
My Younger Brother Had Become My Hero

"You know i'm your sister, don't you? You should've always be seen near me, just don't avoid or go! Because your sister will definitely find you!" "Are you still treating me like a kid? My princess?" Suddenly Selena had trapped in the novel world and even become the antagonist character. Its more getting complicated when she meet her law brother who will be the heroes for main female lead.

putrimaharani12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

chapter 6

Everyone using their own magic and fight the bees, including Maine who also a user of water magic. Selena saw how skilled that girl, she became gloomy behind Alvi's back. Actually what can she produce from her two hands. She complained silently.

Mister Henry continued to multiply the bee in his multiplier style. All the students seemed to be getting tired of avoiding the bees' attack. "What should we do ?! There are so much bees."

"Damn it!"

"As far as I know there are books of various kinds of magic moves in the library."

"Impossible, do we have to see the book first?"

"Itu could be, you over there just get it from the library."

"How could it be in a situation like this!"

The conversations of a handful of students were heard by Nicole, Alvi and Alena

"What if we take the book too?" Nicole asked Alvi.

"But how do you do in a situation like this?" Asked Alvi.

"We give a gap to break through these bees." Said Nicole.

"Okay, now who will take the book to the library?"

If traced according to the storyline of the novel, Alena comes out and looks for books in the library. However Selena won't let it go the way like that.

Selena immediately pointed her hand. "Just me."


"I'll do it. I'm sure I can." Selena said confidently.

"All right, now let's all give Selena a gap to get out."

"Get ready!" Say Nicole.

Alvi took Selena's hand. Nicole created a large hand from the ground and then knocked the bee away, creating a gap for Selena. The girl walked towards the gap, Alena helped emit a long laser light and scorch the bee to form a gap.

Selena followed the gap more and more. Alvi and Clara emit fire and wind blow towards the bees. The exit gap opened more and more. Selena ran through the gap and managed to get out of the crowd of bees.

She ran as far as possible and left them all. Libraries, the goal now is just that.

Arriving at the library, Selena quickly searched the rows of bookshelves. She must not be slow, must hurry to find the magic style book. But where, she found various kinds of books but none of them were books of magic techniques. The book scattered ini floor. Selena was still looking for them. "Hwaaa where should I find it!"

Fifteen minutes later, Alvi were still attacking the bees with several hits. "Where has she been. Its such long time. Doesn't she know we've been curly facing this bee all this time." Said Nicole

"There is a possibility that the book is difficult to find, you cannot immediately find it. I'm sure you will having a hard time looking for it," Replied Alvi.

Nicole smiled contemptuously at Alvi. The spoiled man who always latches on to his beloved sister has always annoyed him, including when he always interrupted his time with Selena long ago.

A bee suddenly entered into Alena's collar, the bee then bit her neck until Alena grimaced in pain. Nicole and Alvi were worried and then approached her. "Are you okay?" Asked Nicole.

"I was stung by a bee, it hurts." Alena said, still holding her nape. She was shaking. Alvi tries to keep throwing the many bees with fire, avoiding the bee attacks from hitting Alena.

At the same time Selena suddenly appeared. She immediately took out a heart-shaped finger towards the crowd of bees. She recited the spell "Serassakhkalemanfera!"

There was no response, the second and third time Selena tried it again. Suddenly the third time her attempt was successful, a circular heart appeared in the eyes of the bees.

Immediately the bees stopped attacking the students and loved them back.

Mister Henry smiled as he applauded and raised a hand Selena. "Everyone, we applaud this girl. Group two has won a hundred points."

Selena was surprised, she laughed awkwardly seeing everyone clapping their hands and welcoming their group's victory.

"Congratulations, sis." Alvi said slightly nudging Selena's shoulder, the girl responded with a chuckle.

Since then, pheromone magic is the most excited. Because it can captivate people's hearts, it is precisely this time that magic is widely practiced by students. The students in class 2B try each other's pheromone magic on the person they are targeting. "Serassakhkalemanfera!" Said a girl while pointing a hand in the shape of a heart towards the male destination. The atmosphere is full of heart-shaped images and he also casts on the girl who just enchanted him.

They try each other until the class gets noisy with their laughter. Many have been hit by that magic. Selena joined in trying it, she pointed her heart-shaped hand towards Nicole and she softly called the spell "Serassakhkalemanfera!"

Nicole shifted, Selena was pushed by someone from behind until the heart-shaped hand was pointing towards Alvi. Selena lost balance and finally fell. Alvi was hit by the pheromone stance, her head dizzy for a moment. "Ouch, wrong target." Selena grumbled.

Alvi saw Selena's face that seemed to glow. His heart was beating badly when he made eye contact with Selena, his face flushed red. What is this feeling. The feeling of not wanting to take her off even for a moment. Alvi walked step by step towards Selena. His heart was beating fast. "Alvi, that was wrong target. It's not that." Said Selena getting scared, she stepped back. "No, Alvi. You don't have to do that to your sister."

She started running, but Alvi intercepted her. Selena continued to step back. Alvi prevented the girl from avoiding. Selena's back touched the wall, unable to avoid it. Her hand was held, gripped made it unable to fight.

Alvi began to intend to kiss her, Selena's face was made red like a boiled apple. Alvi held Selena's hair and kissed her gradually. Selena was unable to neutralize her rending heartbeat. "Sister's hair smells good." Alvi said with a smile

Selena blushing. Her heart rustled. She couldn't take it anymore. Alvi, stop!

Alvi immediately hugged Selena tightly. Selena's face was still red, the feeling in her heart was tingling. She was helpless under Alvi's arm.

Alena and Nicole intend to leave class at the same time. "Where are you going?" Asked Nicole. "Uh, library." Said alena. "Same, can we walk together?"

"Oh, sure. Let's go."

"You are a light magic user huh, rarely I see a light magic user."

"Hehe right, I have a descendant from my mother."

"I heard, light magic can heal the sick huh."

"Yes, some say light magic is close to God, all the miracles that light magic users get is a gift from God."

"I'm curious about light magic. It must be very beautiful, just like the person."

"Eh? What do you mean?" Asked alena.

"Eh, no." Replied Nicole and smile.

"The class was very busy, right?"

"Hehehe I'm kind of funny seeing them open up to each other with their feelings."

"Aren't you in the mood to do something like that to the one you love?"

"Eh hehe how do I do that."

"Or don't tell me, you don't have the person you love?"

"If father and mother are counted as loved ones, don't they?"

"I mean relationships between the opposite sex that aren't family."

"I don't have that person."

"How about me?" He said with a little smile on the corner of his lips.

"No way." Alena shook her head and laughed.

"What's so strange?"

"You and your words."

Maine and two friends who were passing by accidentally saw them. He nudged Alena's shoulder so hard that she almost fell, Alena was held by Nicole. Maine gave a hissing laugh, then walked away with his two friends. Alena looks gloomy "Until I think if I deserve to be happy." Alena muttered. Nicole who heard it immediately tried to catch Maine and ended up grabbing his hand. "Let go!" Shrieked Maine, glaring.

"This is the most appropriate punishment for the person who has taken a beautiful smile off her face." Nicole immediately pushed the girl down and went after Alena.

The two Maine friends shook their heads at Nicole's courage. Maine was immediately angry, she snorted. "Damn! You're disgusting!"

Alena was dumbfounded to see what happened.

" Why are you helping me?"

"They deserve it, because they managed to snatch something special out of my eyes."

Alena was still silent. In a lifetime for the first time she was defended like that, she was very shaken at that time.

Since childhood, Alena has been accustomed to being belittled like that, because of her status that is always associated with ordinary and poor people. There are many people who bully her by throwing Alena into the river, making her lost in the forbidden forest, and making her dirty when she returns home. Alena understood that she shouldn't be closely related to the noble's children.

She also realized the distance that stretched between her who was only a poor people and nobility like them. She really understands where her position is, especially since Maine recently found out that she was in arrears to enter a magical academy school. She shouldn't have attended school here. And what's up with this one man (Nicole), why is he so unwilling to accept their treat to her, even though she deserves to be treated like that.