
My Yandere Psychic Girlfriend

After Kishan confesses his crush and is rejected by her, the next day her crush got a boyfriend. The rumors started that whoever confesses to Kishan will be in a relationship the next day. Since that his life changed by drastic means. He thought that now nothing can shock him. But his new neighbor is a Psychic. After few days she started to show her colours. He knew that she is a yandere. What could be more dangerous than yandere + psychic.

MSpider · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Childhood Friends

So last time, exchange students from our sister school came to our school for an exchange program. My exchange partner is a girl named Soha Soni. And from what I can see is Hina is jealous of her (I think).

"I just want to ask that you weren't my partner when I went for the exchange program. It was that guy--"

"During your exchange program, I was sick so I think someone else became your partner."

And with that our conversation ended. Well to say it was awkward for me to have a girl partner. But whenever I look at her face she reminds me of my childhood friend. My curiosity was increasing as time passes. To end my curiosity I asked her.

"Ahh... Soha. I want to... ask that do you have a brother?"

"Yes!..... Do you finally remember us?"

I can't understand what she means by that. But at the same time, Hina was looking at me with a scary look in her eyes.

"Do you know... Dev Soni?"

"Yes! I'm her twin sister. How can you forget me? We played many times together when you lived in Jodhpur. I heard from my parents that you moved to Jaipur after the death of your grandparents."

'What the fuck is going on here? Since when that bastard had a sister, I don't even know about it. Where the fuck did she came from? And when did I played with her?'

My mind was swarming with questions about her existence. I have known him for more than 6 years but I have never seen her.

"Is he is here for the exchange program?"

"Yes! He is in 11-D--"

I got up from my seat and ran towards the 11-D classroom. I had many questions in my mind about her sister. After a while, I entered the 11-D classroom.

The moment I entered the classroom everyone looked at me with an annoying look on their faces like they are pissed of about something. I ignored their hurtful gazes towards me and asked one of the students about the exchange student. Since there was only one student in their class.

The student called out his name. He was in the one corner of the class with his partner.

"What happened? Why are you calling me?"

"Well, someone wants to meet you."

' 'Someone' seriously! Why is he acting like he doesn't know me? Well, I highly doubt there will be someone who doesn't know me.'

"Huh... Who wants to meet me?"

After asking the question he turned around. Seeing his face was making me feel nostalgic. After I left Jodhpur we don't have any form of contact with each other. After some years I got a contact with him on social media. In starting we chatted with each other timely. But after some time he didn't come online. At that time I came to know that he was not the type of person who uses social media, he only started it because of me.

Before I came to Jaipur he was my one and only friend there. I was an introverted person. I just hate to socialize with anyone, in short, I was a loner. And this annoying guy came into my life. He became my first friend. He was the same as me but the difference was that he sucks at making friends.

"Devtaji*, how are you?" (Scarastic)

{He is just messing up his for-friendly reunion.}

"Ohohoh... I am feeling great Kishan Bhagwan*(Scarastic). How are you, bro? (Normal Voice)"

"You knew that I go to this school?"

"Yes! I saw the list of students who came last time for the exchange program."

Talking to him like this makes me feel at ease. But suddenly I remember why I came to meet him.

"Hey, come with me. I have something to ask, come with me--"

I grabbed his hand and took him out to the corridor forcefully.

"What happened bro? Why are you so serious?"

With a serious look on my face, I asked him "Why didn't you tell me that you have such a cute twin sister."

Dev has a dumbfounded expression on his face then it changes to a surprised expression.

"Man, are you high on drugs or what or do you have amnesia. You have met her several times in our school. She has also come to your house many times."

'Huh... huh... what the fuck. Do I seriously forgot her?'

My face went blank at that moment. I go through my every memory but I can't just find her in my memories.

"Hey, do you have a photo of her when I was in Jodhpur?"

"Yeah, I should have one. Wait, I'll get my phone."

He went back to the class to take the phone while I was still thinking, ' Did I actually meet her in the past or my mind is playing tricks on me.'

He came from the class and showed the photo of him and his sister of 6 years ago. What I was actually shocking.

"Man are you sure this your sister? Because from what I can see is she is an exact photocopy of you."

"Yeah, now looking back I can say that puberty hit her harder than me."

'This motherfucker can actually have the guts to say this. How can I differentiate between them?'

After seeing this, I also remember something that sometimes he acted differently. I didn't notice back then but now I remember that it was her sister every time he acted differently.

'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, I have shown her so many embarrassing moments of mine.'

While I was busy thinking about that I have shown her so many embarrassing sides of mine, then Dev look at me with a confused face.

"Do you see Soha as me in past?"

I tilt my head down and avert my gaze.

"Why does Soha has a crush on this moron when he doesn't even see as her as a girl." (Murmur)

'What? Did I hear him correctly? He just said that Soha has a crush on me. Fuck'

I was panicked I heard him. I grabbed his shoulder and asked him "What did you say about Soha has a crush on me. Tell me, man. It's a serious matter."

"She told me not to tell about... well she has a crush on you--"

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, if she dies I can't take responsibility. What I am gonna say to Dev. I left her at the most dangerous place in the world which is beside Hina.'

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to class. Bye"

I ran towards the class at full speed. I was sweating while running and had tension in my mind about the safety of Soha.

'Please be safe Soha till I get there.'

Next Chapter: Yandere Psychic Girlfriend VS Crush


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