
chapter 12 WHERE ARE WE ?

I woke up after experiencing this weird headache and the feeling of someone shaking me.

"hey wake up you need to wake up now" said the strange voice

"w-who are you"

"it's me Kyle"

"Kyle ? what's going on and why is the lights on ?"

"I don't know man. but I don't think we're in the orphanage"

"what ?"

Ethan then got up and found out that he and Kyle are in some kind of warehouse and they weren't alone there was other kids too. some of them where running around looking for an exit while others where crying on the ground. Ethan then looked around for an exit but to no avail.

Ethan then looked at the kids that was trapped with him in this warehouse and realized that almost all of them were at the same age. he then wondered how did they even get in this here in the first place were they kidnapped ? he asked the kids how long each one was in this place and all of them said they woke up before an hour or 2. how did the kidnapper get all those kids in this place it would take hours to kidnap that many kids at the same time. if Ethan was to count the number of the kids that was here then it would be almost 1000 if not even more. none of this made sense to Ethan.

while Ethan was still thinking of how they got here the floor beneath was shaking and a weird square lines formed. then gates started to open from these square lines and all of the kids ran out of that square lines ones the gate was open completely a small platform came out from that get and on it were a couple of scientist were on the platform.

" so how much Candidates have ? " said the scientist

"we have 1436 candidates exactly sir" said the other scientist

"good this batch is bigger then the last one. hope we get something out them since we didn't get any kind of progress with the last batch"

"sir we didn't make any progress with any batch that we got"

then every scientist started to glare at the scientist that talked but he didn't care about them and said.

"ok let's start already we wasted enough time here. We waste even more time and the human race will be doomed"


after one of the scientists said doors started to appear from the walls of the warehouse and a lot of soldiers came out.

"ok kids hear me out because I won't repeat what I'm about to say. this is going to be your new home from now on and you will cooperate with us unless you wanna be punished by my men. now all you GET ON THE GROUND"

all the kids got on the ground without even saying anything because all of them was scared to disobey the guy. after that the soldiers came to one kid after another and handcuffed them and toke them away to were the soldiers came from. When it was my turn to get taken to that door. I looked behind to try and find Kyle and found him right behind me. I sighed in relief thinking that we weren't separated from each other at least for now.


I waited passingly for my fight passionately while watching the second round. the first only took fine minutes to finish and that was because of the big gap of power between the two. if sergeant Leon didn't tell them to not finish the fight as quick as possible. then the fight would've only taken seconds. in the second round the two opponent's fought each other in equal ground. In the end the time ran ought and it was a tie between the two. now it was time for my round.

"astin and Jake both of you get over here" said sergeant Leon.

when I heard my name being called I rushed to the place where I'll be fighting as fast as possible sergeant Leon said once he calls for our names we only have 20 seconds to get there. I finally arrived in 10 seconds and my opponent was already waiting there. I started to look at my opponent for while he didn't look any special to say the list and his weapon of choice was two small axe.

I then used my inspect skill to get more information about the guy

name: jake ????

race: human

ability: poison

power level: 13070

level: 17

hp: 200/200

mana: 1200/1200

strength: 105

agility: 90

stamina: 120

endurance: 100

intelligence: 1200

'ok this is bad' thought astin for the first he will be fighting someone that almost all his stats was above hundred and almost all of them above his. astin then checked his own status to find a way to defeat the guy.

name: astin tray

race: human

power level: 4200

ability: ?????

level: 10

XP for next level up: the user have to evolve first in order to level up

hp: 150/150

mana 120/120

strength: 80

agility: 85

stamina: 200

endurance: 150

intelligence: 120

magic: 30

available points to distribute:


skills :

inspect [level 1]:

allows user to inspect any person or object and general information will be available.

dimensional storage [level 1]

gives the user an infinite space for the user to store anything he wants.

air bullet [level 1]

allows the user to shoot invisible bullets made out of air.

cost: 5 mana

the chains of punishments [level 2]

allows the user to summon chains which when used on an opponent it gives him a 5% depuff and the user a 5% puff.

time limit : 1:30 minute

number of chains that can be used: 7

cost: 10 mana pair chain

he just realized that his chains of punishment leveled up and the time limit and number of chains he can use got higher but the cost of mana got higher too. he then looked at the number of available stat points he distribute and thought it will be better if he evened all his stats so he add 50 stat points into strength and agility then add 100 points into intelligent so the cost of the chains won't that much now. and the result was.

name: astin tray

race: human

power level: 8200

ability: ??????

level 10

XP for next level up: the user have to evolve first in order to level up

hp: 150/150

mana: 220/220

strength: 130

agility: 135

stamina: 200

endurance: 150


magic: 30

available points to distribute: 0

after astin distribute all of his points he felt power surge into his whole body and felt the number on his watch chance but he made it go back the previous number before anyone could see.

"are both of you ready ?" after sergeant Leon asked we both nodded. then he gave us both a sign to start.

Jake charged at astin at an believable speed but astin charged at him with speed that could easily match his. then when both of clashed a loud bang resounded from there clash and then Jake took a few steps back but astin didn't. his opponent was looked at him surprised from what just happened. he wasn't the only one. all the students was looking at at astin and Jake with a dumbfounded expression. how could someone with no ability have speed that matched someone with an ability and not to mention make him take few steps back this is just unheard of.

this time astin was charging at Jake and Jake stopped thinking of what had happened and got ready for astins attack. they both were sending attacks one after another but both was dodging every attack this made Jake feel frustrated because he was using all what he had but could barely dodge astins attacks in time before it hit him. even though Jake was feeling frustrated astin was feeling quiet the opposite of that he was feeling excited. he was feeling excitement he never had the opportunity to experience. but he knew he had to end this so he sent an attack that made of Jakes weapons go flying. and after that he aimed he's weapon at Jakes neck.

"it's your lose" said astin to Jake and Jake looked at him with crazy eyes.

"astin is the winner of the match" even though astin won no one did cheered for him and that was because there was no way someone with no ability would win in a fight against one with an ability even if the later didn't use his ability. they all thought that astin was cheating.

when astin was leaving he didn't realize that something bad was happening behind him. Jake couldn't except the fact that an abilities person defeated him just like that. So he wanted to get revenge on the guy. He started using his ability and put poison on his axe and then charged at astin with all his might in order to kill him.


when astin heard that he dodged the attack. But since he got caught by surprise he got a small cut on his chest. after he dodged he attacked Jake and hit him in his stomach with his stick this attack made Jake fall on the ground but then he tried to get up to attack astin again. as soon as he got up he fell to the ground by some power and he couldn't get up because of it and he wasn't the only one. all the students fell to ground and could hardly breath from the killing intent.

"you dare break my rules ?" asked sergeant Leon.

end of chapter 12