
My Year With Grandma

(Volume 1 Complete) I have been getting into trouble often over the last year and Mom had hit her breaking point. When faced with the choice between a state-run boarding school for troubled teens or my grandma, Mom chose what she called 'the lesser of the two evils'. Grandma. Did that imply, Grandma was evil? Is that why I hadn't met her before or why Mom never once ever mentioned her? Unfortunately, I was about to find out. A/N. Cover credit goes to: SrdVegaDesigns (Volume 2 - ongoing) Now that you met the mysterious grandmother, let’s take some time to get to know her and how she became the gifted woman she is…

Lyn_Eagleton · Urban
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47 Chs

Company Christmas Party

Every year, Gram hosted a Christmas party for the folks that worked at the farm and everyone in the family helped put it together. Melinda, Nyssa and Grace handled the snack trays, May peeled and cut potatoes and yams, Jimmy Dad prepped the turkey, the prime rib and the ham for baking. Since Gram's arm was in a cast and my mom is a disaster in the kitchen, they watched over the kids in the living room while I helped Alexis and Backus make the pies. Brittany and Josh brought up rolls they made this morning and Gram said some other folks will be bringing side dishes to share. I'm guessing there are going to a lot of people here considering how much food was being prepared.

Josh and Mackerel were in charge of setting up the party room which was really just the big open basement Gram's house had. By the time they were done with it, it looked like a scene from a holiday romance movie, complete with a large, well-decorated tree in the far corner near a storybook fireplace. In the center of the room was a baby grand piano and along the wall was the other instruments I assumed would be played at the party. I was surprised to see a cello, as no one had played one during my time here. Violins and violas, yes. Guitars and bass? Yes. Piano and flute, naturally. Heck, Jimmy even graced us with a harmonica once, but no cellos. My curiosity was quite piqued, to say the least.

Piqued. Now there's a word I never would have used before. It's crazy how much I have learned and changed over this year. My hair has grown to my shoulders, which is the longest I've had it since grade school. I cook, which I never did before. My vocabulary has expanded exponentially. Most of my piercing holes have closed and for the most part, I don't miss them. I've managed to not only catch up but, get ahead in school to the point that I could graduate by the end of next fall semester. And Josh and I have spent a lot of time together lately which has kept my mind off Jude almost completely. I hardly recognize myself anymore and that's okay. I like the new me.

I leaned against the wall of the basement just watching Josh and Mackerel work, lost in a sea of what-ifs. I wondered if everyone who ever fell in love did the same thing. I briefly thought of a younger version of Gram staring at Pops as he worked or May goo-goo eyeing Jams. With the last wreath put in its place, the boys walked in my direction stopping only long enough for Josh to ask me if I liked the set up. The doorbell rand before I could answer. Mackerel looked at his phone. "And so, it begins. Merry Christmas!" he said as he bounded up the stairs.

"You ready for this?" Josh asked.

"I think so. You?"

"Yeah. I've been here for this every year."

"Joooosshh!" A rather shrill, annoyed woman's voice rang out. "Where you at? Come get your son!"

My eyes widened a bit at the woman's words. Was there another Josh she was looking for? No. The panicked look on his face said as much. "Well, shit. I'll explain this later." He said as he trudged up the stairs. Oh, I followed. I had to see this for myself.

"Josh! I ain't got time to wait for your lazy ass. Get in here!"

I followed him into the foyer and found the source of the shrill screeching. A young, brown skinned woman with long, beautiful braids stood there with a boy about two on one hip and her hand on there other. She was gorgeous. And very annoyed. "Hey, Jenessa. What brings you out this far?"

"You need to take your son."

"Okay. But I thought I wasn't supposed to have him until Christmas Eve. That's still six days off."

"Well, you need to take him now. I's got things to do. I gots a job interview on Monday and can't be having a crying little two-year-old punk ass kid messing it up for me." She set the boy down on the floor. "Go to your daddy, Levi." The boy happily complied and ran into Josh's arms. He looked just like Josh, but with a tan. Too stinkin' cute for words.

If looks were deadly, that woman would have dropped dead by the glare Gram was giving her. Not to mention May's disgruntled appearance. Gram went to the door to let Mars in who had scratched at it to be let in. I don't recall her ever doing that before, but Gram didn't seem phased by her odd behavior. The dog walked up to Jenessa, giving her a good sniff before turning her attention to the diaper bag on the floor. "Where's your daughter, Jenessa?" Gram asked sweetly.

"She's going to her daddy's too. If he ever calls me back. Deadbeat anyway." She pulled her phone out of her pocket. "Oh, hold on. There's the jackass now. Where you at?!" She demanded. "Nah. I went by your house three times today. You ain't been there all day and that little ho you got there wouldn't take Tonaiyah… Whatever, I know she's your… Nah. You need to take this little girl of yours. I got places to be this week. I don't care! You're her daddy! What?! Why you going to jai.. You know what? Never mind. I'll figure somethin' out. Whatever." She mashed her finger down on the phone as hard as she could while calling him a few names kids shouldn't hear.

"Why don't you just let her stay with us, Jenessa dear. We have children here close to her age that she can play with and I'm sure she wouldn't mind staying with her little brother." She turned her attention in my direction. "Little Bethany is about her age. Don't you think Bethany would like another little girl to play with, Magpie?" I nodded.

This was the first time Jenessa noticed me standing next to Josh. She narrowed her eyes at me. "You his new ho?" She asked me. "This your new ride Joshy boy?" I felt him tense at her words and I suddenly felt the need to slap her back.

I opened my mouth to say something, but gram beat me to it. "This, my dear. Is my granddaughter and she is nobody's 'ride'. I'll appreciate your kindness in the future."

"Yes, Miss Gram. I'm sorry. I'm just so frustrated with dead beat baby daddies, you know?"

"So, I've gathered. You mention a job interview?"

"Yeah, so my boyfriend, Antonio got me hooked up with a friend of his in Las Vegas. He owns a big hotel that has stage shows and all that. I'm going down to interview to work there. He says the pay is great and I can get benefits. And you know I need those with these kids."

"Vegas, huh? Well, I hope it turns out the way you want it to, dear. Now, about your daughter. She's welcome to stay with us until either you or her father can pick her up. We have plenty of room."

She looked Gram up and down and then scanned the room like she didn't believe the offer. "I'll be back by fourth. I'll go get Tonaiyah out the car." She retreated out of the house to get her daughter.

Gram watched her through the window. "You sure, Mars?" She asked her dog who responded with a simple whine as she watched through the same window. "That's unfortunate." She pulled out her phone and sent a text to someone before Jenessa made it back in the house.

When the woman came back into the house with her daughter, the little girl ran to Josh. She wrapped her little arms around his leg and cried out "Daddy!" She was an adorable little chunk of a girl. Darker than her mother but still considerably lighter than Jams. She her hair up in several little ponytails all tied with pink ribbons to match her sparkly pink boots and unicorn dress. Neither child had a coat on.

"That's ain't your daddy, stupid girl! That's Levi's daddy." Jenessa snapped.

I saw the hair on Gram's neck bristle. "I'm sure she will be fine here, Miss Jenessa. You best be getting on your way. Las Vegas is a long way."

"Yes, Miss Gram. She checked her phone. Our flight leaves in a few hours. Thank you for taking her. She's a little hellion though so, be careful. Come say bye to Mommy." She held her arms out to the kids. They both reluctantly went to her and hugged her goodbye. "Mommy loves you. Be good for Miss Gram. I'll be back soon." She stood and glared at Josh. "Be good to my babies, Josh. I ain't playing." He nodded as he squatted down to their level to pick them up. "Bye, Miss Gram. Thanks again. See y'all on the fourth. Merry Christmas!"

As she pulled her car away from the house, Gram's attention was on Josh. "I hope your ready for what's coming your way."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Why? What do you mean Gramma?"

"She won't be back." She stated a matter-of-factly. "Come on, let's get them settled. Our guest should be arriving anytime now."

I followed Josh to the living room where the other kids were. I had so many questions I wanted to ask him. Like, why he didn't tell me he had a kid. It's not like he didn't have opportunities to tell me. It's not like I would have cared that he had a girlfriend before me. I mean, I have kids so why would I be mad if he had them too? But I wanted to know the story. He saw the questions in my eyes when he finally looked at me. "Do you remember when I told you I used to drink a lot when I was a teenager?" He asked. I did. "Well, Jenessa is the reason I stopped." I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Apparently I drank enough one night that I don't remember what I did. I woke up with her and didn't even know here name. Nine months later she's demanding child support. One paternity test later, my wages are garnished, and I'm tethered to baby mama drama for the next eighteen years. Haven't had a drink since."

"Wow." Was all I could come up with.

"Levi makes it all worth it. He's great. And so is Toni. I adore her."

"Why did she call you Daddy?"

"I'm the only one she's ever known. When I take Levi for my visits, I often take her too. Her real daddy isn't around. She calls him all the time, but he never takes her and that's ultimately a good thing. He's not a good guy. He's got a wife and other kids so, he don't want nothing to do with Toni."

"Are you sorry?"

"Yes. But not about having Levi. Just that I was that careless. You know?"

"Yes. I know. Same for me."


The party was glorious. Just like I had imagined, there were more people than I could count, most of whom I hadn't met yet. I did recognize and visit with Tuna and Josh's parents and sister as well as Mackerel's family, May's family, and Melinda's family; including her husband I hadn't met before. The only people there that weren't employees was Darren and Erin and all their kids. Gram said she wanted the kids to have other kids to play with.

The food was amazing. Darren's family brought a vegetable casserole that was divine. I couldn't tell what was in it, but I learned a long time ago that it was best not to ask because I may not like it. I ate way too much. Prime rib was my favorite meat, but I had to try a little of the turkey and ham as well. Oh, and someone brought lamb. That was good too. I was hoping there would be leftovers so I could try what I didn't have room for tomorrow, but with so many people… Well let's just say the mice will be going hungry.

After dinner we went down to the basement where all the kids played with Gram's dad, who had dressed up as the Grinch and Darren, who had dressed up as an elf. Folks took turns playing the instruments for various Christmas and Gospel songs as the kids danced and jumped around. May's kids played several fun songs for the kids while the adults played older stuff. Josh's little ones, Levi and Toni seemed to be enjoying the festivities but also avoided everyone but Josh and Jams. Gram said it would take a few days for them to come out of their shell. And big parties tend to activate one's anxiety. I can attest to that as I certainly wasn't used to being around this many people. School doesn't count. I was having fun but, wanted to disappear at the same time.

Oh! And the cello? You'll never guess who played that. Well, maybe you would, but I wouldn't have. Gram. Even with a broken arm she managed to play Holy Night on that cello with Jimmy on guitar, Josh on violin, Mackerel on viola and Susan on piano. I was blown away. The kids danced and played until they passed out. My twins got passed around until they too, fell asleep in May and Alexis' arms. Backus sang a few songs, as did Darren and my mom. The night was closed out with Carol of Bells played on the guitars.

When the last of the guests had left, I went to bed. Gram had instructed us to leave the mess for morning. We were all tired and needed to sleep before diving into clean up. Nobody argued with her. I don't know about anyone else but, I was exhausted.