
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Portal closed.

[Strength = +30]

[Agility = +30]

[Endurance = +30]

With this point of energy surging into Nate's body, the latter gripped tightly on the chain before using it to lift Ozzie off the ground and slammed him back.

Still holding on to the chains, Nate started revolving carrying Ozzie's body along while slamming him into the buildings.

When Nate felt like it was enough, he retreated his chains letting Ozzie's body be flong to the sides and skidding down towards the other.

"You all should leave and support the others, they might need your help more than I do!" Nate shouted to Zee and Tigger who just nodded and left towards the portal direction.

Meanwhile, it was then Lyon could be seen approaching Nate.

"I don't want to go anywhere, after all, you might need someone to distract him," Lyon said.

Nate had a worried expression on seeing Lyon. Not that he was afraid Lyon might lose his life during the fight, rather, he was more concerned that Ozzie might end up dying on their hand, which will be great news. However, when thinking of Leo's plan, Nate has made up his mind.

"We are not going to kill him, we just need to toss him over to the other side of the portal," Nate said.

While the two were having this discussion, Ozzie had already recovered, and his body was no longer feeling sluggish as before.

Since Zee have left to join the others in protecting the portal, there was no one to continue sending the bone arrow.

With this, Ozzie's body has recovered great, but is not back to its peak, after all, Nate has his draining machine.

'I will soon be out... I have to channel it all,' Shad said to himself as he focused his entire energy on the bone sword.

Meanwhile, Ozzie after getting up was not a in light mood. In just a few seconds, he had just felt so powerless like no other, having his movement restricted and as well taking a lot of hits at the same time was just too much for someone of his size to shrug off.

"You!..." he said pointing at Nate. Ozzie quickly throws out his fist. But Nate block with his ice shield and it took the entire brunt of the attack, leaving Nate to only skid back a little with his foot.

Perhaps, it was because of the extra boost from the chain daggers, but Nate somehow was able to block the attack.

Sending the daggers out, Nate stabbed the four into Ozzie's body as the energy rose again.

[Strength = +30]

[Agility = +30]

[Endurance = +30]

"Ahhhhh...!!!" sensing his strength dwindling as well as his speed, Ozzie screamed and grabbed the chain from where it was stabbed into him.

He tried to pull it out, but felt like his flesh might be coming out as well, Ozzie fear the possibility.

"I'll kill you!..." he shouted and swung his bone whip at Nate.

Unfortunately, nearly all the high buildings in the area have been destroyed allowing the whip to head straight at Nate.

But just then, someone leapt off the ground and swung his sickle at the whip changing its trajectory to the side. This was none other than Peter.

Seeing who have just appeared, Ozzie was more than annoyed. Now he was wondering how Nate and Peter were able to take his hit head-on without being sent back flying.

Moving as well, Peter's hand went and take side with Nate.

Raising his foot, Ozzie stamped on the ground hard shaking the entire settlement.

Raising another foot, he stamp it again, but this time, a loud thud was not heard. Ozzie's foot sank into the muddy ground trap that was set by Lyon.

Seeing this, lyon flew up into the sky transforming into a full eagle beast. High enough that his height was towering above Ozzie, lyon started to descend folding his wings.

Shooting down from the sky like a meteorite, Lyon's body smashed into Ozzie's back. The sheer force and the moves remembered me a lot about the vortex punch.

Ozzie was soon sent down crashing on the ground.

Dust particles mixed with the snow soon covered everywhere. However, flying out of the cloud of dust was Lyon as he quickly approached Nate.

"He is not dead," Lyon said the moment he landed. He didn't understand why Nate did not want to finish Ozzie up, but if that's what he wanted, Lyon was not going to go against his commands.

Just then, a ferocious roar coated with violent energy was heard.

This roar triggered another notification on nates system.

[Demon-level beasts have been spotted]

'Demon level? That was meant to be the highest level... Shit, I need to end this now and close that portal,' Nate thought and then looked at Lyon.

"It's time you join them and leave Ozzie to me," Nate said.

Lyon understood why Nate said this. Even his body was having a strange reaction to the new presence. Whether it was excitement or fear, Lyon had no idea, but one thing was clear to him, he needed the DNA of such a beast that could make his instincts go crazy.

Soon, lyon flew off to the others that were at a standstill. Even the other beast didn't dare to move as a large tall figure, taller than most Titans started to walk through the portal.

Mark that was with the con on and even the zombies could find the courage to move an inch.

Meanwhile, Leo who was still holding on to the stone muttered under his breath.

"This can't be..."

It was a humanoid beast, with a blazing fire burning on his head, the usual cold temperature became hot that instant.

However, just then, Lyon came from the side like a meteorite smashing into the beast sending its figure off a distance away.

Turning to the other, he then shouted.

"What are you all doing... That thing is nowhere close to Ozzie at his peak and you guys are like this already." hopefully, his shout has snapped them all out of their daze as the fight continues.

Meanwhile, Nate seeing that Lyon has interval sighed in relief before looking at Peter.

"I will need you to take me far back as you can," Nate said.

Peter nodded and soon, he carried Nate and started running back distancing himself away from Ozzie.

With Peter's speed, the two were covering miles. Eventually, Nate reached a position where his chains could no longer stretch further.

"Now... Run back and make sure Ozzie stays in position," Nate orders.

With that, Peter was off again.

Meanwhile, Nate looking into the distance could no longer see the settlement.

'I hope this works, Nate thought readying his body and then taking a racing stance.

Whereas, Ozzie has already gotten up from the ground. He felt so weak and sluggish that he might fall at any moment.

Struggling to maintain his consciousness, Ozzie then noticed the chain that was still connected to his body. Looking at the chains and where they trailed to, Ozzie was getting a bad omen.

As he tried to move, he noticed that his legs were still on the muddy ground. Trying to break free, Ozzie felt more energy leaving his body.

Peter seeing this quickly reported back.

On getting the response, Nate had one so to say.


On saying this, the chain pulled him forward. Like a phantom, Nate's body started to move, still in the midway, Nate went ahead to activate all his power.

[Vortex punch]

[Hammer punch]

While this was happening, Nate extended his ice axe into a gauntlet covering his fist and at the same time, added his bloodline power.

Ozzie was about to throw a punch at the incoming figure when suddenly, his hand exploded detaching from his body.

Seeing this, Ozzie panicked, but unfortunately, it was already too late as Nate smashed into Ozzie's chest and the two started flying towards the portal.

Meanwhile, the dagger soon stabbed into the ground stopping Nate from going into the portal along with Ozzie.

"He's in!!!" Nate shouted.

Getting this message, Leo quickly deactivated the portal. The dark hole soon started to vanish and disappeared.

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