
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Holographic interface.

Nate had nothing to do and his system was offline, this raised irritating anger inside him, as he had gone out to vent it on the poor zombies on the road.

He used his bare hands to kill multiple of the zombies, but he felt like this was not enough, the system was not giving him any rewards for killing zombies anyway, and it wouldn't give him any now that it was offline.

Nate had looked for a means to let out the anger of not having anything to do.

That was when he thought about Lyon, who was busy observing himself in the mirror of the house.

Walking towards him, Nate demanded a spar from him, which the latter lost halfway through the fight.

Instead, Nate decided to train Lyon according to his knowledge. 

He had started by training him on his agility.

Under normal circumstances, Lyon has great agility, one greater than Nate's own.

Nate had come to this conclusion due to what happened when he first spotted Lyon, secretly following them.

He has given Lyon the chase back then, even though he was kind of holding himself back due to Peter's low speed, but he was sure if he had continued to chase after Lyon back then, he would not even be able to catch up to the guy.

So he has decided to train the guy on his stamina. The particular reason for this circumstance was, that even with his high agility, Nate had also found out that Lyon had a low stamina pool.

Maybe this might be because of his condition back then or something else might have been the case. Anyway, what Nate knows for sure is that even with their health of Lyon going back to normal, Lyon still has a low stamina pool.

It was quite understandable after all the latter had been paralyzed for most of his life and just learned how to walk again after going crippled for so many years.

He first started with the basic exercise with some pushups, sit-ups and more.

Later though, he joined him also, with only Peter standing while staring at the two.

It was at this point that Nate got the system message as he excused himself and left the building...

 It was quite surprising to him that Peter did not try to follow him as he would always do..this also brought some questions to Nate's mind.

'It's good that your intelligence has reached this level, at least you know when I need you to follow me or is this because Lyon is here? Whatever the case may be, Nate had thrown it in the back of his mind as he had an interesting case waiting for him.

[System back online]

[Congratulations to the host for changing his system interface]

[One skill has been granted]

[Holographic stick fighter]

One thing that Nate had noticed was that like before when things were being listed in his interface, this time it was like something was projecting a hologram out from the heavens, but on looking up there seemed to be no light coming out from the heavens.

Taking a close look, having found out that it was coming out from his left eye when he closed his left eye, the hologram disappeared that instant.

Opening and closing his left eye a few times, Nate was trying to make sure his judges were right and it turned out to be the case after all.

After that, Nate also noticed the skill on the list.

[Holographic stick fighter]

"This should be interesting no doubt about it...I just can't wait to find out what it could do" Seeing a new skill enlightened Nate's mood from worse to good.

Nate wants to know how the skill works, but he only needs to hit the description icon to get his answers.

[Holographic stick man: This is not an offensive skill or a skill that will summon a group of stick men that would help the host in killing enemies just like the host might be thinking]

[Instead, it would summon a holographic  2D stick that will expose the weak spots of an enemy, this also depends on the type of weapon the host is wielding at that moment]

[Note: This skill only works on beings that are stronger than the host, and this skill can also apply to host horde members that have intelligence above two]

Reading the instructions carefully, Nate was able to get what was being said.

"A stick man that can expose my enemy's weak spots depending on the weapon I'm wielding at that moment" 

"Should I be happy about this, though I understand what is being said here, The question is how much can it expose, and won't this mean making this game boring" 

If only Nate knew what was coming for him at this moment, he wouldn't have said such a thing.

Examples are the "Five Matrix" whose growth is rising at a fast speed, coupled with the fact that he knows nothing about what he might be meeting anytime soon.

But the good thing is that whatever the skill might be, use one or not, what matters most is that Peter also can use the skill which is good news to Nate. Not minding though he knows nothing about the skill.

Though Nate still doesn't find any reason to be happy about gaining the skill, he is still grateful that at least, it still increases the number of skills he has now.


[Horde builder]




[Horde Function keys]

[Horde initiator]

[Holographic stick fighter]

He now has a total of six skills, which is a good thing for him.

Not finding anything to do now, he starts to head towards the house where Lyon and Peter are staying.

Opening the door, what he saw was what he was practically expecting.

Lyon was lying on the ground, breathing hard while Peter just stood there like a statue.

"You won't be like me if you continue like this," Nate said walking into the room...

Snapping out of it that instant, Lyon stood up and continued to do his pushups like Nate never caught him red-handed almost sleeping.

"Knock it out already, I have seen you sleeping," Nate said.

Hearing this, Lyon's hand gave in as he fell lying flat on the floor.

"You, you don't know how pushups feel because you are a zombie that has endless stamina," Lyon complained.

Shocking his head, Nate said in response.

 "I didn't get a muscular body by sitting down," he said.

The truth is that Lyon had said the truth, and Nate knows that also, he even had a muscular body because the former host of the body had been working out and had been attending some fight training class.

Yes, Nate knows how to fight because of the excessive games he has played and some of the fights in the VR games had a strong impact on him.

Nate was about to start the lesson again when he heard a barking of a dog that sounded like a roar.

"You again!" muttered Nate.

From the sudden change of smell in the air, he knows outrightly who was behind the door.

Just then, a 2D hologram stick appeared on his interface.

"This one must be strong for you to summon yourself"


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