
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Colossal bone 1.

So far, whitebonez has been a tough opponent for Nate to fight with, he could still remember his first encounter with the zombie and how aggressive and strong it was. This had made Nate fear even the person that was able to create such a creature in the first place.

However, as time went by, Nate have been gathering the experience of fighting a whitebonez, and since then killing one has never been a problem for Nate.

However, the situation now was a lot different from fighting a whitebonez. Not only was he surrounded by five whitebonez, but they all were also at the next level with four snake tentacles on their back.

Regardless, Nate has knew he has to deal with the all one way or another.

When he attempted to go for Ozzie, the whitebonez attacked him. Using the sword, Nate parried it to the side and at the same time, a small blast went off the sword sending the whitebonez flying.

'That was strange ... I am sure this has to be the power of the titan zombie I used in upgrading the sword,' Nate noticed.

While he was attacking the first whitebonez, the others have also attacked, however, the chain daggers also acted.

Stabbing into one of the zombie's bodies was the blood-drain dagger. By the time Nate was done with the other, it was then he noticed the state of the whitebonez.

[Strength +5]

[Agility +5]

[Endurance +5]

Seeing this and also feeling the rise in power within him, Nate slice the whitebonez its endurance was being drained cutting it into different parts.

He swing again at the one its strengths was being drained. The sword didn't go through like before, however, Nate activated something else.

[Blast ]


The whitebonez body exploded into different particles. With that, it remains two more whitebonez, but one of them already has its blood drained entirely from its body and was not moving.

Chunking it away, Nate swung his sword at the last whitebonez killing it with one swing.

Meanwhile, Ozzie has been looking at all this happening in front of him. He just witnessed his strongest zombie being killed in such little time and it was done effortlessly.

"And so what... Lately, I came across an interesting fellow that I experimented on and the results were something great. If you think this is the end of this fight, then think again because it's time you meet my colossal bone!" Ozzie shouted.

It was then something started to light up in Ozzie's head. Looking at it closely, Nate recognized it right away. "EEG," Nate mumbled.

Just then, he could feel the ground rumbling. Nate seeing this knows exactly what to do.

With his speed, he reached out to Ozzie and grabbed his head.

"It's already too late," Ozzie muttered before Nate smashed his head into the ground and crushed it. The EEG device exploded and turned into dust.

Standing there and looking at Ozzie, Nate was having a bad feeling about it all. Laying in front of him was Ozzie's body and Nate know he was dead, but what Nate didn't understand was why hasn't the system pop up with its notification yet.

It was then Nate started to comprehend what Ozzie's last words were. 'That doesn't seem like someone that is about to die and lose everything,' thinking of this, Nate felt the rumbling against but this time, it was stronger than before.

"What is happening outside?" Nate wondered as he picked up Ozzie's body and placed it into inventory and rushed outside.


Meanwhile, outside the arena, the others have just gone through a tough fight that most of their body couldn't comprehend the feeling they are getting from it. Some felt energized while others feel tired.

The most affected by this were those that were used as puppets. The EEG device have pushed them to their very limit multiple times and by now when the entire event was over, they could barely believe that their body as it felt so nub.

Meanwhile, Bull and Mark were going around to see their number of casualties during the fight and just like expected, they have suffered no casualties.

With this, Bull was thinking of gathering some people and going after Nate, but it was at this moment the ground started to shark.

Everyone present looked at each other and then at a particular direction around the mountains where the rumbles were coming from.

The snow on the mountains was scattered around making it harder for them to see what is behind the snow.

Lyon quickly flew up ahead to get a better view of what was happening, using his eagle eyes, he could see something but the thickness of the snow was just too great for him to see clearly.

'What is going on... Is that Nate fighting?' Lyon wondered. With the thought that Nate might be the one fighting, he quickly rushed into the snow.

However, not long after, the other could see Lyon's body shooting out from the snow and he was not in good condition.

Seeing this, Levi quickly summoned her in vain to grab him and bring him close to them.

When that happened, they could now see Lyon's condition. His hand were bent at a strange angle, and his jaw was smashed. Even his eyes were nearly out of his eye socket.

Seeing Lyon in such a bad condition made the other wonder what was in those clouds of snow that were capable of putting him in such a sorrowful condition.

It was then that Nate have arrived outside to see Lyon's condition. 'This is not right,' Nate thought.

"What are you waiting for?" Nate looked at Lynn whose hand was shaking just from seeing Lyon's condition.

With her power, lyons body was soon healed and he was back to normal, but he was still unconscious.

"Everyone should evacuate this area now!" Nate shouted and they started to move.

However, this time, the rumble that came was just too much that everyone lost their balance.

Looking up, Nate could finally see what was behind all this.

On the mountains was a bone-like creature with muscles budging. The creature has four arms with each filled with muscle and bone.

As for its height, the height of a ten-story building might be an underestimation of the creature as it's just too colossal in height to compare.


[A new creature has been created]

[Name = Colossal bone]

[Creature = Ozzie]

[This is a zombie created with the mixture of Chris's blood with 100 Titanic bones, a thousand whitebonez and many more beasts]


[The host and his horde won't be able to kill this creature]

[The host must seek help from his NPC]

Nate couldn't believe it, reading the entire message from the system he know that they can't kill the thing standing before them. It was just too big for them.

With the noise going on, lyon could not afford to be sleeping and he regained his consciousness only to see the creature before him looking down at them.

"So... How do I look in my new body?" the creature asked.


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