
My World Traveling System

After my world is flipped upside down, I find myself with a system with the sole ability to allow one to travel the Omniverse...

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

The Game 3

As it can be guessed from the title, YGGDRASIL mainly referred to Norse mythology and had nine separate worlds based on it which were: Asgard, Álfheim, Vanaheim, Niðavellir, Midgard, Jötunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, and Múspellsheim. While each world was a leaf of YGGDRASIL with its particular traits, they were estimated to be two to three times the size of Tokyo. In other words, the whole game was about 27 times bigger than Tokyo

Normally, everyone would appear in Midgard, around the center of the world. one can tell if they are leaving the center of the world when the monsters start becoming stronger. the center of the world was like a safe zone. this was how I knew to go deeper and deeper... well, currently I was locked in battle with a large winged frog.

The frog was at level 69, it was the swamp lord of the region I was at. Once again, Midgard was the weaker of the realm. normally, there wouldn't be monsters above level 80 in Midgard.

The Frog opened its mouth, and from its mouth a sea of flies came flying out, shooting toward me. Being only at level 30 at the moment, this wasn't going to be easy. Ki gathered at my foot, boosting my speed. with great speed, I shot around the Frog while dodging the swamp water which grew out, trying to hit me. but while dodging them, I used them to push me forward, allowing me to quickly reach the frog and use Climax to boost my power.

A red aura exploded off my body, increasing my overall capability by 50%. After, I used all of the buffs I could use, and hit the frog with everything I had, killing the frog with one hit. the frog fell backward, while at the same time behind me, the flies disappeared as they were summons.

Falling to the ground, I turned off the Climax mode and went on to look at the frog which disappeared, revealing the loot that I picked up and put away.

"Well, you killed a monster 39 levels above you. want to see the new Job class that just unlocked" Mai asked while I sat there, sighing softly. I was more of a one-hit type of person, if My one hit didn't land, I had to fall back while using my overwhelming speed to buy time. but I wasn't an undead and didn't have endless stamina, if I ran around enough, I would soon slow down. Undead along with dragons were the only lifeforms with endless stamina

"Show me," I said softly while Mai went on to show me. before me, the job classes appeared. but a new common job class appeared before me, it was called The Mighty Warrior.

"Boss this is an extremely rare job class. it's common because it's only in its lesser stages, but once you level it up to 15, and then meet the condition to unlock the Super Warrior, you would have to level that Up to unlock its final stage, the War God. the war god would give you many things, such as the power to use all weapons, and ride all forms of mounts. you would be a master of all forms of combat but magic." Mai said while my eyes widened

"It's not going to be easy. Super Warrior needs you to kill someone 50 levels above you, while at the War God needs you to defeat someone 75 levels above you. To make things more impressive, I didn't even tell you everything it could give you." Mai said with a smug smile, I smiled slightly at her seeing as she was trying to motivate me, but was it still not too easy for me?

Oh? you ask why was I back in the game. well, Mai was busy working for me outside while I was busy doing this. the job I picked was of course a scientist, I didn't feel like doing anything else. Of course, the job paid good money. 

Anyway, I was now at level 41, I just killed a monster at level 69. I went on to go ahead to learn the Mighty Warrior Job class, before going on to max out my Racial class, giving me the chance to evolve to the next race.

I went on to evolve into a Draco Lizardman. With that, I reached the peak of the Lizardman evolution. I had many skills I could now learn, Draco breath, Draco dash, and the list went on. but most importantly, Now I only needed to do 2 more things before I could become a dragon.

The first thing to do was become a YGGDRASIL Champion. What was that? well, it's something that would be easy for me to get since many players were still trying to figure out the game.

Lastly, I needed to go through rebirth, there were many ways to go through rebirth, so there was nothing to worry about there. 

Well, I should head towards the city and start following the story quest of this world. I didn't need to go far, as there was a teleportation button where one could teleport from city to city, one could even leave marks on places they could teleport to... so, I left and went on to head to the place I spawn in when I entered the game and went towards the center of the game, but I didn't get far until I ran into a lizard man tribe nearby... so I began the game.

Depending on what race you start with, would depend on how you would enter the main storyline. since I was a lizardman, I started in the lizardman tribe, and from there I had to do missions to get the trust of the tribe. they were missions like hunting monsters, finding herbs, finding lost tribesmen, and the list went on.

After I was given missions to kill another player who had joined another tribe. it seems like other players could affect the missions one gets, I of course easily killed him, leading to a war, and me uniting the lizardman tribes nearby. of course, many players tried to join the tribe, but I made so to have a tight hold on everything just in case they had hidden missions.

After doing countless missions, I was finally given a mission to head to the human cities, which were the center of the world. there I was given more information about Midgard, and there I learned about PVP, along with many other stuff. I even learned that the Lizardman tribe leader wanted to use me to take over the city, but I destroyed his dreams. 

After doing many missions, I was finally put on the main storyline about the destruction of the YGGDRASIL. There I was sent on a journey to travel the 9 realms, grow stronger from doing quests, and many other stuff.

I quickly passed the group of players who had made it the furthest doing the main quest, I traveled all over the 9 realms, leveling up while collecting all types of items which I ignored, while instead picking up many unique skills. but even for me, it wasn't going to take a simple day to finish the whole storyline of the game. It took me 2 days. 

Devourer of the Nine Worlds was the final boss monster of the storyline, it was also one of the many world enemies. Remember, anything with the word world in it could break the balance of the game. This boss monster was one of many that broke levels, meaning it could fight parties of level 100 all by itself, forcing all of them to come at it with plans, and even then they would still lose if they made a mistake. 

The world devour was the reason why there were 9 realms. The World Tree YGGDRASIL held countless leaves, each representing whole worlds, which were consumed by this world-eating monstrosity.

To say the least, to fight the world Devourer, I entered the dungeon all alone. and there, I was teleported into a space outside the 9 realm. behind me stood the 9 realms, and in front of me stood the mighty Devourer of the Nine Worlds, a huge dragon the size of mountains, 

'how they'll did they have the data to create this thing?' I thought while I stepped forward, shooting towards the devour of the 9 realm which raised its mountains size palm to crush me.

'Fast...' I thought while using a stealth skill, I disappeared, causing the dragon to hit nothing as I already left the spot it attacked. But this was a world boss and it had means to sense me, the game made sure of it.

The world devour turned towards me, and even though I was invisible, I wasn't shocked, instead, I used the opening I was given to shoot toward its back. the world Devourer would of course not make things so easy for me, its large claw appeared before me, but I used the skill I got from Super Warrior, Super Parry.

So Long as I got the timing right, I could parry any attack with 90% success, of course, the weaker the attack the higher the chances of success. Luck was on my side, as the huge claw was sent backward. Not wasting a second, I shot up the dragon and went towards its back where I went on to start attacking its large wings. 

With a flash, I went on to start attacking its wings, aiming to hinder its movement, but with a flap of its wings, I was almost sent flying backward, but I held on. I was now at level 90, I refused to believe I couldn't kill this thing all by myself.

With a flap of my wings, I withstood the strong winds, and with a roar, my claws glowed as I used Climax, with a huge boost to my strength, I used Rash-type attacks and shot forward, and the wing of the huge dragon was quickly destroyed, and causing the dragon which has taken off into the sky to start falling towards the ground.

I quickly turned off Climax while using a recovery skill to heal myself. Stepping forward, I shot toward the dragon's head, and used Climax once more, to boost my speed. with a flash, I appeared at the head of the dragon. My mouth glowed with Draco flames, which hit the eye of the dragon, causing it to scream in pain.

the scream seemed to be an attack that sent me flying backward, But I used Super Block, I blocked it. Super Block was a skill I learned from Super Warrior, and it gave one the power to block all forms of attacks. It greatly boosts my overall defense capability, making me almost immune to all attacks for a short window. it was a short 3 seconds, and within that time I couldn't take damage. 

With a flash, I shot forward and used Super Attack. A unique skill from Super Warrior, it was a buff that increased the overall attack power and capability of my attack. it even allowed me to ignore the immunity of a target to some degree, although not completely.

The dragon roared in pain as my attack hit, it was again in the eyeball I had hit, a critical attack. I used all of my buffs and Climax, I launched a rain of attacks at that eye, the dragon whose HP was in the thousands began to start dropping quickly, like all boss monsters, this boss monster's HP was far beyond mine. even so, I was only able to get it down by 30% before I was sent flying away, where I went on to quickly use a recovery skill to regain my health while also trying to buy time to regain my stamina, 

'I need to buy 10 minutes...' I thought while looking at how long it would take me to recover my lost MP, and for the cool down of my skills to finish. With a step, I shot off, dodging the World Devourer's enraged attacks, I didn't use up all of my skills, as I had planned to use them so I could survive for this moment, 

"its battle pattern is easy to read," I said while I got used to the World Devourer attack pattern, this allowed me to not have to use my skills so much, shortening the time I needed to recover... no, it wasn't just that. the Blank Physique had increased my overall martial arts capability, allowing me to better react to everything the dragon was throwing at me, putting my reaction speed to best use.

But even so, it was tricky to dodge such a large area of effect attacks it threw at me. This is because the dragon was too large, and all of its attacks were an area of effect attack. the battle was long, it took a total of 2 hours and 28 minutes until the World Devourer was killed

"Wow, you did it... well, you gained 3 new job classes, act like you don't know a fairy is on your shoulder, as the game developer is watching you at the moment." Mai said calmly, although I was stunned, I didn't react while I walked over to the drops that were left behind.

My HP was at 10, and I almost died. but that was okay. I had everything planned out, I read the World Devourer attack capability and skills. Although its most troublesome skill known as The World! was troublesome, I simply had to get out of its range.

Pretty much, the World Devourer had the power to control the world. It allowed it to recover back to full health instantly, recover lost MP, spawn monster, and the list went on. but it could only do one thing peruse. 

but could do anything, it was like it could tap into the game coding, hack it, and do anything it wanted. Luckily, for those enemies it wanted to affect, they had to be nearby. I was caught in its control a few times, forcing me to use Master Block many times to survive being just erased.

Master Block only lasted 1 second, but that one second allowed me to survive it many times, Master Block was gained from The Mighty Warrior. plus, Master Block had a shorter cooldown compared to Super Block. Plus, the World Devourer needed 2.4 seconds to use the World, and at the same time, it needed 5 minutes to be used again. All I needed was to be on high alert and see the clues when the World Devourer was about to use that skill.

"... what type of Data crystal is this?" I said while picking up a huge crystal which was larger than any other crystal that I had found. As one of the fundamental building blocks in YGGDRASIL, these crystals are what make the flexible system of customization in YGGDRASIL possible. Data crystals can be used in customization for all facets of the game, ranging from changing the qualities of locations, crafting NPCs, designing personal weapons, altering player appearances, changing abilities, etc.

"this world is a world item, that could be used to craft another world item," Mai said while my pupils shrank at that. what was a world item? World items are the most powerful items admired and feared by players in the game. Given their rule-bending powers, in addition to the slim chance of finding them, a player who is lucky enough to come into possession of even just one of the World Items could easily shake the game's power balance. They are the "Wild card" or the "Joker card" of YGGDRASIL.

World Items are created by the fallen leaves from YGGDRASIL thanks to the world Devourer. These world items could do many things, one could even delete a player character, while others could have the world developer change something about the game.

The ranking world items went as. Low → Middle → High → Top → Legacy → Relic → Legendary → Divine.

There were 3 other rankings above it, such as Guild Weapons, World Champion Items, and lastly World Items. the more data an item has, the greater its rank. Now I could create an item that could do anything I wanted... I was of course moved, 

Putting away all of the roots remaining, I left while looking at my stats. I had leveled up to level 100, the guy had dropped a lot of loot. Now, I could go on to become a world Champion,