
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Life and Death situation.

Nate and Peter's journey has never been so meaningful in achieving something. It is quite understandable because their lives are at stake at this moment in time. Nate knew that at some point, he would have to face his father, but he never thought that it would be too soon. But even so, he has to do what needs to be done, and that is to put Chris, his father, in a place he would not be able to return from.

Of course, they reported him to the authorities, but Chris would always find a way to escape their clutches, and when he comes back, it is another nightmare for Nate, Peter, and their mother.

But today, after reporting him to the authorities, Nate and Peter have started plotting a plan on how to get rid of Chris. Their mother is inside one of the rooms in the house. Though Nate and his family live in the slums, their father is still a well-known gang leader, which grants them a good life despite living in poverty.

As Chris stepped into the house, he sent the door flying. Chris is just like his son, but he is bulkier and taller than Nate and Peter.

"Where is she?" muttered Chris as he scanned the living room with his eyes. Still not finding a sign of anyone, Chris became irritated.

"Come out, you motherfuckers!" Chris shouted at the top of his lungs. But still, there was no reply.

"I'm so...are...d," Peter muttered in a low tone, shivering with fear. Goosebumps appeared on his skin, and even upon closer inspection, one could see the liquid substance dripping down Peter's pants.

"I know, but we have to do this, now or never," Nate replied in a low tone, also trying not to attract Chris's attention. But the truth is that Nate was also scared. He was mustering up all the willpower in him to stop himself from peeing on his clothes.

"I have had enough of your hide-and-seek game. If you can run, then she can't," Chris shouted out.

Upon hearing this, Nate's eyes narrowed. He knew exactly who Chris was referring to.

"Remember our plans. I will go meet him," Nate said in a low tone to Peter.

"Mon..." Peter let out a sound from his mouth but soon realized the mistake he just made. Peter was a bit naive about a few things, unlike Nate, who had a lot of experience in the ways of the world.

Bang...! Just then, the couch they were hiding behind was lifted.

"There you two are, come to say hi to Papa. And next time, if you want to hide, you should try closing your mouths...fools," Chris sneered.

Nate and Peter's faces paled. With that, Chris tossed the couch aside before stretching out his hand to grab Nate. But Nate slid on the floor, away from him. Chris ended up grabbing Peter instead, who was not able to dodge in time.

A stream of water dripped out from Peter's pants, between his legs.

"I haven't even started yet, and you're already frightened," scoffed Chris.

"Let him go!" Nate shouted at Chris.

"And what if I don't? What will you do?" replied Chris.

No words could come out of Nate's mouth. He, of all people, knew how strong his father was and what he was capable of doing.

"I can see you now have a backbone, but unfortunately for you, I will be breaking it."

Just after saying that, Chris sent Peter flying by waving his arms in the other direction. It seemed like he was just tossing a piece of paper away. Peter was sent crashing into the refrigerator, smashing his back against the cover.


"Too weak," muttered Chris as he turned his face to face Nate, who threw a knife dagger at him.

Chris was caught off guard. He never expected Nate to have the courage to strike first. But Chris quickly swung his hand and deflected the knife. However, right behind the knife was another dagger following.

Chris was unable to deflect the next knife, and it ended up stuck in his eye.

"Ahhhhh...!" Chris let out a shout that rang so loudly, even in Nate's ear.

"This guy is a monster, but now that one of his eyes is blinded, I think I should take advantage of this moment," Nate thought as he scanned Chris's body to find a place he could strike next.

"You fucking son of a bitch! I will kill you once I get my hands on you," Chris's eyes began to blur

Nate ran as fast as his legs could carry him toward Chris to finish him off. But just then, right before he could come any closer, Chris stamped his feet on the ground before kicking off and going directly at Nate.

Although one of his eyes was blinded, he could still hear, and he followed the sound of the footsteps running toward him and the blurry figure that was in his line of sight.

Nate, seeing them, bent backwards and slid under Chris's wide-open leg. Instead of going after Chris, Nate ran in Pete's direction.

"Peter, are you okay?"

Peter was still recovering from the impact after being sent flying by Chris.

"Watch out!"

Peter grabbed Nate as they slid on the floor out of the way of being hit by Chris.


Chris slammed his head into the refrigerator. The poor refrigerator was already bent after colliding with Peter, but with Chris and his inhuman strength, the fridge was knocked into the walls.

"Quickly, give me the axe," Nate demanded, shaking his head and then looking at the place where Chris was standing, trying to get his head out of the fridge.

Lying below him was an axe that was the length of a short sword, two to three inches long. Once again, an opportunity to end Chris once and for all was missed.

Soon, Chris's head was freed from the fridge. He did not waste time pulling the dagger from his eye socket and holding it in his left hand.

Nate and Peter stiffened in their positions as Chris looked at them. Nate threw another knife, but this time, Chris was careful to dodge and avoid the mistake he made previously.

Slowly walking towards the two boys, Chris started to speak.

"You should have done this earlier, and maybe you might have had a chance to win. But, though it has not been made known to the public, there is now a group of evolutionary people. People who are stronger than average human beings, and I am one of them."

On hearing this, it started to make sense to Nate why Chris was still even standing up. And that is because he was no longer a normal human being. One should know that Chris had lost a lot of blood from the eye injury, yet he was walking as if nothing happened. But Chris was not finished yet.

"Everybody can be like them, even you, Peter, can be like me. But too bad for you two, I won't allow that. You two will die first, then before you...."

Right behind Chris, holding an axe and swinging it at Chris, was Kate, Nate and Peter's mother.

The axe was swung at Chris's nape.

"Mom!" Right at this moment, Nate and Peter never expected to be saved by their mother.

Even Chris was also surprised. The last time he checked, the woman standing before him was in critical condition, so how did she get up from her sickbed? But now was not the time for questions.

"It is you who will die first!" Kate shouted and arched the axe to swing it down against Chris, but it was caught by Chris.

"You are sick, not only that, you are weak and slow. How are you intending to kill me?" muttered Chris before he used the knife in his hand to stab Kate's eye.

This time, it went deep into her brain, killing her outright.

Seeing this, Peter could no longer hold himself and acted recklessly. He ran towards Chris and thrust his fist forward, not giving Chris any time to react. But even at that, with the axe in his right hand, Chris swung it at Peter.

It came too fast for Peter to retreat backwards. As the axe hit him on his head side.

"No!" With tears in his eyes, Nate shouted, but it was already too late.

Taking out the last knife from their pocket, Nate ran towards Chris. Just like Peter, he couldn't stand watching and do nothing anymore.

Chris was still holding onto Peter when he also saw Nate coming his way.

"A bunch of idiots," Chris scoffed at Nate and tried to pull out the axe from Peter's head. That was when he saw that Peter was holding tight to his hand, and for some reason, he was losing in the battle of strength against Peter.

"What's this?" Chris was confused, but unfortunately for him, Nate was not going to give him the time to think through what was happening. He swung the knife at Chris diagonally.

Chris had no other choice but to free the axe and send a kick at Peter, sending him flying toward Nate.

Nate, seeing this, could not help but cancel that attack, but it would be the mistake that would end his life.

Just when he was about to react, he saw Chris pick up one of the knives that had been thrown and stab it into his chest.

Nate could not do anything as he watched the knife penetrate his chest and stab his heart.

"I lost, we all lost. Peter, I'm sorry I did not finish the mission," was Nate's last thought as he closed his eyes.

Chris could not help but kneel to catch his breath.

"That was close," he whispered.

"But in your next life, just pray never to have someone like me as your father."

Not too long after Chris exited the house, a light ball came landing on Nate's body, and it glowed with a slight green light.

Soon of Nate's eyes opened the next instant.

Authors note: please support this book by voting, I know I'm still new to this but please support me, and I will not disappoint you.

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