
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Not strong enough.

Eventually, the fire have died down and Chris could be seen once again. He had a few injuries here and there and blood was oozing out of it. However, the injury was not that vital and luckily enough for Chris, his power somewhat has the recovering power.

"You... What are those boys waiting for, why haven't they dealt with you...?!" Chris shouted as he moved his hand back and forth.

"Does it even matter since they can't do what they are good at, I will just get rid of you...!!" Chris yelled before rushing in at Tel.

However, before he could take any further steps, he found himself in a location he was not standing before while Tel was standing right behind him with his gun pointed out.

"I won't let you touch me.!" he and started to fire at Chris.

On a normal occasion, Chris would have actually ignored the bullets, but the problem is that Tel's gun was not just any gun.

The two guns are something made from meteorite stone and beast crystal. Because of this, the bullets that were being shot out of the guns have been reinforced with great power by the gun.

As Chris tried to swing his arms at Tel, a bullet in his shoulder was able to stop his hand. But Chris at the moment has just more than two arms.

As Chris tried to get closer, Tel was always using his power to move out of the way.

"Won't you just stay at a place coward...!!" Chris leapt and swung his arms down.

Once again, Tel used his power to swap positions with one of the bodies laying on the ship's ground as Chris's four arms slammed into the dead person's chest.

"Ahhhh....!!!" Chris let out an angry cry as he picked the dead up before swinging it at Tel.

Tel seeing this was not able to dodge as the body slammed into his chest while sending off. Unfortunately for him, he was a lot closer to the ship's edge and the force from that throw was great enough to send him off the ship into the angry ocean.

However, it was at the last moment an air barrier formed behind him and pushed him back into the ship.

"We have a lot to discuss so you better not die on me," the old man from before said to Tel. He was the one that just saved Tel.

Chris seeing that Tel did not fall off the ship, was not planning to give him time to think as he quickly dashed forward.

"Quick we have no time, we need to get that thing to hit me...!" the old man said.

Hearing this an idea popped into Tel's mind. He quickly started to run away from the old man. As he did so, Chris was deviating from his direction to follow him.

That's when Tel suddenly stopped and pointed his guns out. However, he was not planning to shoot at all.

Chris saw the gun being pointed at him and increased his speed, trying so much to reach Tel before the latter pulls the trigger.

Just a meter away from him, Chris with all his might threw out a decisive punch, heading for the chest.

Simultaneously, Tel swapped positions with the old man as Chris fist-slammed into it.


Chris at that moment felt as if he mustered so much strength only to punch a pillow. The figure before him felt soft and also was not reacting to the pain.

Looking closely, it was then he noticed it was the old man and rather than pain, the man has a large grin on his face.

Just then, the man's armour started to glow powering him with strength.

"Shall we continue from where we stopped?" the old man asked.

Before Chris could even react, the old man grabbed his head and slammed it with his.


Blood gushes out of Chris's nose as he falls back. Ignoring the pain, Chris tried to attack back. But before he could strike, the old man was already a step ahead of him.


"Ahhh....!!!" Chris cried out in pain as he leapt up to create a distance away from the old man.

However, Tel quickly swapped positions with him. Chris was perplexed to see himself standing before the old man again.

This time, rather than using his fist, the old man gathered his air ability on his leg and then leapt up before spinning a few times and swinging them down.

Chris was hit on the back. Air power was not doing to do much to him, however, they were only there to boost the old man's speed.

Chris wanted to collapse but his hus extra arms to hold himself on the ground. 'This can't be the end right... Even if I die, I will take one of them with me...!!" Chris thought.

He quickly sprinted towards Tel's direction. "Die...!!!" Chris shouted as he gathered his strength once again.

"You never seem to learn," Tel thought as he swapped once again with the old man.


The fist collided with the armour sending off a range sound. The armour charged up with power as the smile on the man's face grow bigger.

"Hahaha... You were so confident in your power, now look at you...!" the old man said.

Just then, out of the side were many guards as they rushed out with their guns pointed out.

It was only at this moment did Tel and the old man register that the prisoners have been captured once again. That's what they thought. However, unknown to them, all the prisoners were now under matrix control and some of them are now dressed as guards.

"Put your hands up now...!!!" one of the guards said but suddenly was carried away by the wind. Soon, the same fate was being extended to the other guard.

While this was happening, the guards started to shoot at the old man. Unfortunately, with his armour on, the bullets were doing good than bad.

Meanwhile, Chris used this opportunity to move out of the way.

Tel was also engaged in the battle. He was good at firearms and all his bullets were accurate.

However, all of a sudden, he felt the hair on the skin of his head and stood up. It was a cry of his instinct.

Not wanting to know what was happening, Tel quickly swapped positions with one of the guards.

It was a good thing that he decided to trust his instincts because as soon as he swapped positions, some arc of lightning hit the ground where he was standing before...

The unfortunate guard that was swapped with could not be seen as his entire existence have been wiped out.

Another thing Tel noticed was that this was not the only tightening as more could be seen heading towards the old man.

Seeing this, Tel wanted to swap, but he wouldn't dare to take his own life. The lightning was fast, if he was to swap with the old man, then he was not sure he would be to swap again before the lightning hits him.

Because of this, he could only warn the old man.

"Watch out...!!!" he screamed.

Unfortunately, it was too late, the arc where way too fast and before the old man could do anything, he was struck by it.

As the lightning hit the old man, his armour glowed brightly. The glow was too much that everyone in that surround has to close their eyes to avoid blindness.

"Ahhhhh....!!!" a painful scream was heard within the blinding light.


With the last bang sound going off, the light started to fade away and soon, looking at the spot the old man was standing before. He was still there, but it was a headless body of his.

The body now has many burnt scars on its body. The armour was still on his body and if one was to look closely, it was still flickering with power.

The body dropped on the flow and it was then the others could see a grey-haired man standing with some arc of lightning still in his hand.

"Now I am wondering, who will be so stupid to attack my ship on the day of a storm?" Rowling asked looking at both Chris and Tel.

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