
My World Traveling System

After my world is flipped upside down, I find myself with a system with the sole ability to allow one to travel the Omniverse...

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

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"Now. energy control is the most important thing when building tech. the better you can limit the waste of energy, the more you can get out of it. when electricity is used, some of that energy is wasted, turning into heat, light, and many other things that you don't need. if you can limit this waste, then you could build a rocket that reaches the moon, and back many times over." Standing on a stage, I calmly used my walking cane to point at the screen. in front of me was a bunch of old men taking notes

"Now, let's take this concept into the process of lift-off. how much energy is wasted there? and how can we limit such a thing?" I asked calmly, while looking at everyone, wanting to know if the month of teaching would pay off.

Everyone was quiet, not knowing how to answer this for some time. I looked at everyone before sighing and pushing a button. the screen changed, showing the plans on how energy could be better saved by turning take off.

"As I have been teaching for the past month. Pretty much, take-off is pushing a lot of power down to fly up. this is using force, not skills. These are the plans I have created." I said with a disappointed sigh, I was rushing things. things that should take months, was something I was trying to compress down into a week.

"I-is everything alright?" a senior professor asked seeing me packing my stuff.

"I find it hard to stand here and teach you all... everything is too slow. I shouldn't teach until you all understand what I have already given you all. In the meantime, I will go teach in other subjects. if you need help, just email me" I said calmly, while Franklin helped me carry my stuff while I left. 

"Where are we heading sir?" Franklin asked while following behind me, leaving the group of geniuses lost at my words. 

"I want to start teaching in biology and medicine. with the whole world going over my teaching, maybe in a few weeks, they could fully grasp it." I said while heading towards a door. If a professor goes on to brag that his class was the hardest to pass, that just means he was terrible at being a teacher.

A true teacher can take information, break it down, and explain it to a level that a child can understand. but sometimes, it wasn't like that. To get everyone to catch up to me, it would take years... and I didn't care to wait that long. At that point, I might as well go a million or so years into the future to be around people who were near my intelligence.

"Alex!" A young man with glasses suddenly came running towards me. this young man was an old friend of mine... well, used to be a friend until he also cut me off. well, I didn't see him as anything although he was trying to rebuild the friendship, but what was destroyed was best kept destroyed. 

"What is it?" I asked calmly, the young man sighed seeing how cold I was to him. but he understood that this was kind of his fault for cutting me off without even trying to speak and understand things first.

"your parents, they are here wanting to speak with you... I can tell them to leave if you like." He said softly. it's been a few days since the world was hit with the shock of the video, and I didn't care to know what they were doing in these past few days.

I was quiet for some time, but in the end, I went to go ahead to see them... why? because I wanted to see if there was a part of me that wanted to rekindle our relationship as parents or whatever. I was a genius, and that meant most of the time I saw things from many points of view. Looking at this with my own eyes, I wanted nothing more than to beat them to an inch of their life.

looking at it from their point of view, I understand how that rage could have fogged their minds. I also understood the weight of a woman's words over male words.

acting on emotions is something I had no interest in ever doing, so I headed to see my parents where I found my parents were waiting at the gates. they looked completely different from the last time I saw them. my mother seemed as if she had gone through hell, she was pale and she had gotten extremely skinny. she looked ill.

my father looked a bit better, but the bags under his eyes, and the fact he too looked as if he had lost a good amount of weight showed he went through it as well. upon seeing me, my mother broke down seeing me walking with the cane. the two couldn't look towards me, leading to them looking away from me.

"have the coffee shop be cleared for me," I said calmly, Frankin nodded while pulling out a phone and calling someone. the coffee shop I was talking about belonged to me. so I wanted them to be free of everyone, so I could have a one-on-one moment with them.

My mother wanted to come toward me, but I just signaled toward Frankin who went on to head over to block her. this only caused her to break down realizing that I didn't want her near me, but I ignored her and had them come with me to the coffee shop across the street, where I went on to go take a seat at the table. they went to sit opposite me.

"... we have cut off Adam and Emma. I know this isn't enough for you to forgive us, we don't deserve it." My father said softly as he began to start crying.

"In all of this, I don't blame my little brother for what has happened," I said while taking the cup of tea that was brought over to me, and I went on to take the cup to drink. my words of course stunned my parents, but I didn't allow them to speak as I spoke.

"You two are the key reason all of this happened. going back, you have always treated me as the golden child, leaving Adam with no parental love. I was the only one taking the role of a parent for him, but that was only fueling his resentment and jealousy towards me." I said calmly while looking at the coffee and slowly drinking it.

"All my actions were pointless with parents who get tired and annoyed the second he takes a simple breath. Adam asked to go spend some time with you, you always had that look of annoyance. it's like you were trying to push him into doing this... now that everything is done and over, you cut him off instead of seeing who was the real problem here?" I asked calmly, leaving the two unable to speak or do anything. They wanted to say something to defend themselves, but they couldn't help but recall how they had indeed favored me more than Adam.

"I gave you two a chance, I wanted to see if part of me might want to give this whole relationship a second chance... yet all I want is nothing from you. You gave birth to me, yet you nearly killed me, so we are even... as of this moment, you owe me nothing, and I owe you nothing. I'm dead to you, and you're dead to me." I said while using the walking cane to stand up, leaving them frozen, and crying.

I didn't need to do anything, with them realizing the truth, their life would be worse than death. I had Aesis do a check to see what had happened to my parents the past few days, and I found that my father had lost his job, and the whole family had cut them off after seeing the video. 

I didn't even need to do anything, their actions alone would destroy them. torture them leaving them to the point that death would be better than living, as they would be reliving their actions. I knew they deeply regretted everything, my parents were good people but due to actions that had happened in their past, they were swallowed by rage.

My mother grew up in a rough household where my grandfather abused my grandmother. but after the death of my grandmother, my grandfather tried to force himself on my mother, she managed to escape, but it left her traumatized.

My father grew up also in a rough household where my grandfather from his side was abusive. my dad lived on the street for a good amount of his life, until he put himself together and bettered himself, met my mother, and started a family.

Me forcing myself on Emma and even hitting her just made them think that their fathers were back in their lives. fear, disgust, and so many other complex emotions swallowed them. years of buried trauma just spilled out, but they nearly killed me, and I tried to see if I had a part of me that wanted to forgive them, which was the reason for meeting them... what I could find in myself was not to act to make them suffer.

Entering a Rolls-Royce, I sat down while Frankin went on to drive me towards my mansion. I sat there while looking outside the window.

"Franklin, begin classes for biology and such. Also, I plan to live away from everyone else. and have a house miles away from anyone's eyes for me to take root in. It would be up a mountain or whatever... I also want parts from all over the United States." I said calmly 

"Understood lord," Franklin said softly, starting with the next class, Aesis would be teaching it on my behalf. I will have Stringnites take the form of me, and be controlled by Aesis, while I spend all my time on improving myself.

'Did you do this hoping to see your parents?' Aesis asked, to which I frowned slightly. maybe that was true, maybe not, but I didn't care.

'i'm planning on upgrading you... also, make a list of the best verse I should go to next. the world i'm thinking of going to is DC, I want to see Lucifer. Maybe he and I could work together, he can give me his power and I can help him leave his daddy's all-knowing eyes.' I said calmly, Lucifer from DC had daddy issues, his whole thing is about free will, and having control over his fate.

Lucifer is also the second strongest lifeform in DC, only second to his daddy. Lucifer's willpower was special, so long as Lucifer truly wills something, then it should happen. that was something I wanted to study... and yes, I knew I was thinking of coming into contact with lifeforms light years above my wildest understanding... but my hunger for lust made me want to go there.

'I say we go to Overlord. there we have magic, which comes with reality-warping capability. something you want.' Aesis said, that although the Stringnites would warp reality to some degree, it wasn't as good as I wanted, reality-warping was like being the author, if I had such power would I be playing around acting as a teacher? 

Plus, Overlord was a magic-like world. there was so much stuff there I wanted to study. such as Vampires, Skeletons, dragons, and the list went on. Plus, I still have to do research into souls. Overlord was the perfect world to do such a thing. I wonder if I could recreate souls. I could create a human body down to the last atoms, but what about the soul?

Plus, the Overlord verse was unique as it had NPC that came to life. The story followed a game that was ending, but the MC found himself in a new world with the NPC of the game all coming to life. how was that possible? 

'Good point... but would I be able to match Ainz's levels of intelligence, a man who is so smart that he could plan 1,000 years.' I thought, thinking of Ainz's extreme levels of intelligence, 

'By the way, system... can I lessen the cooldown time of the system?' I asked calmly, I wanted to be able to enter and leave verses more freely, and even stay within a verse for a longer amount of time.

{Of course, the stronger you are, the faster the cool-down time will be. at the same time, the greater the hold you would have in a world, allowing you to stay there longer. So far your strength has not reached a level needed to see any forms of improvements. but if you reach the said milestone, you will see improvements. 

Using your tier list, you need to be tier 8 to reach the first milestone. thats when you would allow you to stay in a world for up to 1 year, and lower the cooldown time to 5 months.}