
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs


Killing the dog was an easy one for Nate,  never did he expect the fight to end this soon because the last time he had gone head-on with a mutated creature, even with the help of Peter it was kind of hard back then for him to deal with the creature. That's why right now, after toying around with the dog and having the test out his new skill, Nate was surprised at how easy it was for him to kill the dog.

There is also another reason why this is so, and that is either that the blind dog was not as strong as the blood dog or that Nate had passed the level that he needed to be worried about this particular set of evolved animals...

But deep down Nate, he knows that this is not the case here.

It's true though, that he had been leveling up quite a lately, but he could not help but give all the credit to the holographic stick that was still standing before him.

Nate had noticed quite a few things about the skill and one of them is the strange prevision of the stick.

When he was fighting with the blind dog or say toying with the blind dog, Nate had that stick and seemed to know where next the dog would strike and would find a way to form a strike that would be able to put a stop to the dog or even calm its life.

Though Nate was not sure about this theory, he was also looking forward to testing it out on something.

After getting the message that the dog was dead, Nate wanted to check out something that he had always had in mind.

'Just how will you meat taste like'

With that thought in mind, Nate walked to the dead body on the ground and used a knife that he brought out from his pocket, plugged it into the abdomen of the dog and tore out a pound of flesh. The blood on the flesh was already conjuring on the flesh but it was still not solid at least not yet.

Nate could not perceive any sweet aroma that he usually gets when eating flesh. It is what he was expecting, after all, it was not a human in the end, what he wants to know is what would happen if he happened to eat a mutated creature's body, whether he would get any power burst from it or would be losing instead. Whatever it may be, he will find out once he puts that meat in his mouth.

And it eventually happened, he stuffed the meat so fast that he did not want to spit it out in case it had a bad taste like Lyon's blood.

Not long though, he spites it all out that instant.

'Maybe, Lyon's blood is more preferably to this'

'Common... are all mutated creatures taste like this, Can't the universe add some spices in their blood ' 

"Hey! What is taking you so long?" Lyon yelled out from his back.

"Just checking something out!" Nate yelled back.

Having not returned for some time, Lyon was kind of scared of Nate leaving him with only Peter.

Though Nate had told him that with the mark on his body, Peter would never attack him, he still does not feel comfortable with the guy, after seeing how ruthless and heartless Peter could be once given the command to kill, now that he wants to live his life as a king in the apocalypse world, he had made his mind to stay away from Peter, after all, Peter was still a low minded zombie that might lose It at any point of time.

"Just, continue with your training!" Nate suggested as he kept on going through the wide-blind dog's body.

While he was cutting through the body of the dog, Nate's hand touched something that for the first time sent him shivering down his body.

Not in fear, but it was a sense of energy that was coming from the source.

'What was that feeling? It was strong'

Nate wasn't sure of what he felt just then, it was a sensation that had run through his body.

Not knowing what it was, the only way for him to know is by getting the things out himself...

By this time, the dog's body had already stiffened and it would be hard for Nate to start cutting through the body with just a knife. That's why he stood up that instant and grabbed the hammer in his hand and swung it at the spinal cord of the dog.


The sound was clear to Nate but he did not stop as he kept on pounding on the dog till its back was now flat and the thing that just sent shivers down Nate's spine fell out from the dog's back.

"A crystal"

It was a blue Crystal that was shiny with spark, the dog's blood on the crystal could not even for a moment prevent the crystal from sparkling.

Picking them up, Nate could still feel the shivering running throughout his whole body like it was trying to refine some part of his body.

[A mutated beast crystal has been obtained]

[Host has two options on what he can use this crystal to do]

[One: Host can either absorb the crystal to get something in return or maybe use it on one of his horde members]

[Second: Host can use the crystal to create a weapon that will have supernatural power and can give the host some bust when being used]

Seeing this Nate already had a clear picture of a weapon he wanted and that is a sword, but the problem right now is how can he find someone who can make a weapon in the first place, That is why he deleted the thought of making a weapon from the crystal.

The crystal is not surprising to Nate, having played and read some books, of course, knowing that they must be something of this sort, and he was not surprised.

Even at this point, he was kind of regretting why he did not try taking the blood dog crystal back then.

But it was not his fault actually, after all, he was snickely attacked by Kai back then taking his mind off that particular issue.

Even now he was wondering if the crystal might still be intact or if maybe both the crystal and the body of the blood dog were destroyed by the redaction of the meteorite.

'Regardless, I have this one, and I think there is someone I want to use this on"

Thought Nate as he walked back into the house.


In Kai base or to say the base that he is being held.

Another meeting with the redhead man was held with the three scientists standing before them.

"So you said you found a crystal from a dead beast and this crystal you said, has a large amount of energy stored in it," the redhead asked.

"Yes sir!"

It was a strange sight for Kai to see those old folks shouting in the union.

"So what can this energy be used for?" the boss asked.

But none of the scientists said a word as they bent their heads.

"We are still working on that" the one in the front answered...

"No need, I know what they could be used for," Kai said, forcing a smile that he mimicked from Mia.

All eyes were now on him as they were waiting for his answer.

"They are used in making weapons, not just weapons, supernatural ones"

From tomorrow onward, I will be posting two chapters per day.

And don't forget to like it. Add to the library!

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