
My Yin turned Yang! (BL)

Feng Chan is a powerful, intelligent, and beautiful woman from the 21st century, she lives in a futuristic era as a powerful CEO. She is also known as the ice-hearted woman. When in fact Feng Chan is a woman who is quite romantic in her heart, but as she had a position far above the masses, she had to stay serious, strong, and with a distant attitude. Anyway, she had a little secret. She loved reading novels with strong female characters and gallant men. Yes, in her heart she wanted to have an epic romantic adventure with some kind of hero. Who never dreamed of having a love (regardless of gender) that defied gods and demons? Strangely, she didn't like stallion novels, but for some shady reason, she was reading the book "Cruel Times." That counts the journey of Tao Kang the hero of this book, who has to face many financial, educational, and death difficulties to get to the top of power. Of course, like the whole stallion novel, Tao Kang picked flowers everywhere. Beautiful roses from the sects, beautiful lilies of the palaces, and beautiful wildflowers on their adventures across the Hua Continent. What surprised Feng Chan was that the character Tao Kang was not a typical stallion totally straight sexual, but he was BI sexual, he was also attracted to men! Anyway, after a night of drinking to drown her mages, after all, her cousin was going to marry her ex-fiancé. Feng Chan ended up transmigrating into the novel Cruel Times! Not only that, but she transmigrated to the body of young Chu Jiayi who was Tao Kang's first love interest, who showed that the hero liked men too! A pity that for mysterious reasons and unfounded rumors, Chu Jiayi became a small villain who was killed in a very cruel way, moreover, he had his family destroyed and his younger sister joined the hero's harem! Feng Chan just wanted to vomit blood when she realizes her current situation! I'm glad Feng Chan came up with her beloved Karla-03 system for this ancient world, otherwise, she wouldn't know what to do. Chu Jiayi: Hehehe, now that I have my system and I know about the plot, let's look for a way to have a quiet and peaceful life! Of course, Feng Chan, now Chu Jiayi would have to fix the things the original Chu Jiayi had done. Then with meticulous work, Chu Jiayi achieved the goodwill of his half-brothers, the absolute obedience of his younger sister, and the confidence of the elders of the powerful Chu Family. It was still eight years before the hero of this world appeared in the town of Chu Jiayi, so he felt he had plenty of time to prepare. Unfortunately, things have changed. The hero with memories of past life arrived in the town of Chu Jiayi and discovered the hidden secret of his body! Terrible! Terrible! Ehhhh the hero fell in love with me? Do the sacred beasts want to serve me? Are the hero's younger brothers still children? Is the main FL of the harem an ambitious bitch? Was the traitor to the Chu family is my most precious younger brother? Is the main city actually full of prejudice and is long overdue? Hey, author, the plot is wrong! Take care of the younger brother with even more love! Adopt the hero's younger brothers and sisters! I love animals, let's have all the sacred beasts as pets! Let's make a revolution in this ancient city! Let's be rich and fair! Chu Jiayi: I don't like harem men! Tao Kang: All right I'm no longer a harem man! *Throw away the flowers* Chu Jiayi: I don't like being sent around! Tao Kang: All right, so I'll be sent by you! Chu Jiayi: I'm going to be the husband! Tao Kang: All right I'm going to be the wife! Chu Jiayi: So, why am I the one getting this great sword of yours? Tao Kang: Do you want me to receive your sword? Chu Jiayi: *die of shame* Forget... Let's leave it anyway!

Take_the_Moon · LGBT+
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68 Chs

Have the princes come to seduce you?

Oh, he almost forgot that he was also a person who had several wives, and it was very hypocritical of him to be shocked by that.

Of course, in Tao Kang's mind, men having multiple wives was normal, on the contrary, it was abnormal, it could be considered monstrous, not only in Tao Kang's conception but in the conception of the current human society. However, Tao Kang would not verbalize this, he felt that he would end up having a fight with his fiancé if he said that kind of thing.

Of course, he deliberately forgot that Chu Jiayi was also a man, and he might be entitled to a harem himself. Conveniently, Tao Kang also forgot that in his past life, Chu Jiayi had a harem just like himself.

Tao Kang unconsciously thought that his fiancé was not the same Chu Jiayi from his past life, even though he didn't quite imagine something like soul swapping. However, it was as if he couldn't associate past life Chu Jiayi's actions with current life's sweet Chu Jiayi.

Well, he wasn't wrong to feel that way, after all, the soul was different.

Tao Kang wasn't wrong in thinking that Chu Jiayi would be angry. He still had a lot to learn to stop being prejudiced against women, as he is a man from the olden days.

"Probably they are here to win my favor. They think that if I support any of them, it might make it easier for the queen to choose," Chu Jiayi said, shrugging and smiling as if he thought it was funny.

"So they came to seduce you!" said Tao Kang in a voice as cold as the bitterly cold wind that had just passed through the open window. Chu Jiayi looked at him blinking his pretty peach blossom eyes full of innocence.

"I don't have anything to do with it," Chu Jiayi said innocently, which made Tao Kang feel a little angry, but he also found this feigning innocence attitude of his fiancé adorable.

Tao Kang as the old man that he was hugged his fiancé and didn't want to let go, which made Chu Jiayi laugh at the clingy and slightly silly attitude being made by such a wild and tough-looking man.

"Let's ignore them, and we won't see them!" said Tao Kang with a tantrum, even though he was a grown man with two past lives, he couldn't help but feel tense and insecure with three handsome, strong men trying to win favor with his fellow Tao.

"It's not right that they came to seduce me. They may be looking to gain support from other members of my family. Given the fact that as a martial cultivator, I'm also going to travel and maybe take a long trip and not come back," Chu Jiayi said with a sigh, but he didn't fight in his fiancé's embrace, he pressed his face against Tao Kang's chest listening to the accelerated beats from his heart.

"Pei! Pei! Don't say those scary things!" said Tao Kang, who shuddered at the thought that Chu Jiayi might never come back.

"What I mean is, we're not going to be around for long. So, the Devils should make a new contract, but directly with my Chu Family. So, the princes might be here to win over some senior member of my family and not seduce me" said Chu Jiayi, finding it cute that Tao Kang reacting so nervously, his slender hands touched Tao Kang's face to calm his fiancé's fierce temper.

"I still think they came to seduce you..." said Tao Kang, pouting even though he was so big he was behaving like a cranky child.

"It doesn't matter if they came to seduce me. I already have you, so they can only try to win over others" said Chu Jiayi, lightly kissing his fiancé's strong chin.

Tao Kang wanted to argue that there was only Chu Lifen who is still a child and that his other siblings may not be double people. However, he was silent when Chu Jiayi the kiss on the chin, he felt all the irritation fly away, even rational thinking slowed down.

"Okay, so are you going to send the princes to your brothers?" asked Tao Kang, curious how his fiancé would deal with the devil princes.

"Yes, I will send them to my brothers, including the two children," Chu Jiayi said in agreement with Tao Kang. He wanted his brothers to also make good friends with these future kings so that they would have support in case something bad happened while he was away.

"But aren't Chu Lifen and Chu Wang just 10-year-olds?" asked Tao Kang, a little confused.

"This matters? As long as the princes don't do anything shameless, the kids can have fun with them," Chu Jiayi said nonchalantly. After all, it would be nice for Chu Lifen and Chu Wang to meet these powerful and friendly older brothers.

Tao Kang was silent because he was thinking that the devil princes wanted to get allies through marriage and not make simple friendships, after all, was there anything stronger in support than alliance marriage?

However, he was silent, Chu Jiayi probably would have thought of that too, and should have had a countermeasure.

Unfortunately, Chu Jiayi didn't think about it because if the two parties want to get married, he wouldn't interfere with it, as long as it was not the two kids, he'd be happy to send his older brothers to the altar. If the brothers didn't want to get married, the Devil must think of another method, he would never force their brothers' marriage.

Chu Jiayi was very open-minded about it, he didn't think much about the wedding itself, as far as the ceremony is concerned, after all, if people don't like each other afterward they can get divorced, so why bother if the Devil's intention was a political alliance for marriage or simple friendship?

Of course, if Tao Kang knew that Chu Jiayi took the issue of marriage so lightly, he might despair and be shocked by a modern person's thoughts about relationships and marriage.

"Is your body producing pheromones that attract royalty?" asked Tao Kang jokingly as he nuzzled Chu Jiayi's fragrant, slender neck.

Chu Jiayi was tickled and slapped his fists on Tao Kang's shoulders, of course, it didn't cause any pain. He started to fight in Tao Kang's embrace, but that only created more friction between the two men.

"Ah…" Chu Jiayi moaned as Tao Kang sucked on the sensitive part of his neck. The uncontrollable urge once again gripped Chu Jiayi's body, he vaguely thought about how long it would take to cool this urge to be touched by Tao Kang.

"If you don't stop moving, we're going to have to cancel the meeting and get together in bed," said Tao Kang, his voice soft but full of ardent promises.

Chu Jiayi like an obedient little chick stopped moving and just let himself be supported in his fiancé's embrace, he felt a little bit of hurt for being easily taken advantage of, but he couldn't even fight Tao Kang otherwise the two would end up in the sheets an all night long.

Tao Kang chuckled and kissed Chu Jiayi's lips that were pouting indignantly, but he pulled away, and the two walked out of the room together, of course, Tao Kang like a shameless groom he's had his hands entwined with Chu Jiayi, showing that he was the most loved person in the territory.

Chu Jiayi wanted to get away from him, but with such an ardent look from Tao Kang on him, he thought it was best to give in this time, so he wouldn't have to be punished in bed, and be embarrassed the next day would be a wiser option to choose.

Tao Kang wasn't kidding when he asked if Chu Jiayi had a pheromone for royal family men, there was the second prince, Zhao Shinou, and now there were three more Devil princes. Not forgetting that Tao Kang himself is the younger brother of the Jade Emperor in his past life.

That is, until now, Chu Jiayi has only attracted the elite men of this world of martial culture.

Tao Kang was apprehensive in his heart that the beauty of his beloved would bring more annoying birds and butterflies.

Good thing Karla-03 couldn't read minds. Otherwise, she would add some saints and saints from the sects who were also interested in her Host.

Who knows what Tao Kang would think about that?

Hello dear readers!

How are you all today? I hope you are well and healthy too!

Thanks for supporting the novel!

@_@ It is already a fact that Chu Jiayi will always attract birds and butterflies, Tao Kang let him eat vinegar.



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