
My World Upside Down

In this world, people say that vampires, werewolves and witches exist. That they live among us. But to avoid conflict, they do not cross paths with us. But I suppose my path was supposed to cross another's. In the most beautiful but conflicted way. I can neither run away nor give In. My world has turned upside down.

k_w_2003_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs



Many many years ago, this world of ours was ruled by vampires, werewolves, witches and humans.

They divided their regions, made their own rules and regulations according to their requirements and needs.

Werewolves, witches and humans lived in peace and minded their own business.

But vampires, not so much.

And the reason was their hunger.

They were unstable, couldn't control themselves and invaded other regions to prey on weak beings. This caused huge conflicts and the peace was disturbed.

So it was decided by the werewolves' council.

" We will eliminate each and every vampire to put an end to this problem once and for all. "

They knew they couldn't do it on their own. If a war broke out, they're would be bloodshed and they would lose a lot of their own kind.

And so they decided to make an agreement with the witches, the most reserved beings on earth.

The witches were known to possess magic, to control the elements of the earth, teleport, communicate and right now they were working on attaining immortality.

And this work was continuously getting interrupted by vampires as they always stole their blood resources used for rituals.

" We will help you eliminate them but in return you will give us your blood annually. "

Giving blood once a year wasn't really a big deal and so they shook hands.

When vampires and werewolves faced each other on the battle ground, a lot of blood was shed. But with the protection spells of the witches, they were able to kill vampires without much mortality.

Now that the vampires were gone, peace was established again.

But greed is something no one can run away from.

Greed for power is the worst. And some witches fell a prey to this Greed.

They started making spells to control the weak human minds to do things without their consent, to use them for their own benefit. They tried to control time and space. They wanted to rule the entire earth with their power. And the worst of all they tried to control the sun and moon.

The werewolves were informed of their dangerous intentions. The one they worshipped, the moon goddess was angry with the witches.

And the werewolves were given the duty to stop them.

They set out and reached their hideout where the ritual to control the moon was being performed before the witches completed it.

They attacked them and tore them to pieces.

When this news reached the ears of the other witches, they saw red.

They didn't investigate the reason for why their sisters and brothers were killed and set out to take revenge.

More bloodshed took place. Many lives were taken and humans stood with witches as they were controlled by them.

The worst betrayel was when witches made humans use weapons made of silver, the only lethal thing for werewolves.

As a result, the werewolves were forced to retreat because they didn't want to lose their loved ones and also they did not want to fight with humans who were innocent.

The witches were happy that they would finally rule the earth.

But they forgot one very important thing. Humans are the most two faced beings to ever exist. With time, they had discovered the only weakness of witches.

The moon flower. The very thing that gave power to werewolves was lethal to witches.

The humans who were serving the witches mixed the extract of moon flower in their drinks, and when they witches drank it, they lost all their powers.

The witches became afraid. Despite being the weakest beings physically, humans were strong mentally. They invented weapons, dangerous weapons, and when they discovered the witches' weakness, they began to take over them.

The witches were forced to run away and go into hiding.

With vampires gone, werewolves and witches in hiding, only humans were left and so they began ruling the earth.

They controlled all resources, they had power over all necessities.

The witches and werewolves began thinking of ways by which they could go out in the human world and get the things they needed.

The witches came up with a plan of hiding their status by wearing amulets that hid their birthmarks and powers, in turn displaying them as normal human beings.

The werewolves, on the other hand, could transform in human form only on the night of full moon previously. But when their circumstances changed, they prayed to the moon goddess to bless them.

" We have served you since the beginning of our kind and we will continue to do so with all our might. For our service, please bless us. Do not let us die of hunger. "

And they were blessed.

They were given control of their transformation, whenever they wanted and wherever they wanted.

And today they live among us. They have acquired high positions in human society. They know all the ways of humans so it is impossible to know who is a human, who is a werewolf and who is a witch or wizard.

You never know the person sitting beside you may not even be human.


She blinked once, twice at her teacher's last sentence, then turned her head to look at her friend sitting beside her, who had her head ducked down and shoving the chips in her mouth.

Her gaze then moved behind her, where her other best friend was snoring loudly, with drool sliding from the side of his mouth.

She made a disgusted face before her gaze roamed around the class, where some girls were doing makeup on the last bench. Some boys were throwing paper balls towards the first benchers. A boy was picking his nose.

A boy was watching a movie.

' Nope! Definitely impossible. '

' The things written in this book are definitely myths. These can never be true. I can't believe something that I haven't seen from my own eyes. '

' And to think or believe that someone from my class could be one such creature is impossible. '







' Right. '







' WRONG! How wrong I was. '

' And I only understood this many many months later, when I myself came across such beings, the ones I considered a myth. '

' When I had my back pressed against a tree facing such a beast that I considered a myth. '

' Same height as me. '

' Sharp fierce eyes, boring into mine. '

' Blocking every path of my escape. '

' That's when I realized that my teacher was right. '

' They do live among us. '

' Acting as humans. '

' And it turns out I was connected deeply to one of them? Some of them? '

' Because of which, my very peaceful World was turned Upside Down. '

' And I was bound for eternity. '

' Hi! '

' My name is Elizabeth Ryan.

And this is my story. '
