
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Zombie hunters.2

It was clear that Nate will not be an easy zombie they could deal with and even the slime guy with the blue meteorite stone was whispering it to their leader.

"We should run away, he is too strong," the slime guy warned. His hand was shaking as he said this.

"Just shut up and do your thing, weren't you told the function of the stone you are holding?" their leader scolded. Hearing this, the slime guy could only do what he was supposed to do.

Three blue light orbs were shut out from his hand towards their leader. When the light orb touched their leader, his hands that were cut off were growing back and soon, he was once again ready to fight.

"In case you have forgotten, that stone in your hand has a special reaction with zombies, the stronger the zombie is the stronger the energy it provides, so use the energy it provides well for us to get out of this safely and unharmed," their leader said before turning into a phantom and sprint towards Nate.


Meanwhile, Nate was swinging the long sword none stop cutting through the vines that were rapping around his leg.

"Hold him tighter!" A yell was heard from the side, turning his face to the direction of the noise, Nate could see that the leader of the zombie hunters was running towards him at a great speed.

"You are fast, but you are nothing to compare to a ghoul or even Peter and Lyon" Nate muttered and duck slightly to the side as the hunter leaders ran past him. At the same time, he was aiming his sword at his head, however, some of the vain encircled his arms, pulling them down.

Meanwhile, the hunter's leader never expected Nate to dodge and he ran into a car pack by the side of the road. Picking himself up again, three more blue orbs were sent to him as the wounds on his body start to heal up while energising him at the same time.

There was a slight boost in his speech when he dashed out once again to Nate, while doing this, he stuck his head out like a bull ready to slam into something. Meanwhile, Nate was still trapped by the vine and was still struggling to break free, it was at this moment he noticed the hunter's leader.

The former was coming at him again, but this time was with his head stuck out, 'Something is telling me not to take that blow,' Nate thought.

When the hunter's leader was close enough, he thrust himself out like a spear aiming his head at Nate's chest. However, Nate falls back, allowing the leader to fly over him into the building behind.

'You won't be getting up any time soon,' Nate thought with a smile as he grips onto the vines wrapping up on his hand while using force to yank on it ripping them apart. Before he did this, he has placed the two swords back into his inventory and when he has successfully ripped off the vine, he resummoned them into his two hands.

No hesitation, he swung the thread sword at the green head lady, but a wall of vines was seen raising in front of her, though the thread easily cut through them, the lady has long gone out of the way.

However, Nate did not just end by sending one thread, more was seen being sent out from the tip and edge of the short sword. Just when Nate was doing this, he felt a violent wind from the side and by the time he could figure out what was happening, an air cannon hit him on the cheat sending him flying.

There was no pain though, all he could do was look at the person that sent it. 'You finally decide to make your move ' Nate thought before his body slammed into the same building the leader of the hunters was sent. Before his body could even touch the floor, he could see a fist heading towards his head.

Nate was able to raise the long sword in front of him and block the fist before he slashed the short sword at the hand.


Nate did this before his body cloud touched the ground.


The take-off was hard and strong so was the landing Nate's bones were broken however, it was not a problem. Not only was his broken bones healing up, he still have more energy point to continue the fight with no worries. The healing process was way too fast and just in a blink, Nate was back on his feet and cracked his neck.

"You guys seem tough, but I have things that are tougher" with that being said link with Lyon and Bull that instant.

Meanwhile, while he was doing this, he received a message from various people at the same time.


Meanwhile, outside, the four remainings, hunters were now surrounding the entrance to the house Nate was sent into, the green head lady seems impatient with the idea of waiting for Nate outside as she has the vines all wrapped around the corner of the house while waiting for Nate.

"You all don't understand stand, I just lost my sister to that bastard zombie!" She yelled at them.

Meanwhile, the leader of the hunters was having his hand grown back. Multiple light orbs were going into his body, though his hand was now fully grown he still commanded the slim guy to keep sending more orbs into his body.

"I told you guys, he is dangerous, we should just go back to the base and call for reformation, that would be easy that way" the slim guy voiced out.

There was a killing glance that was directed toward him by the green head lady. "If not your existence seems important to the HQ, I would have squeezed you to death with my vines" the green head lady threatened.

Just then, they all heard a sound from inside the house and got up, the other guy that has just sent an air cannon to Nate started to gather more air in his surroundings as he was preparing to strike.

"Are you sure he didn't find another way to sneak out of the house?" the green head lady asked.

"Trust me when I say this, I have been inside the house and there is no other exit other than this one in front of us," the leader said while arching his back as he get ready to run.


The door was sent flying, however, there was no one in the doorway, just when they thought things couldn't have gotten strong, they saw five zombies running from the side towards them. The five zombies' speed wasn't normal at all, they were running at a speed way too incredible for a zombie.

Seeing this has taken their attention from the door as they were about to deal with the zombies. However, it then did Nate ran out from the house while thrusting the long sword out at the guy that first used the air cannon.

The sword went through his chest killing him that instant. "At I'm fighting, I also need to keep some food for others," Nate said as he pulled out the sword and placed his hand on the dead body.

[Zombie hunter= 2/5]

'On second thought, since Lyon and bull are yet to be here, maybe, you might serve as a good helping hand if added up with them,' Nate thought.

[Death control]

[Host hast death controlled a superhuman, hidden quest completed]

[Reward =Bronze medal has been granted]

[Fresh death= Because host death controlled the superhuman before one minute, it is called a fresh death because it has not been long since the person died for that, its superpower is still intact with him]

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