
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

No regret 2.

V, Lily and Johnson never got to understand what exactly was going on since the whole drama was playing without them. Starting right after Albert got the beast wave warning and Nate suddenly ran off from the room, they also followed him out, but Nate and his horde members were just too fast and they could not keep up with their speed.

Regardless, they still went to look at what was happening and on arriving, they are yet to be explained what happened and now something that looks like a legendary beast known as a werewolf was glancing at them with red glowing eyes.

Meanwhile, Lyon did not attack out rightly like Nate expected him to do, instead, he was looking around the people surrounding him like he was surprised to see such amount of people, however, those glance has another meaning.

Soon, Lyons gaze crossed to Dike who was still holding onto Hulk and when seeing this, Lyon was about to attack but it was them his eyes caught someone else standing beside Dike and he stopped on his track.

It was a woman with long white hair and she was starting to the floor. Lyons body started to shrink as he revert to his human form and when this was over he sprinted towards the woman while spreading his hand wide attempting to hug her.

"I can't believe it, you are alive, I'm here I won't let any harm befall you again," Lyon started to speak as he hugged the woman tight though he was trying not to use much strength.

The woman seems to be shocked and could only look at Lyon to see tears in his eye. She also felt some sense of familiarity with the young man standing before her but should not help but ask. "Who are you?"

Hearing this, a wide smile appeared on Lyon's lips, "it's me, Lyon, your brother," Lyon's muttered to an extent that only Lynn could hear.

Hearing what Lyon's said, Lynn was shocked, "But... How? What happened, you don't look the same anymore," at this moment, tears were coming out of Lynn's eyes also as she placed her face on Lyon's chest. "I always thought you won't make it, I always wanted to come to look for you but I never had the power," she cried as she also returned the hug.

"Awww! That is so much emotion, if not I'm a..." before Twain could finish what he wanted to say, Levi, kicked him on his shin. "Your stupid mouth with implicate us if you don't learn how to shut it up," she whispered.

Meanwhile, Nate sighed as he looked at the scene. "He choose to forgive after all, that is a great relief anyway," Nate muttered.

"Or maybe not," Bull interrupted as he looked at what Lyon was doing.

Meanwhile, when Lyon heard Lynn's sobbing, the thought of what she might have been through, the agonising pain and trauma she might have been through, and as his mind goes back to all this, his gaze shifted to The person being held by Dike.

Seeing this, even Dike did not dare to stand in his way as he let the man go, however, before Hulk can make a run for it, Lyon appeared in front of him while thrusting his hand out, grabbing Hulk by his throat, Lyon lifted him with one hand.

"I haven't forgotten what you did," Lyon said as his fingernails start to grow and stab into the man's flesh sending a stream of blood rolling down his hand.

"Plea...se...i...beg...youu!" Hulk pleaded as he could tell that Lyon was about to make this moment his last.

Meanwhile, Lily seeing this scene was confused just like V. "What is going on here and why are you wringing the neck of my men?" she couldn't take it anymore and asked, since she arrived, her presence has not been noticed by anyone or they don't care if she is there.

"You call this one of your men! Were you the one that gave him the order to touch my sister!" Lyon shouted at her as he took a step forward but stopped after the squad surrounding him all pointed their guns at him.

"Nate, please do something about this, I must not end like this," V asked Nate for help. Although it seems like they have angered Lyon, it was clear he was the only one angry.

"You know what, I don't want to put myself in his shoes, but you should do so. Imagine seeing your daughter being bullied by a boy of her age not to talk of someone of your age, what will you do?"

V did not know the reason Nate was asking this, but if he was to see such a situation, he won't take it rightly with whoever it is.

"I get your answer, you will not show any kindness, right, that's what is happening here. We all came here intending to help out, but it turns out that one of your men was such a scum to go over to play with a teen girl. Anyway, from the look of it, it seems like this is a family matter and I can't get involved in it," Nate said backing off.

Honestly, he felt like Lyon was wasting time on killing the man.

"Put him down," Lily demanded.

"Or what," Lyon asked as his eye turned red again. All the men behind Lily raised their guns at Lyon.

Bull, Twain, Levi and Dike also took a stance, ready for battle. "What will happen if I don't put him down?" Lyon asked again.

Though Lily was a strong and stubborn woman, she still know when to back off, if she was to give the order for his men to shoot, they will be creating chaos in the base, as if they could do anything to the people they are going against, she has no idea. Though they might be outnumbered, from the reports she got from V, the number doesn't matter to those people.

"Be fas...t," Hulk said in a low voice that was filled with pain.

It was someone who walked up to Lyon. "It's enough, though I might have suffered in his hand, that has nothing to do with the others, they were the ones that saved me as a matter of fact," Lynn said.

Hearing this, Lyon knows she was right, she was saved and was sheltered and also was fed by the base all this while the apocalypse broke out and he still owns the base for that but when thinking about the condition he saw her, he couldn't help but want to slaughter everyone in the base.

After hearing what Lynn said, Lyon's hand start to lose its grip on Hulk's neck till he was eventually freed.

The first thing Hulk did was to take a cool fresh to breathe as he rejoiced from being freed from the hand of death.

"I owe you guys a big thanks for saving my sister and for feeding her, but what happened today, I don't feel sorry for that, I have no regret for doing it, I would have done something worse than this, it even a miracle that none of your men died, but just get one thing into your mind. Your base was so close to being annihilated today," after saying that, Lyon picked his sister up and walked off.

Meanwhile, Lily could only glance at V.

"See what you've caused,"

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