan desperately into each other's mouth, and to hold tight to the other like we couldn't let go.

"Oh god, WOW! What the hell was that Myka," Kelli gasped after we split apart.

"Well, I will explain in much more detail later, but I can see bonds of love between people now and can affect the feelings that move across them, so that was why that was so intense. I also used it a bit earlier to make sure that our parents also have a really good night"

"Ok then. Just, be careful with that. I don't think either of us need a new brother right now," Kelli giggled.

Her comment sent us both into a short fit of laughter and then more touching, and more kissing. I reached up and undid the bow that kept the top of my sheer camisole closed and let it fall open, completely exposing my pert breasts with their stiff and hyper sensitive nipples, and I watched as Kelli licked her lips in anticipation. I gave a short little shrug and let the cami fall to the ground and I stepped back into her arms to hungrily claim more of her lips. While we were again letting our tongues become acquainted with one another, I reached up and began to unlace the silvery ties that held Kelli's lacy corset closed while she unclasped my shelf bra. With just a few more shrugs and some shifting movements the remainder of our tops fell away to be forgotten for a while, and we stood together, breast to breast, letting the blazing heat of our completely aroused bodies soak into each other.

I used my hands to gently knead Kelli's gorgeous mounds, which caused her to tilt her head back and moan in pleasure, and I decided to kick it up a notch and I pulled one of her nipples into my scorching mouth while I gently pinched and rolled the other. I almost had to hold Kelli up, because her knees had become so weak, and I spent several minutes worshiping her wonderful breasts, moving my mouth and hand back and forth one to the other. After another minute or two I let my self drop slowly as I kissed my way down her chest and belly until I was on my knees, reaching out to slide the lacy scrap of a thong down her legs so that I could access her dripping pussy. I hadn't even gotten the thong off of her before I gave in to the desire, and I gently licked her soaked labia from bottom to top, flicking my tongue over her throbbing clit.

"Oh my god," Kelli cried as she shuddered with another mini-orgasm. "Stand up though, it's not time yet."

I grinned mischievously and complied with her request, kissing her deeply so that she could get a taste of her tangy sweetness from my mouth, causing her to moan yet again. I didn't notice that she kept enough control while I did this to untie the bows that kept my panties up, and within moments we were both naked, except for my garters, which was kind of hot in and of itself, with both of us panting with pent up desire. Kelli then took my hand and backed up to one of the trees at the edge of the clearing and leaned her back against it, pulling me so that my back was pressed against her delicious breasts. She then started to kiss my neck and reached one of her hands around my hips to start stroking my aching pussy, while using her other hand to place one of mine at her still soaked core.