
My Worldbuilding

atom_heart_son · Fantasy
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2 Chs

First Creation

Before the winds and the waves and the stars there was a great pile of stones the gods sat upon. They were all things, wise and mad and foolish and vain and childish, all at once. There was no more sense in what they did than a fire in jungle. One day they pulled a nameless people out of the ashy dirt, a people they abused and used, a people pulled in all directions by the gods's madness. These nameless rose up and devoured the flesh of their makers. Scattered their blood to flood the land, brought forth screams that forever rattled the trees, and tossed their souls towards the sky to illuminate the night.

After the first creation Tengri was enraged. The gods he created were weak. They were weak enough to be defeated by the people of their own creation. He focused to destroy one piece of his universe. Those twelve humans who killed their gods joined the fabric of the universe.