
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

The invasion.

The match continued despite what just happened. This time, it was Lyon and Benny's turn. The two walked up to the stage to get themselves ready for the fight.

Soon, not long, their opponent walked up to the stage as well. It was a halfling.

A snake type. The upper body of the snake was still human while from his waist downward was the snake's body. That was not all, the halfling hand was also like a snake.

"You should take that one," Lyon said stepping aside for Benny.

Benny didn't say anything and walked through. Meanwhile, the second person was also a halfling, but this time, its form was like that of a crocodile.

It was a man halfling, with a long mouth just like that of a crocodile and then it scale running down his back. The only place that looked a bit human in the man's body was his stomach and right eyes.


Soon as the match started, lyon grow out his tail and swung it with the hope of ending the fight there.

However, the croc man turned his back just for the tail to hit him from behind.

Lyon couldn't believe it but the crocodile managed to block the strike with his body.

The Croc jumped back in a back flip and then swung his tail at Lyon. Lyon on the other hand was not planning to let the tail touch him, therefore he swung his hand lit a claw hitting the tail and deflecting its direction.

That was not all, he continued by throwing out his fist aiming directly at the croc's jaw, smashing it.

Taking a couple of steps back, lyon looked at his fist to find out that it was missing.

'Fuck... Am fucking tired of holding back,' Lyon caused. Just when he thought he have delivered a strong blow at the crocodile, it was him instead that have been injured.

Regardless, the energy in him was still enough to do things like growing another limb. However, it will take time to do so since he was being conservative with his energy.

Just then, lyon could see the croc running towards him with his fiat clenched. Swinging it ups from below, Lyon swerved to the side and then used his other hand to throw a punch at the Croc's abdomen. His abdomen part where still human and it has caused a lot of pain to the man that he falls over while holding his stomach.

By this time, lyon hand was back as he went and pick the man up. Throwing out his fist, it went through the man's chest killing him.

With that, lyon dropped the man on the floor before using his syringe to drain the man's beast DNA.

Meanwhile, all this while, Benny has been having a hard time dealing with the snake halfling. 'I have that bastard to blame for all of it, if I still have my power, it would have been a different story entirely,' Benny thought blaming Lyon for his hard time in the fight.

The snake man has been thrusting his hand at the same time the snake will bite him. If not for the fact Benny was now a zombie, he would have been down by now all because of the Venom.

Using his umbrella, Benny will block attacks that were aimed at his head but unfortunately, he was not having it.

However, it was then something hit the snake and it fall dead on the floor.

With that, the match was over and the clouds were cheering, but they will soon stop when Lyon was not leaving the stage.

"What is he doing?" Ozzie clenched his fist tensely. Perhaps, he have forgotten that Lyon was someone he captured or maybe he thought that the darkroom have its effect on Lyon, but unfortunately, he was wrong.

Looking up in a particular direction, Ozzie quickly followed Lyon's gaze to Nate who was casually sitting with Bull beside him.

'Him...! What is he still doing here didn't they kill him already,' just then the report reached Ozzie about what just happened? All the men he sent out were missing without any trace.

'Something is not right and I need to get out of here,'

However, just before Ozzie could leave, a thunderous explosion that sent him down on the floor was heard as one of the mountains have started to crumble.

Before anyone else could regain their composure, another explosion went off, but this time, it was on the arena side as it break.

A lot were injured but those who were unharmed quickly was heading for the exit.

"Stop them, don't let any of them go...!!!" Ozzie shouted seeing that the people were about to leave. However, before any of his guards could react, another explosion went off and this time, it was a lot closer to them. They all were sent flying by the sheer force of the explosion.

"No.no...no...! This can't be happening !" Ozzie shouted but it was of no use as half of the clouds has already escaped.

Looking at the place Nate was, he still could see him sitting casually despite the chaos.

"You... it's you!" Ozzie shouted.

Nate seeing this smiled. 'He found out really fast, anyways, it doesn't matter because they are here and it is time for this to end,' Nate thought.

He stood up and started running through the arenas and was heading for Ozzie. Seeing this, the guards guarding him did not waste time to kick into action, they have laser guns and were blasting away at Nate, but the latter was dodging the attacks with ease.

Just as he was running, his body split into five figures all heading in a different direction.

Ozzie seeing this know that his life was in danger, he ran back into the hallway from his behind while five guards were left to by him sometime.

Nate summons his sword and throws it like a spear at the guard in the centre. From there, the sword exploded blasting them out and clearing the path for Nate to run straight into the hallway after Ozzie.

Meanwhile, this was happening, Benny was rushed up to one person. "What do you think you're doing, let's get out of here!" Benny shouted at Lyon while pulling him by the chain.

However, he soon found out that the shackles were lighter than before. Looking at Lyon, he soon found out that he no longer was connected to the shackles.

Benny panicked as he got himself ready for a fight, but Lyon ignored him, from Lyons back came out two large wings that he flapped a couple of times before taking off.

"What...!!!" Benny's eyes remained widely opened.

"How can he do that, he has... waits...he" Before Benny could finish his unsteady thoughts, a bit of lightning came crashing down on him.

Luckily, Benny was still with his umbrella and he was still able to cover himself with the umbrella.

"Rowling... How did you get here?!" of course, Benny only knows one person that can use lightning as his power.

"What do you mean, isn't it obvious, I am here to take my family away from here!" Rowling shouted as he send out another bot of lightning at Benny.

Bull was still casually sitting in the arena while watching the whole event display before him. "What are you doing?" Peter asked before looking around.

"You guys truly did a great job by extracting such crucial information from her," Bull said.

"Are you not planning to join the fight?" Peter asked.

"Are you joking... The main problem is yet to come," Bull said.

However, speaking of the main problem, up from the hills, they all could see the numerous whitebonez running towards them.

"It seems like I have to do something now," Bull said jumping out from his seat down to the stage, shaking the floor.

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